Maine Cybertruck Owner Sad Everyone Hates His Truck to Not The – 701 points –
Maine Cybertruck Owner Sad Everyone Hates His Truck

Scratching a stranger’s car is never okay.

It is strange and striking that climate change activists have not committed any acts of terrorism. After all, terrorism is for the individual by far the modern world’s most effective form of political action, and climate change is an issue about which people feel just as strongly as about, say, animal rights. This is especially noticeable when you bear in mind the ease of things like blowing up petrol stations, or vandalising SUVs. In cities, SUVs are loathed by everyone except the people who drive them; and in a city the size of London, a few dozen people could in a short space of time make the ownership of these cars effectively impossible, just by running keys down the side of them, at a cost to the owner of several thousand pounds a time. Say fifty people vandalising four cars each every night for a month: six thousand trashed SUVs in a month and the Chelsea tractors would soon be disappearing from our streets. So why don’t these things happen?

Because the law drops the hammer on them BIG time.

Hell, activists use to spike old wood trees marked for clear cutting back in the day. This would cause the saw blades foresters would use to explode in their face,, in fact George Alexander, a millworker, was severely injured when a saw blade shattered after contact with a tree spike and cut his jaw in half.

His name is Jason Alexander, he only played a character named George.

George Alexander would then form a band, drop two hits, then write for other artists away from the limelight.

Oh wait, that's Gregg.

I thought he conquered the eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, the Middle East, and parts of Asia in a remarkably short period of time.

I think it says more about the personalities on each side. ICE loving climate deniers are aggressive by nature.

No, it's more that people who care about climate change are good at long term thinking. There are no cuddly animals to rescue right now, so people who want instant gratification do other things.

People who are good at long term thinking commit fewer types of impulse crimes. Vandalism is an unintelligent way to get your point across. There's nothing inherently wrong with the paint job on the SUV.

I've seen ICE folks run cyclists off of roads. I don't think I've ever seen an EV or cyclist attack a shitwagon.

I dunno man, how ever you measure it I think the ice folks are more aggressive by nature, these are the same coal rolling fucks who like to pollute intentionally as a 'fuck you' to environmentalists.

Maybe environmental movements don't attract the types of people who do this stuff or maybe it's not personal it's impersonal? Big difference between being told in your childhood house of worship that you are going to happy sky place if you die for skydaddy or seeing your uncle dragged off in the night vs. seeing a PowerPoint about climate change. Or maybe it's just a number game. Environmental groups just don't have enough people to get them in the pool.

Not sure.

They probably just wanted to see if it's really bulletproof..

It is if they blatantly block sidewalks like the entitled assholes that they are.

No! Bad DarkThoughts!

You call a tow truck and have the vehicle towed at the owner’s expense.

Oh my sweet summer child. Sidewalk parking is more or less legal in Germany since cars are generally placed above people. It's literally happening everywhere. My entire street is full of people being 1/3 on the sidewalk.

No it's not. You can't park your car on the sidewalk unless explicitly allowed by a sign. If you park on the sidewalk you have to pay a fine, if your car is blocking something you also get a Punkt in Flensburg.

Dude, literally every damn city residential area is like this. No one cares, especially not the Ordnungsamt who should be responsible for it, or politicians. Worst case, they just add some white paint and whoop it is legal, because fuck pedestrians. I don't even know why you try to argue otherwise when it's literally my reality that I have to constantly squeeze myself through between cars and walls because the sidewalk is not even wide enough for two people anymore with all the cars parking on it. Like literally every single time, for decades. And the fatter the cars get each year, the worse it gets too. Even firefighters already complained about this because they often can't even drive through some streets since even the car lane itself is too narrow thanks to the cars, even if they park right against the house walls. But hey, here's Knuschberkeks telling me that I am apparently hallucinating.

Calm down. I didn't say it's not what's happening. Yes it is happening, especially in bigger citys. Yes it is incredibly annoying. But that doesn't mean it's legal. Have you tried to do anything about it?

I said it is "more or less legal", meaning it is defacto legal because no one actually enforces it and rather makes it legal if they had to enforce it.

what happens if you report them?

I don't report, because it's not anonymous. And other people who kept reporting like crazy ended up getting charged for it by the police, so I'd rather not do that. Plus it is typically the case that reports aren't getting followed up upon. Not that it would even make sense to literally report every single car all the way down the entire street anyway. I've seen Ordnungsamt people walk through it, so they very clearly know. Not that it is some secret anyway since again, it's absolutely everywhere. It's the norm. So if they wanted to enforce it, then they could just do it.

I admit I don't know a lot about this type of stuff, but there must be some (probably super involved) way to get this enforced. I mean it is written in law so there must be some way to fight it, but you'd probably have to sue the Ordnungsamt or the city some shit like that.

Cars have such a high priority in people's lives that this wouldn't help much because a court would generally rule in favor of the cars, since a lot of people are basically dependent on them, which somehow justifies having your car park in front of your house. Otherwise we'd have the consequence of having to create dedicated parking spaces everywhere in form of parking garages / houses, which would be away from where people live since the space for that is typically not existent. But hey, you're welcome to try to create some sort of precedence in court. Maybe you can afford some very good lawyer who could pull this through and convince the judge.

In what world is a tow truck going to tow a car for parking on the side walk? They’re gonna tell you to call the cops or parking enforcement and the cops don’t even show up for gun shots

Can't say I agree. For example, if someone hits you with their car? It's ok to scratch it.

Edit: The downvotes on this are fucking unreal, imagine being upset that the person you just mowed over scratched your car. Fuck right off with that bullshit.

For example, if someone hits you with their car? It's ok to scratch it.

Are you 12?

Or do you just see every unfortunate occurrence as personal victimization?

You know, I agree. But also, you can't imagine how much I want to scratch the cars that just park illegally in my neighborhood. They park on the curves and crossings and in such small distances that I literally cannot pass through with my stroller without scratching them. So I end up going around the block(s) further and further away just to pass through some gap of illegally parked cars that's just big enough if I am very careful. But then I end up thinking, wtf. Why do I have to be careful to not scratch their wrongfully parked cars, a private property that they left outside on a place designed and protected by law to be solely for pedestrians, with my private property that should be able to walk this road? And also, why do I not get the same protection if I want to park my bike or stroller outside? Because no one cares if my private property is damaged when it is left outside. If I scratch my stroller on an illegally parked car when I cross the road at the place I am supposed to be crossing somehow I am the one who has to pay damages.

But giving them the finger is

That doesn’t do expensive damage. I am pro-finger.

Edit: come on, “pro-finger”? Nobody’s gonna take that and run with it? I’m disappointed.

On purpose yes, by accident, what can you do

True. I had intentional damage in mind.

Even then, in a “lorry problem” type of scenario, it could be OK. Like, you have a lever and there’s a fascist con-man polluting the world with bad ideas and products, and you could either do nothing or use the lever to go to town on one of those products to send a message to his supporters, I know what I would do

Purposely, yeah, but if I open my door into it, don’t park do fucking close to the line

But what if the person on the other side was parked over the line and I had to leave space to get out and then they left and now I look like I parked like an asshole and then some asshole uses that as an excuse to ding my car.

Drive a normal sized car and that won't happen. Or just you know walk a bit extra. Won't kill you.

That’s just how the cookie crumbles. If you really can’t stomach any dings leave the car in the garage

I am on your side about this. I can't stand the people who need their car to be in perfect appearance and do asshole things to get it that way.

It's a fucking machine that you use to move goods and people from a to b. Not a statement, not a status symbol, not a penis enhancement. Scratches are just battle scars. My civic looks like shit and I don't care.

If you drive a douchemobil, you shouldn't be surprised when people think you're a douche.

Carter tells the paper he has never been a fan of the limelight, somehow forgetting what sort of attention a massive, angular truck would garner him.

Lmao dude bought the fugliest car ever made and didn't think twice about that decision

and later,

He knew the truck would be an eye-catcher in Maine. But he wanted it for its uniqueness.

“It’s so ugly it’s cute. It’s like a French bulldog,” he said. “I don’t think it’s the most attractive car in the world, but it’s different. And I like to be different.”

I think it is more "carter lies in the paper's face that he has never been a fan of the limelight"

You literally don't buy a cyberrustbucket unless you are dying for attention.

Thinking someone is a douche and actively damaging their car are two completely different things. Not cool to damage property like that, just point and laugh or loudly exclaim how that is the ugliest looking car you’ve ever seen and you pity whoever thought it was a good idea to buy one.

People being assholes over it is dumb, but I can't say I would want one. I saw one recently at my local grocery store and I couldn't stop thinking how poorly built it looked. It just seemed like the fit and finish of the body panels was kinda bad. I got an overall feeling like it was something put together by a couple of teenagers in metal shop.

There's one down the street from me. It's a damn eyesore.

Have you tried quitting to the menu and turning up texture detail? Looks like it might be something to do with anti-aliasing. Hopefully will be patched in the next update.

Instructions unclear: now wearing eye patches and can't see anything, task failed successfully

Yeah but then all the NPCs outside wouldnt have lara croft triangle titties

Complain to the HOA.. no junkers on the property or street

Lol we don't have an HOA around here thankfully, otherwise my 50yo camper would have to find a new home

People can be shitty, but I still find it amusing that it's so ugly and stupid it provokes people into a rage.

I think it's because it costs an obscene amount while being something only a moron would buy. So when someone who is struggling to make ends meet sees that an absolute moron has so much cash that they can blow it on something this dumb, they get angry. It's not fair that they work hard just to make ends meet while some failson has $100k to blow on a dumb car. At least a Maserati, Porsche, or Ferrari of similar price looks cool.

Or on the flipside... No one feel this way about hideous AMC cars that have been lovingly restored and maintained. I love those hideous monsters lol.

I find all these comically oversized pickups obnoxious.

The cybertruck is just the latest, most obnoxious model to date.

Isn't that the goal of owning a machine like that? You are trying to provoke a reaction. The car I own was the single most commonly sold sedan the year it was made. I don't want people reacting to me, noticing me, etc. I want to be another person in the crowd.

If you take a shit in front of a camera you can't really be upset that people are commenting on it.

I don’t think it’s the car per se that angers people but the idiocy of lemmings who are destroying the world by supporting people like Trump and Musk and Nick Fuentes. And by buying a Tesla car, that’s what you do, you enable Elon Musk to keep on destroying the world.

One of my neighbors has one. When the ford flex next to it is the better truck in all respects…ya done fucked up

"I don't like attention."

-- Guy that gave multiple interviews about all the attention he is getting.

He doesn't like negative attention and is too dumb to realise that was the only thing that would happen by buying such an obvious "I'm dumb and a dickhead" statement piece.

It's all marketing for his pot shop.

How bad at you at selling weed are you that you need to do this?

He may have paid a coked up publicist to get all this going.

This isn’t what gets me into a dispensary a second time.

Feeling like I can ask a dumbass question, get a coherent answer, and they will have product in stock at the promised price; gets me in the second and subsequent times.

Hypothetically, of course, but no different from the local booze warehouse, really. My loyalty is to the place where I asked someone “I see you’re out of x, what’s similar?” And they a) tapped out because it wasn’t their area of expertise and b) connected me with the person who could provide options and talk about that particular niche ad infinitum.

Don’t be flashy if you run a dispensary, just know your stuff and educate your staff.

be on weedmaps (or whatever your state uses online), have your stock up to date, and most importantly, don't just sell by the 1/8.

Not only did he get an unpopular truck, but he still uses Reddit. This guy is 0-2. What’s next?

He uses Twitter. Probably watches Televised News

Anyone that supports muskrat is an automatic pos in my book. He's an evil degenerate.

I've never liked that nickname, just because muskrats are pretty cool and don't deserve to be brought down to that shithead's level.

You're right it's a disservice to the glorious beings that are muskrats. How about we just call him... sir shitstain nazi mckfuckface?

I bet if you knew this guy you’d realise he’s actually 0 - infinity

I mean is it really a truck?

There needs to be a way to validate if something is a truck.

Like, if you can't put a 2x4 in it, is it a truck? Is an el camino a truck?

IF a cybertruck is a truck, is a Pontiac Aztek a truck?

Per the legal US definition, almost every SUV is a "light truck", including my 1999 Subaru Forester...

And the reason for this is that the "light truck" classification has weaker emissions standards, so they can cheap out on efficiency of the engine which means higher profit margins (and more harmful pollution for us to enjoy inhaling).

iirc, that is bc your Forester is an SUV that uses a truck chassis underneath, whereas the otherwise extremely similar Crosstrek uses the Impreza chassis so is more of a high "car". But that could change over the years and I'm not really a car person so don't quote me or anything!:-P

The Forester up until 2008 was quite literally an Impreza/Legacy chassis that shares identical drivetrain components except for the body. It is unibody, Macpherson strut, symmetrical AWD and as far from a truck as you can get.

His Forrester is built on a Legacy chassis; it's a four door sedan with a little lift and a bigger body shell on top.

Thanks for the correction. I see now, it's a larger car chassis - so as said, that's not a "truck", light or otherwise, at all!?

I did a search and found this article suggesting that it is a historical (hehe, some might say... "legacy", eh?:-P) naming scheme, based on fuel economy:

The U.S. government uses light-duty trucking as a vehicle class for the regulation of fuel economy by enforcing the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards. The light-duty truck class includes pickup trucks, sport utility vehicles (SUVs), vans, and minivans.

Since light-duty trucks are typically used for utility purposes rather than personal use, they have lower standards for fuel economy than cars do.

nope, not a truck in any sense of the word. granted I use it like one, lol, but it is very much a light passenger car chassis.

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I heard the cyber truck called the "Incel Camino" and now I can't think of it any other way.

I mean, the el Camino caught a lot of flak when I was young. I remember my "surfer/ stoner/ slacker/ loser" gen x cousin who was a pool guy used his as a work vehicle and I guarantee that guy was SMASHING with that ride. I'm not saying a cyber truck truck is on that level and but some things take time to catch on.

If you can't fit a sheet of plywood in the bed, I'd call it a waste of time.

There needs to be a way to validate if something is a truck.

Isn't there already legal definitions such as gross vehicle weight? I know there have been some edge cases where people argue cars as trucks to get special truck access for commercial use. Chevy HHR comes to mind with some contractors.

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Isn't getting attention the whole point of buying a expensive car like that for most people? I mean the same goes for expensive sports cars: most people don't get these because they are particularly good drivers - hell, some are even so old they can't even get into those cars properly.

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I saw one in person finally a few weeks ago and just started laughing; it’s even uglier in person! But I wouldn’t intentionally try to damage someone else’s vehicle; that’s even more ridiculous.

Should've bought a Rivian.

Should've bought a bicycle lol, there's no better way to get around town if you ask me.

That depends on where you live lots of places are very unfriendly to bike riders

You don't have to tell me that, I'm an American lol. I still ride anyways but there's a camera rolling every time I ride these days so if someone hits me or attacks me, that's going to become a big problem for them.

I started wearing one after an obese dipshit in a lifted truck started to act like he was going to attack me after cutting me off and calling me homophobic slurs (you know because riding a bike means you love dick I guess). They opened the door and climbed out but then got right back in and took off like a bat out of hell as soon as it was apparent that I wasn't going to run away or cower (probably for the best, I never ride unarmed and can fight reasonably well, plus there's the regular cardio and strength training cycling provides).

As soon as I hopped off my bike, he looked like he was going to shit his pants lol, pretty certain he was expecting me to try and ride away. It's amazing how a camera has almost completely eliminated people doing dumb shit - as soon as they see the camera, they behave. Doesn't help with negligent drivers, but it's still made a huge difference with belligerent drivers.

Anyone reading this that hates cyclists should think hard about this before they decide to try and attack one of us: You don't know who is on that bike or what they are capable of, so fuck with them at your own peril and don't forget that there are cameras everywhere these days, even if you might not notice them.

It's wild that they attack cyclist. I am mostly a pedestrian first as I live in a walkable city, but I was walking my bike to the shop for repairs and there was a dramatic shift in how drivers reacted to me just walking a bike. It's insane how much needless contempt they have for someone on a bike.

It's not super common (at least in my experience) but it still happens way more often than it should.

Hating anything that helps the planet is now the religion of the right. We're talking about people who deliberately mod their trucks to create more harmful emissions.

E-bike. It's more energy efficient than straight biking.

I like my ebike, but I like my bicycle even more. I can't quite place my finger on why, but it's probably because my bicycle is a pretty decent hardtail and my ebike is a cheap drop-shipped folding fatbike that I use more for heavier hauls or recovery days. I'd probably change my opinion if I had something like a Specialized Turbo lol.

I pull my inflatable kayak with a bike trailer and thought about an ebike but then, I also do touring and the places I go to are beyond battery life. For example this weekend I'm cycling 90 km to my camp site and there's no electricity. And I need to get back.

And the second issue with this is that AFAIK there's no fast charging on most ebikes. So if I need to stop somewhere to charge it when the battery will be dead after 75 km, it will take an eternity to charge.

So in the end, for my case, as someone cycling a few thousand kilometres a year, for "longer distances", it's wouldn't be very practical.

You can still pedal without the battery, you just don't get the assist. What do you mean by fast charging? My battery goes from empty to full in 4 hours, and I have a 50 mile range. (80.5 km)

But with a dead battery you have to haul it plis your stuff, which was supposed to be there to make it easier in the first place.

And by fast charge, I mean like an electric car, that can fully cjarge in about 15 to 20 minutes instead of hours.

Wouldn't you still get some benefit once you're going due to regenerative breaking? Though I'm just guessing as to how they are set up, no idea if they even do regenerative breaking.

It's lame and an egregious waste of money. I'll notice you and think "ha, loser". That's the end of it.

Some people gotta take the bad purchase decision of someone else like it's an attack on their chosen identity!

Teslas in general are super ugly but this is an abomination.

IDK, some of their sedans don't really look that bad IMO but this thing is a huge departure from previous designs.

I'm in the minority of people who really like the design, I just wouldn't ever consider buying anything from Tesla.

In a sucker for the low poly aesthetics.

It's sad that literally everything else on this thing is a dumpster fire

Oh, it looks cool, you're not wrong. It's just a shame it's apparently shit.

The aesthetics are nice in my opinion, I wish there were more distinct and unique vehicles out there.

he really should not have bought Twitter that is what I think pissed people off the most

Think he didn’t really have much of a choice given his public comments, and the fact that to lay folks those comments were credible because he has the resources to follow through.

If I posted “BRB, buying Twitter and taking it private,” it would be a joke. But coming from someone who already has a crazy amount of money, positions in companies, etc., and who knows or should know the ins and outs of securities law…

That was an ill fated statement that he should never have made and probably expected to be taken as a joke. Don’t think he expected the Twitter board to take the chance to cash out and call it good, either.

For someone with that level of impaired judgement to be running companies…. Jeez, how do I pull that off? I can rant publicly, I just don’t know the magic incantations that being in billions.

Hope that MFer gets meme stocked, shorted, and pump and dumped. As we’ve seen again and again, it doesn’t take all that much to do those things.

Am abs against the meme stock crowd, they are straight up bad actors, but might be able to do some good here.

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I disagree emphatically re the design, it’s bizarre and foreign to me, but separating “pretty, IMHO” (and design is always in one’s opinion) vs “company is crap” is something not all humans are able to do, and which I respect.

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He should find all the Republicans who can’t get Tinder matches and start a support group.

The thing that really made me dislike it is the trunk has a really sharp close that's just begging for cut someones fingers off

Funny you should mention that

Why an engineer would use a "learning algorithm" rather than just use a "never crush something" is beyond me. So poorly designed.

Lol, they used a "learning algorithm" for something we solved decades ago? The responsible engineer needs to get his degree revoked...

So they progressively increase closing force if it keeps detecting something but the owner keeps trying to close it. I can vaguely see the reasoning only if they aren't confident in the frunk sensor for some reason. I mean garage doors solved this problem forever ago without having to resort to something like that.

I wonder if the "vision-based everything" mandate from Musk applies outside of autonomous driving features? Makes sense to not be confident in it if it's just a camera...

Because Elmo demands that his people redesign the idea of a car from the ground up, just because he wants to prove he's The Most Special Boy. Remember when they were having all those problems with power steering, and they were like, "hey, our company is basically brand new, we're still working out some kinks."

Like, power steering has been solved for a long time now, there's no need to try to reinvent it.

I'm surprised that they haven't released any cars with three, five, or six wheels yet.

This seems like an overblown concern. To prove it, I'm going to make a video putting my finger in the way as it closes and I'm sure it will be fine.. /s

Seems as good a reason as any to post this.

Good luck getting it out of your head, by the way.

I take it you haven't heard about the doors cutting people up? Yeah, that's a thing.

What made me not like it is the damn ugly design. It looks like a joke but they are apparently serious enough to sell them looking like that.

Well, it looks like someone that works in low budget movies had to build it for a scifi flick

I'm certainly not nearly as much of an Elon hater as most of this site, but even I think that thing looks like crap.

Good or crap looking - doesn't matter. It's unique design nonetheless. This is the reason it's getting attention. You walk the street and you see movie like vehicle moving

There's a van in my neighborhood with a manifesto painted on every visible outside surface about how God entered the driver's body. It's a unique design and gets attention. And I would never want to drive it.

From your comment, I know that either:

You have no children who have drawn a picture for you.

  • or -

You do, but they don't know your Lemmy account.

For real the cybertruck belongs in Maddox's section where he judges kid's drawings.

This car is a waste of money. I doubt this is a vehicle that can last 15 to 25 years or whatever the average vehicle expected life span is.

I have never seen one in real life but I'll be honest, this looks pretty cool. I also have seen mbkhd talk about how well this car drives; especially for a truck. I see people rave over cars that to me look like giant toys (I admit I'm not into cars) but this is something straight out of a video game world.

In reality it looks goofy and not menacing at all.

That's disappointing to hear. All of its "wow factor" come from its cyberpunk aesthetics.

What makes it not work imho is that if you see the real thing you immediately realise it’s just a skin shoddily put on a conventional car base. Like a wig, if that makes any sense. The form doesn’t follow from its inner workings so to say, it’s like a costume.

I've seen three in real life now. It's smaller than a Dodge Durango and looks silly from most angles. Low angle camera shots make it look neat though.

I'd be a little surprised if they even lasted 5-10 years without a crazy amount of money spent on keeping it running, they seem to rust or corrode if you so much as look at them wrong (never mind all the engineering/design disasters that went into this ridiculous thing).

Sorry is this the onion or not I am actually confused on this occasion

If both are in Portland maybe it wasn't him but the cyber truck I see somewhat often is always waving out his window to people looking at his truck. I've followed this truck from Portland up to standish before and for him to say he doesn't like attention is absolutely not true...

I can't see anyone who truly dislikes attention buying such an outlandish, hideous parody of a truck.

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I want a cyber minivan. Then I can truly be hated by everyone.

You can already get a plug in hybrid minivan.

Its so uncool but I love it.

I only buy gas every 3 months.

That is still cooler than a CyberMinivan. This thing will be literally hated by all.

To me, minivans are probably the most sensible vehicles out there. Does it comfortably seat 5 to 8 people? Yes. Does it offer lots of space for anything you need to haul from A to B? Yes. Does it have a footprint and gas consumption similar to a regular sedan? Yes.

You know, as much as I think Tesla sucks, I kinda feel bad pissing in someone's cheerios. My Sister-in-law loves hers. She's never had a car she really liked until now. Ima just let her be happy with her car.

"Your sister" spent $120k on that... she spends that kind of money on cars ans has "never had a car she likes"? What a weird and very likely BS statement.

That car is measurably more dangerous for the other cars and pedestrians around it on the road. If she is real, she sucks for buying and driving that thing (and for supporting elon and all his horseshit with the purchase)

she sucks for buying and driving that thing

yeah, keep that gate, buddy, hope you are proud of yourself.

I truly feel happy for her. I once had a hammer, which was the first hammer I really loved. Didn’t use it often but just seeing it in the toolbox gave me a good feeling.

You should look for more reasons to get your hammer out and use it! I hear the OP's sister has a truck that could use a good hammering! Don't let your hammer sit around gathering dust when there's some much joy you could get out of it.

He didn’t say she has a cybertruck, Jesus Christ guys. I have a Tesla model 3 that I fucking love. It’s a great car. Yes, Elon sucks and I now feel like a bit of a chud driving it around, but objectively it is a good vehicle by any measure.

"Good vehicle" is always subjective. It's always going to be an opinion and will always have people who disagree.

Reliable ✔️ Fast ✔️ Cheap to own ✔️ Convenient ✔️

The only thing I’ve done is put new tires on it when necessary. By any measure that’s a good car.

Don't feel bad. If you drove another car you'd still be a chud according to the fuckcars guys.

Oh, a liberal cannabis gentrifier doesn't like that people don't appreciate his marketing scam masquerading as personal transport?

Hold on while I dig out the world's smallest violin for him...

Investing in a license plate from Maine that just says "Event" and driving around at low speeds while smoothly sliding on and taking off my sunglasses was also probably not helpful.

Actually no our polls indicate that helped your numbers

At least they're not setting it on fire like they did when the H2 was released.

Given all the problems they've had so far, the trucks may well end up lighting themselves on fire.

Yeah it sucks to be hated, especially for reasons as stupid as which electric truck you bought. It’s just sad how much hate there is these days.

He bought a car that is so dangerous to other people that it probably wouldn't be allowed in the EU. I think that's a pretty valid reason.

Also the fact that its a waste of resources, the ones here in California are already rusting up worse than some cars that have been sitting since the mid 90s. Seriously I see one over by Joshua tree (technically morango valley) sometimes and over the last month the rust has been creeping up its side. I suspect ones in places like Maine will be rust stains sooner rather than later.

I’d argue owning that car is a hate symbol in itself. You gave a fascist money who’s hard at work helping to end the world

This is getting out of hand. Like it went from a few jokes to straight up bullying and being toxic to people who didn't do anything

Materially supporting a fascist isn’t nothing.

You're posting that from a device that uses resources mined by some of the planets poorest children

Drawing a line somewhere is better than not drawing a line at all.

Seriously, risking charges just to lash out at a billionaire by attacking someone using their product is absolutely crazy. It's unhinged even without the risk of charges, especially of all the things to attack an electric vehicle - do people not remember how we'd dog on the manchildren that did similar things to prius?

Last trump election there was huge push online to make the right as uncivil as possible. It seems like this round its the left because talking to a lot of these people are reminding me of what it was like speaking to the right pre election.

They're intentionally supporting Elon, so yeah they are

My boss just got this truck. Aside from it being severely over priced it's actually very well built and super practical and usable for light and medium light duty. Even some short distance towing.

Although for most people that can afford this thing I doubt there will be any kind of duty being performed by this truck at all.

Yeah, "super practical" seems like very curious way to describe a Cybertruck but glad you and your boss like it I guess.

The "very well built" comment also is a peculiar statement.

There's only 3800 of these delivered so far and there's literally hundreds of posts, pictures and videos of these abominations online showing the shoddy assembly and a flurry of technical issues.

Lol. That's literally every single car ever made.

I once saw a video of a guy crucifying a Toyota Camry. Conversely Ford has the most number of recalls for 2023.

German luxury cars blow out their turbos at 40k miles and are so over engineered that most mechanics don't even want to work on them.

And Chrysler products are pure shit.

I'm pretty sure at this point people just like trashing Tesla just because it's popular.

It's a decent truck... If you just want to hate it because you feel superior juxtaposed to your inability to afford one then I suggest finding a job that will allow you to purchase extravagant things.

It's very practical. It has quite a bit of function built into it. You just don't like it because you want to hate Tesla while it's still popular.

You are hilariously wrong on both counts, but do go on about this ludicrous, overpriced, poorly designed piece of shit being practical.

Tesla did show a lot of promise at first, but Musk has been running it into the ground trying to chase short term profits - it's objectively harmful to the company and their employees.

I think you're just defending it blindly because you're another ridiculous Musk fanboy, it is an objectively shitty truck. You can disagree and argue all you want, but that doesn't change anything - the truck is still an overpriced piece of shit.

I like your use of the word objective.

I have sat in driven and looked at the Cyber truck. I actually have real world objective observation of this car and I can tell you from first-hand experience that it is practical, well made and well designed.

What you are experiencing is subjective emotional responses probably tainted by whatever media you lurk around in.

I'm not arguing with you. I'm not disagreeing with you. I am telling you my experience and interpretation of the car, you are disagreeing with those statements and that is perfectly fine. It's your right not to like it even if you are dead wrong.

I also really like your ad hominem attack on me for being a Musk Fanboy (which I am not). Really sets you apart from the bandwagon.

But do go on blindly pointlessly hating something you know nothing about.

Yeah it's funny the hate they get on here, every single person I know that's been in a tesla on FSD has said it'd brilliant, there are endless videos of people in love with their cybertrucks that show in detail why they like it. But no, 'i saw one go past and could just tell it was low quality'

Personally it's not for me, it's too big and intense even if I could afford it, it's not a disaster though and if people like it then it's good because they're the people that'd probably have a massive ICE truck instead. I honestly think the people hating on it are reaching into cope territory, scratching them because they're desperate to make them fail like they predicted.

It's just another product on the market, people should hype up good alternatives and help them grow if they want to 'fight elon'