
0 Post – 134 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He also called the judge a “bully” and implied that imposing rules, including evidentiary regulations and courtroom behavior, on Trump and his attorneys was evidence of bias.

a bully? amazing how this fascist strongman can be such an absolute bitch all the time too.

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how about the terms 'ethnic cleansing,' 'genocide' ?

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just switched to Linux for the first time this week!

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what a shit hole country.

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I don't know OP, or the OOP, but I read this as criticizing liberals from the left which is something many leftists engage in all the time, I know I do

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"this close, they always look like landscapes; but nope, you're lookin' at balls."

I believe Rudy is also suing him for not paying his legal fees, so that door's been shut - maybe he'll have another press conference in front of a lawn care store to sweat about it.

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is there a greater honor?

I use DuckDuckGo, you can configure it as your default search engine in Firefox.

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it feels like we're on the highway and 60% of drivers are blindfolded and smiling

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maybe actively trapping people in a river full of razor wire wasn't the best idea. this is the state of the republican party; and in a very real way, it always has been.

what's so fun about the bible is that you can find a quote saying just about anything you like, assuming there even was a jesus, he's also quoted in matthew as:

"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."

got a book on Linux from the library this week, and I've been speaking with a friend who runs Linux full time on his system. looking to make the switch within the next few weeks; absolutely done with windows, personally.

you wish fewer people were horrified and outraged over active genocide?

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the fact that Catholicism still exists at the scale it does is mind blowing and frankly horrifying.

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irrational fear over something unverifiable taken to a degree of violent extremism? sounds like a fit to me.

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this is so devastating; it was way too much to hope that all three would be okay.

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though the article doesn't embed a video, it does mention one.
this is the only one I could find, uploaded two days ago: https://youtu.be/ot\_f5b6ucAQ?si=6IRxIDl6baE-l0QZ

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if the military is a Marxist institution, why do they keep expanding the defense budget?

Moody's is just anti-Israel, I bet they use Arabic numerals in their spreadsheets /s

BDS helps, even if just a little.

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dumbest person in the senate, and that is really saying something.

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as a fellow beginner, good on you for eventually solving the problem!

a reason many of them are christians, too.

this dude makes Peter Molyneux look like a self-effacing realist

I've had good luck lately with SubScene, I've only downloaded a few files though, so not a huge sample set

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the state in the article is Minnesota

I tried to scrub through too but had to stop because they are both just so awful
edit: it's about 48 seconds in

her conduct seems plenty christian to me.

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could easily swap "fossil fuels" for animal products here.

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living a vegan lifestyle has never been easier, it's time to be on the right side of this.

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but the forces bombing hospitals, escape routes, and journalists, they aren't terrorists??

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obviously, the solution is to dismantle the industries that cause these conditions, but I imagine you already knew that.

she thinks her fans read?

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well, we shouldn't be eating them either

I'm now being accused of using alts to upvote my own comments, I just wanted to say thanks to all my alts out there for coming through for me, I appreciate you.

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new all-gender bathroom just dropped!

ultimate cry-bullies

of course that's possible, I'm pointing out that the language used in the title of this post doesn't want you to see it that way

they do similarly with book sales

just remember "libel" starts like "library"