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Joined 8 months ago

Walks. Walking past trees and other natural objects helps the mind process thoughts and emotions, from what I heard. Maybe even not just natural objects.

It engages everything, I suppose. The body and the mind.

Supposedly helps you get over stuff.

I can't vouch for it myself, but worth giving it a go if it does work. Couldn't hurt. Good luck, friend!

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Ooh, well that's wonderful. It's like some grassroots thing. The inventors of the thing refuse to support it, but the people are adopting it on their own. ✊ I'm happy to hear these "news" (to me)! ❀️

Very good points. πŸ‘Œ

Are we JPEG XL yet?

Wow, I just saw this literally two posts above this one.

Haven't heard of JPEG XL pretty much since it died. And now twice in a few minutes.

Thank you, universe.

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I mean, it's still insignificant enough that it won't matter yet, right?

But that's still good. It's on the right path. Google needs to get their head out of their ass on this one. Still no sign of it years later though.

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"Apple" supports it? Which apps? Not that I care much, I have zero Apple products or devices. πŸ‘

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Completely off-topic: I really enjoy the way you express yourself. Do you write a lot? Your text is just very easily consumable, yet not dumbed-down.

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How in the hell does anyone fβ€” up so bad they get O(n!Β²)? 🀯 That's an insanely quickly-growing graph.

Curious what the purpose of that algorithm would have been. πŸ˜…

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In node, I get the same result in both cases. "[object Object]"

It's calling the toString() method on both of them, which in the array case is the same as calling .join(",") on the array. For an empty array, that results in an empty string added to "[object Object]" at either end in the respective case in the picture.

Not sure how we'd get 0 though. Anybody know an implementation that does that? Browsers do that maybe? Which way is spec compliant? Number([]) is 0, and I think maybe it's in the spec that the algorithm for type coercion includes an initial attempt to convert to Number before falling back to toString()? I dunno, this is all off the top of my head.

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Exactly. For every level of abstraction, the abstractor is the high level and the abstractee is the lower level. Those aren't real words perhaps, but you get what I'm saying. It's all relative along the chain of abstraction.

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So there's yet another level of quirkery to this bullshit then, it seems. πŸ˜† Nice digging! 🀝

I also noticed that if you surround the curlies with parentheses, you get the same again:

> eval('{} + []')
> eval('({}) + []')
'[object Object]'
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And now to make lighter EVs that don't wear on the road so much.

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No justice. πŸ‘Ž Boo, hiss.

[Drops flyers with warning message saying "we will attack soon; flee, those who can!"]

[Attacks the refugee camps, oh and also hospitals]

100% assholes. πŸ‘Œ Equal to or worse than the Russians, I swear to freaking God.

36 more...

Ha. Cause there's no getter. I get it. I think?

6 more...

Now that is some serious privacy invading.

The Palestinians are completely dehumanized by the Israelis. Very sad to see.

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You need to find the natural resonance frequency of the room, or stall, and make that noise. The whole room will be a huge subwoofer.

But all these tips aside, am I the only one to think that it's shameful to be on my phone on the toilet with sound so that others hear? Especially in the workplace? What kind of workplace is this? Median/average age?

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Not noticing this change from the EU... Guess they're too afraid of pulling that shit here?

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Funny but I call bullshit all day

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Could someone explain to me (I'm a developer so use whatever terms you like, maybe), how does the massive amount of podcasts reach the world? Say if I wanted to make a podcast app (I don't, I love Pocket Casts), where would I sync the massive list'o'casts? Does it work like that? Or do you scrape the entire internet? What is happening?

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Left lane... on the highway maybe. In the city it is definitely usable for navigation purposes, getting to the intended destination.

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Of course they are πŸ˜• God, they just have no shame. How will they pay for these war crimes?

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No, not in Europe. People get paid for their work here.

Well that settles it

Gotta respect that double spacing. πŸ‘

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The real title right there

Then she noticed that some girls were jumping off the back of the truck, she said, some alone, others in pairs, holding hands. They ran and hid in the scrub as the truck trundled on. But before Ms. Dauda could jump, she said, one girl raised the alarm, shouting that others were β€œdropping and running.” Their abductors stopped, secured the truck and continued toward what, for Ms. Dauda, would prove a life-changing nine years in captivity. β€œIf she hadn’t shouted that, we would have all escaped,” Ms. Dauda said in a series of interviews

Nine years. NINE. YEARS. Because of some tattle tale? That's a what-if I wouldn't be able to escape, dude.

Are you serious? You can't be compassionate toward people who use a certain browser? It's probably because they don't understand/know/care. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Educate them.

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It's not that we want to communicate with the state of Russia, it is so citizens of Russia can see real and true information from the inside and out.

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Making a joke on a comment like that, on a post like this... 🀨

Even without suddenly becoming single, or a pandemic, or anything, being a parent isn't something that can be explained to someone who hasn't experienced it, IMO. You can use words to explain, that you think are accurate. But it just has to be experienced to fully understand. The fatigue, the change in stress levels, the amount of time you lose. Conceptually not hard to grasp. But the way it feels, different story. "Wow, this is worse/more than I thought."

But given all that, it's also hard to explain that it's all worth it. One of the best things about being a parent right now for me personally, is watching my kids learn everything for the first time, and the wonders of learning, beaming from their eyes. It's such a privilege being the one to have a chance to teach them a bunch of things. Being a role model, being someone with whom they build trust.

Also walking into their room after they've fallen asleep and watching two absolute gigawatt units expend their energy non-stop all day, now completely still (and silent, JFC), and just so peaceful. Their eyes just two lines, rather than two open balls all day. Adorable.

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That is so typically Swedish, to mix up the words "take" and "make" when talking about decisions. You make decisions in English, whereas you take them in Swedish.

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Honestly not the right format for that meme template lol. The monkey should represent one person doing both looks.

Just double checking your awareness that this article talks about the country, not the state.

I mean your comment is probably correct about both, I'm just saying FYI. πŸ˜πŸ‘

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Why would they do that? Talk about generating mistrust.

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MDN ftw, screw stackoverflow.

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Are their egos fragile because they know the people who do the real work are... not them?

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This is my 4-year old's logic.

Me: Come down from there! You need a helmet if you want to climb that high on the snow pile/rock/whatever!

Him: But I am not falling! Look!

Me: πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ No, not yet, but you might!

Him: But I'm not!


Nice! I love watching downloads run in parallel. Addicted to pacman -Syu with parallel downloads enabled. Especially when it's been a while and there are tonnes of updates.