Researchers confirm what we already knew: Google results really are getting worse to – 661 points –
Search engine results are getting worse, research confirms

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I use DuckDuckGo, you can configure it as your default search engine in Firefox.

I find myself hitting the same issues with ddg as with Google. The 1st page trys to sell me the thing I want info on

I find google better than ddg the vast majority of the time... and google sucks

You can turn sponsor off in setting or use

I find their ad is much more clearly marked than google.

I use DDG when coding and generally find it to be a bit nicer, but from the article it sounds like they're prone to the same issues. Anecdotally, I have noticed non-code queries do seem to be similarly crap

ETA: You can set it as default in Chrome too, under Settings -> Search Engine

I've turned to for my API documentation needs, which saves me the step of searching at all.