
3 Post – 305 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Canadian-American software developer living in Japan since 2015. Into gardening, DIY, permaculture, etc.

its new policy interpretation will not include proactively removing content related to neo-Nazis and far-right extremism. But Substack will continue to remove any material that includes “credible threats of physical harm

Not even removing nazi publications

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"I'm not racist." is a great statement. "I'm not racist, but" is quickly entering dangerous territory.

"I don't want to yuck your yum." is also a great statement. "I don't want to yuck your yum, but" has the same problem as the above.

That "but" is doing a lot of heavy lifting and contradicting the preceding part.

I'm not racist but buying a bidet toilet seat was one of the better choices I've made.

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I don't think this means you should have shit in/on your pants, though. I'm in my 40s and have am not leaving skidmarks, even with a condition that can make toilet visits more messy/unpleasent. Wait until you're fully finished. Use a bidet if possible. Get more fibre.

No, instead you have to learn to read and spell in a system that often sounds quite different to what is written. I want to read a book that's never been read. I want to live a life alive at a live show. Anything ending in ~ough which has something like 6 or 8 different sounds. I'm a native speaker trying to work with my wife on English (we speak Japanese at home). It's insane for any reading/spelling.

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Focusing purely on the question in the headline, a party usually doesn't put forward other candidates when the president runs for a second term. Incumbents often have certain advantages.

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Exclusives suck for everyone. Especially when Epic started out, they only had payment processors in certain countries. This meant that some people literally had no legal way to play the Epic exclusives. I'm not sure where they stand today, but that annoyed me enough, along with other shenanigans by Epic and Sweeny, that I avoid the whole ecosystem.

Fear of damaging the tomb, as mentioned near the end (archaeology is a destructive process in many cases, and there's always new technology coming that could have told us more if we hadn't disturbed something) is definitely a thing. I also think there's a worry that it's not what they think it is and there will be great disappointment. It's not thought to have been looted in antiquity, but that also doesn't mean it wasn't.

I'm really looking forward to https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/pulls/167 . Maybe I'm just old or something, but the indent is quite slight sometimes and hard for me to see what belongs at which level at certain levels of nesting.

I wish I could contribute, but I've hardly touched anything UI-related in a decade, and likewise haven't worked with newer PHP at all.

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Having been to many a hot spring, yes (but only in my head).

Edit: seriously, though, sitting in an outdoor bath in the mountains as snow slowly falls is one of life's great simple pleasures

Japan here. Both wife and I have many sick coworkers. Nearly all of them were corona positive.

Yeah, seconded. I saw a decent chunk of things in person like I saw on bash.org. People were silly and/or dumb long before friendster, myspace, facebook, etc. and did plenty of shitposting (and just general cringe-y teenage obnoxiousness) on IRC and the like.

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And you thought the USA was a bad place.

I can think that both are bad places to different degrees for different reasons. Particularly when some would like for the US to become more like that.

Continue living in not America. Continue, as an overseas voter, to vote for things I believe in. Do everything I can to get ranked choice to be a thing everywhere and otherwise eliminate the firat-past-the-post bullshit that exists today

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I'll miss his regular content, but dude deserves a break. All the best to him and I hope he continues to make content as he feels comfortable in so doing.

Try not to do that again; it's very bad for the space-time continuum.

Keep an eye on your health. Yearly checkups, bloodwork, etc. as well as paying attention to what you eat and how much you move.

Be thinking about retirement and what you can do/invest to prepare. What this looks like depends heavily upon the country in which you live.

Living will and will if you haven't already.

A "niche" is not a "nitch"

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I hope he gets referred to the police for his bullshit, sits in a cell, and then gets perma-banned from here.

I signed up to an insurance company here in Japan with first.last+something@domain.com and they later changed their rules and I couldn't sign in at all. They told me to open a new account. I didn't want to pay them once let alone twice. Never doing business with them again.

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The app itself has alerts so I'm surprised people are using Twitter to get it's alerts. I don't use Twitter, but I didn't know that was a thing. NERV is the fastest-alerting app I've found on Android for quakes here. Good on them, though, for better use of their money and getting off that hellhole.

As others have mentioned, Twitter is huge in Japan. Almost no small businesses have websites; they market and show availability etc. through Insta, FB, and twitter

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I've been using duckduckgo for the last month and change and I'm not really a fan. Especially for things here in Japan, it can give really wonky results (today I was looking for the closest post office and searched '\ post office'. It gave me a website to get directions, but no indication of where it might be nor, y'know, even the post office's website). Google has gotten continually worse for me, but this was, in most cases, just barely as good or worse.

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I mean, if you change it to "if Bob murdered a guy in cold blood (i.e. not defense, etc.) and no one was looking, did Bob break the law?" The answer to me wouldn't be anything but yes.

Just because the offense is different or you don't agree with it doesn't change that in my eyes. It generally doesn't change it in the eyes of the law, either. Always campaign against laws you think are bullshit. If enough people do, you might be able to do something about it.

Absolutely not. They type, amount, and location of material would not cause this.

About time. My wife was floored by all the weird-colored shit in the US. It's also why some of my childhood guilty pleasure snacks are banned for sale as-is here

Days since last timezone incident: -1

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Can you give us better lists of games that fall into both your good and bad categories?

My hot-take answer was going to be that it's all nostalgia and there haven't really been any good ones (at least that I ever was aware of). Given your edit on nostalgia, maybe it's not nostalgia for an individual game or games, but rather a a time and a style?

As someone who went to the US recently and nearly got taken out by a driver rolling right through the crosswalk only looking to her left, get rid of right turn on red. We survive just fine without it (well, it would technically be a left turn here) in Japan.

I had a mouse where one was vertical and the other horizontal, but I seem to think the horizontal scroll was oriented horizontally. Having googled the mouse in the picture, it says one is programmable and suggests it starts with volume.

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I did, too, until my early 40s when it caused a wicket wicked ear infection. Tiny pieces of cotton, like threads, eventually built up over time. I ended up with a fungal ear infection that had me in pain and dizzy for weeks. I was very close to having my eardrum burst. Never again. It was really hard to break the habit of using qtips, but it's fine now; ears are self-cleaning.

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speaks into the cork

Soon, Cork could no longer ignore those dark whispers, those awful voices. Cork knew what needed to be done, and that only they could do it.

I go to the office a few times a year, mostly for all-hands meetings that are often also parties. Any more than that, and I'm looking for a new job. Recently, the company mentioned something about making the office more enticing. That went over like a lead balloon. There are a lot of other companies in the same city with better pay for in-office and hybrid work, and many of us live 1.5+ hours away.

A 4th dimension is added. All moves must encode time information. The oldest is on the board, but each subsequent move is slightly higher up.

I miss not having social media and news that, at least generally, tried to be actual news and not 'JusT ASkinG QUeStioNs' and disingenuous bullshit. It was a wild ride being on social media almost since its birth, but I think it generally was a huge mistake. Things should have stopped at IRC and UseNet.

Yeah, 建前 and 本音 are definitely a thing to get used to, heh. I agree, specific questions are definitely helpful to answer

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None of the communities I actually need ever migrated here; most people just did not care. I still go to reddit for things relating to Japanese residency topics, finances, etc. as it is the only place I know of. I only visit those subs, though.

There are also people like me who post like one thing a year (though I comment much more).

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As soon as I stop hiccoughing and cut this bough

This headline broke my brain. I know what Spotify is but not "Spotify Wrapped" so I kept reading it like my Spotify had wrapped something but "Place" next to it just would not compute.

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Security in IT here in Japan has largely been an afterthought or security theatre. Passwords stored in plaintext are not uncommon (I've signed up for things and had my password in plaintext sent in email back to me). It seems to be getting better slowly. My current company has a whole security division, which is a nice change.

NDAs prevent me from being too specific, but I worked previously at another company in Japan that refused to hire security staff or even pay for the occasional pen test and audit. I fixed everything I could find on my own, but I highly doubt that there were no other issues left as I'm not a security pro.

Then you have things like https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-46222026 -- the cyber security MP has never used a computer. Even if their job is mostly to appoint the right people and manage that sort of thing, they still are doing a clearly terrible job of it.

It's only a problem in the near term as those of us in middle age are going to face increasing taxes and cuts of social programs to support the older folks. I plan on retiring here (Japan). I agree we're way over-populated here for the resources we have and think it should decline, but it's going to be rough.

I think more remote work or companies moving out of Tokyo could help things as it would make getting into daycare and such easier for families with kids, but I don't see that happening.

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dont care about reliability

I used iPhones for years and switched to Android. I had to factory reset my Pixel 6 pro twice in a matter of months (no side-loaded apps, very few apps in general, and not any weird use cases). That's in addition to the months of issues with BlueTooth (and still some today), the camera overheating quickly (4k video was one of the main reasons I bought it), and more. My wife has used Samsung for years and has also had more issues than I did with iPhone. Same experience with iPad vs Android tablets. I waffle about switching back, but will likely stay with Android at this point. Still, enough BS could push me back the other way.

To me, iPhones/iPads were way reliable than Android has been for me.

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