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Joined 12 months ago

-Very skilled songwriter. I don't necessarily like all her stuff but I legitimately think she's the best songwriter (meaning, composing music and writing lyrics) of her generation. Probably since Bruce Springsteen or Billy Joel.

-Very attractive and a good performer

-Well connected in the music industry let her get an early start/inside track

-obsessed with being popular. I don't mean that in a negative way, but her primary objective with her music is to please as many people as possible. I think the documentary "Miss Americana" on Netflix explains that very well-at one point she straight up says "I just want people to like me" or something like that. That means her music/career has always focused on mass appeal as opposed to making more... limited-appeal music like most artists do at some point in their career

-she's kept a remarkably clean image even through being famous for close to two decades. It's very telling that the worst thing her haters can say about her is "but her plane uses a lot of carbon!" This means parents let kids listen to her, brands love her as a sponsor, nobody boycotts her, etc.

-one last thing, I think people love her songs because they feel like they're true. Her songs have a very intimate, almost confessional quality that a lot of artists strive for buy often comes off as fake.

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So I sent this article to a friend I have who works in fishery management and she made an important clarification. These fisheries have been removed from the overfishING list. But that does not mean that they are not overfishED. Not overfishing means we are not actively making the problem worse; it does not mean the fisheries are healthy or have recovered. It's still good news though.

...yeah that's not a real photo

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I'm not going to say police in the US are flawless but this is horrific stuff, I've never heard of US police officers molesting and then beating to death an underage girl who was already bound and gagged. And if evidence of such an event were to come out there would absolutely be consequences. Meanwhile in Iran this shit is institutionalized. The documents show the guards straight up admit to everything happening to their superiors, knowing they won't face consequences.

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US intervenes: "this is imperialism! The US only wants Iranian oil. They don't care about brown people"

US does not intervene: "the US doesn't care about brown people!"

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Solar in the deserts still a good idea, but I would like to point out that solar farms don't actually like heat. Makes the panes inefficient and the inverters overheat. Cold and very sunny is the best ("high deserts"), although you don't get that very often.

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I was stunned, and my belief in society is shattered. Gonna give my girlfriend a call so I can feel better. (Crazy story by the way. She texted my number by accident! She's out of my league pretty and she has given me some amazing investment tips. Can't wait to meet her irl!)

It's also just part of a wider internet trend I think. More and more games and social media have them. Developers are getting better and better at hacking people's attention and reward pathways. For Duolingo I think it's fun, because learning a language is a fun and productive thing to do anyways (and despite the hate it has really worked well for me) but for games and things like social media or whatever I just find it annoying.

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Nah the savings came from reduced olives. Olives are expensive, it costs more to buy an olive than to fly it on a plane.

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I think a less heavy-handed way of doing that is, every person can have 1 (one) permanent residence, and all other property you own incurs a much higher property tax. If you're filthy rich and want a couple of houses, fine, but you're gonna get taxed for it. But that will stop speculative house buying, more or less. Of course, this will never happen because states race to the bottom to offer low taxes to attract rich people. Another issue is, what if someone wants to live in a house but can't afford to own it? Renting is the best option for a lot of people. I think that is solvable, but my idea would inevitably take a lot of property off the rental market.

Isn't that exactly what Repubicans did with the election?

-Make a bunch of baseless claims of fraud

-"Look guys we need to do something, trust in the election process is low!"

That's kind of a weird take. Centrists have not always done that (otherwise society would get steadily more conservative century after century) so you can't just wave it away as meaningless. Instead I think liberals need to look at what is driving away centrists. (it's immigration)

Ah yes the old "ban living in rural America" strategy, that will play well. Reliance on cars was a mistake but its too late to just pretend a lot, if not most, Americans need a car to live.

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The US government is absolutely working to destabilize the current Iranian government. They would love to see the people take over the country and restore democracy for a number of geopolitical reasons. Also "left wing compared to an Islamist theocracy" is still pretty conservative, the US isn't scared off by that haha.

No I get that, but this is different honestly. Look up rates of teenage depression/anxiety/suicide attempts, it's a stunning correlation with the advent of smartphones and social media. Millenials got out just in time.

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Look, I agree that Isreal needs to do more to protect Gazan citizens. And to deal with the present situation you need to ignore about 2000 years of history. With that said, when your neighbor is a terrorist group with the EXPLICIT AIM of eradicating the state of Israel, and they launch indiscriminate terrorist attacks on you, and deliberately hide among civilian populations to maximize casualties, what are your options except a land invasion to remove them from power, even though you know there will be civilian deaths?

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Man that's the weirdest thing too... like in what world is Russia remotely communist? They're not even socialist they're just a good old-fashioned fascist dictatorship.

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By early in her career do you mean when she was like 18? I'm not saying she hasn't had a lot of help. But I disagree with the idea that she's just a figurehead. She is listed as a writer for pretty much all her songs, and you can usually tell a Taylor Swift song just by the sound/lyrics, which isnt something i can say for a lot of pop artists. If it was Antonoff the whole time then Bleachers would be more popular (relative to Swift).

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"I would rather be dead than be onstage performing "Satisfaction" at 30" - Mick Jagger

As a human I think the Wikipedia article is correct. I'm not a bot (drinking water right now- bots cannot do this).

Testosterone. I mean as a straight guy I love strong women but like, there is definitely a correlation between testosterone and muscle mass.

That's an interesting thought, but it might be counterproductive. Commercial-scale inverters are usually fan-cooled so I actually think that would make the overheating worse, unless you used liquid cooling and pumped the water underground or something. But that's more trouble than it's worth. The heat isn't that big of a deal, I was just pointing out that heat isn't desirable for a solar farm since the title of the article seemed to be implying that a hot desert was the ideal location for solar.

As to your other question I've seen dc strings run several hundred feet without issue, so that wouldn't be a concern.

Not a native Spanish speaker but I've always loved "otoƱo" (autumn). Such a beautiful word to say.

I feel like a lot people on Lemmy, and people in left-leaning spaces in general, kind of have a blind spot on this one. People get that buying local is good, but not buying American.

It matters where your money goes. People complain about the soullessness of modern American life, and how hard it is to find a good job, and how democracies are backsliding around the globe, and then they buy things from China that are cheaply made and, at most, slightly better value in the long run.

This isn't me trying to be nationalist or xenophobic but whenever anyone (including me because there's no way to completely avoid it nowadays) buys Chinese goods you are supporting a government that is aggressively un-democratic, that actively supports Russia, and also has basically zero labor laws and an absolutely enormous wealth gap between the ruling class and the working class.

And yeah I get a lot of Americans are hurting right now due to inflation but the solution isn't to send money overseas. The best thing you can do for your neighbor is buy union and buy American.

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You know my first motorcycle was a Yamaha V-Star 650. Your question made me double take haha

Mozilla Corporation is technically for-profit, but they are committed to investing all of their profits back into Mozilla Foundation. They have no shareholders. It exists so that Mozilla can make money off of their products and reinvest it, not to make money for its executives.

You seem like a really positive person! :)

I had the same experience: I played DS1 almost completely blind (I'd seen my old roommates playing it years ago so I knew some of the tricks, in a half-remembered sort of way). It was hard, and I got stuck in a few places for a really long time but wow it was extremely rewarding. Anyways I'm not that good at videogames, if you're persistent pretty much anyone can beat dark souls 1 I think

How WOULD you give someone a MRSA infection of the lungs? Inject it into their bloodstream? Aerosolize liquid with the bacteria in it and then discretely waft it towards them in a public place maybe? That's pretty insane though. The risk to reward just isn't there. And besides, what's the point of killing a whistle-blower who's already blown their whistle, except to "send a message" I guess? And the guy died after being hospitalized for 2 weeks so if he had anything left to say he could still have done it. It's Boeing. It's an aerospace company with shitty, greedy executives. It's not the freaking KGB.

I think that is especially true in the United States where sharing cultures is so central to the nation's identity. I think it really comes down to intent. As long as you aren't doing something in a mocking or condescending way, I don't think any reasonable person would be offended.

I know this is a little different due to the power dynamic (America being a powerful country) but people around the world love wearing random American stuff like baseball jerseys or whatever. Saw a lot of it in Europe. Probably theres no profound reason behind it, they just like the style. I think it's cool, I'm not mad that they don't really know who the Texas Rangers are or whatever.

Yeah several times I have tried to play Crusader Kings because conceptually its really cool but I just give up every time because I don't know wtf is going on.

Also this may seem like a weird suggestion but if you like FPS you may like Rainbow Six: Seige. Got over a thousand hours and I'm still cooking up strategies with my gaming buddy. And unlike a true strategy game you can just run and gun when you start out and still have fun and the game will always be balanced because it's pvp and it will adjust your rank accordingly.

Is a species being poached to extinction? If so, it's probably because there's some sort of fertility/virility "medicine" derived from it that Asian men will pay insane money for. -tiger -rhino -civet -pangolon -shark

Yeah I get what you're saying. Here's the thing though, scalping only exists in scenarios where there is a large difference between MSRP and true market value. That doesn't usually happen, and when it does, it's usually for a good reason. Like take concert tickets- most artists don't WANT to sell to the highest bidder, they want all (or at least more) of their fans to have a chance. So, assuming there's a reason for the price gap beyond the manufacturer being dumb, I think it's a scummy thing to do.

So they.... gave him a MRSA lung infection without him noticing? I have never once heard of attempted murder in that way.

Did you read the article? My first thought on reading the headline was "this is extremely suspicious" and most people probably stopped there and went straight to the comment section. But reading the article I see no sign that this was murder.

Was this guy high profile? I'd never heard of him. And he was in the hospital for 2 weeks before dying and nobody seemed to care then. When I read the headline, I was extremely suspicious but the cause of death is just completely incompatible with a hit job.

Sure man, I guess the nets on the sides of the factory buildings are there to catch workers who are jumping with joy because their work is so rewarding.

I don't deny that China's economic ascendancy has been remarkable and a big win against poverty, but now that people have gotten past the starvation phase, I don't think you can use the "high tide raises all boats" analogy. It sounds a lot like tricke-down economics to me, with some hand-waving that things are different in China because the wealthy elites are actually generous patricians.

?? Iran does not have nukes, although they are working towards it

Thats wild I didn't know that was a mainly Irish-American dish. My mother always makes it every St Patrick's day I think it's delicious. Don't tell me that soda bread isn't traditionally Irish either??

They managed to survive the Japanese/Korean car invasions (with some help). They will certainly try with China although it's trickier for a lot of reasons.