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Joined 7 months ago

And that right there is why we need a sweeping blue victory. Kill off the crazy GOP of today, and let the left split into true left, and more traditional conservatives, or even center.

Like the Green Party itself I look forward to you disappearing after the election. I’m sure your handlers will have you focus on some other pressing topic.

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Found the cryptobro. Neither of your statements are true. Crypto is absolutely a pyramid scheme, and if you took out the quick ability to convert to USD or other fiat currency, it would collapse.

Is this supposed to be some jab at Harris?

Again with the bullshit claim of “executing babies after they are born”. What brain dead Fox viewers actually believe that bullshit (A: a shockingly high number, that’s who)

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And yet notice how these articles are all focused on Taylor Swift. After all, the owners can’t let articles point out their privilege and class disparity.

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Did you expect him to mock a disabled reporter, talk about sharks and batteries, or spend the entire time shit talking other people?

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That’s the Republican way of thinking for sure. “Oh, it didn’t personally impact me? I don’t care.”

You’re a fool if you think Trump would be anything but catastrophic for the world. Naive or a shill.

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First time in history a candidate running for president can’t legally vote for themselves?

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Always “retired” or “former”, showing you what spine they really have.

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Better work harder man, otherwise Putin will send you to the front lines. I’m sure you and your fellow trolls have been working overtime to spin this news negatively. 🌻🌻🌻

Funny how none of the solutions to try and curb illegal immigration fall on the business owners who knowingly hire them. Enact jail time for those business owners, and see how quickly the demand dries up. No coincidence that most of these business owners are Republican. They want a permanent underclass of vulnerable workers they can exploit.

No, but if it’s a new account that just joined to defend Trump and project 2025, then yes, you’re a troll. 🌻🌻

Didn’t Joe Rogan endorse RFK?

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Same here. What a pleasant surprise this whole turnaround has been. I was certainly pesimistic that the Democrats would somehow make the situation even worse, like perhaps bring Clinton back.

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Oh I see, instead they should do what? Vote Trump? Throw away a vote for some random 3rd party candidate that will NEVER win?

Yet another infestation of naive or disinformation agents on Lemmy.

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I feel like Lemmy has WAY more crazy political views, like extreme leftist and BoTh SiDeS people. That’s probably more of a symptom of Russian propoganda across the wider Internet that wasn’t as prevalent 10+ years ago.

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Simple. Let them get government handouts, by being nationalized.

That’s $1.5M. Eternal grifting.

I love the disclaimer of “The images shown are for illustration purposes only….” Meaning the final product will probably look 1000x worse.

Working on distracting from actual high speed rail projects.

Exactly. These “jokes” are like a kid “joking” that they want another piece of cake. If you say no, it’s “I was only kidding”, but if you say yes, they’ll eat that cake.

Fuck anyone who complains about the “Democrats not getting anything done” when these literal obstructionist GOP politicians have blocked any progress. Absolutely need a complete Blue wave for President, House, and Senate to get actual progress done.

It’s not a “could spy”, it’s a definitely spies. Yes, it sucks that we don’t have broader social media reforms and controls in place, but allowing a foreign hostile government this much direct access to US citizens is a bridge too far.

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And yet I’m sure the AIPAC would be totally ok with photo edits of Jewish candidates being stereotyped, right? It’s not like nobody has ever done that before.

What absolute hypocrites.

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Unfortunately, you would still be a blue dot in a sea of red backwater thinking, human rights limiting, crazy religious, and racist people that make up Texas as a whole.

Every time I hear these arguments, I remember the analogy with cancer treatment and it makes it so clear what a terrible position it is to oppose this for others.

Imagine if a cancer cure came out today and then making the argument of “that’s not fair, my mom had cancer and she suffered and died last year, how come your mom can get a cure?”

Snatch. Such an absolutely quotable movie with interesting characters, and the great mix of storylines that Guy Ritchie films are know for. The dialogue is just phenomenal!

Apple Maps sure had a rough start back in the day, but I will always use that over Google/Waze. It’s just so much better now and no worries about this type of junk.

bOtH sIdEs

All I know is that the Democrats and Biden are trying to push school debt forgiveness to larger groups, and it’s the GOP who consistently blocks it. I didn’t see any GOP pushback for welfare.. err PPP “loans” to businesses though

I’m sure the fact that nothing has changed with the US attitude towards gun violence, mental health, and even to some extent bullying, lends itself to prolonged trauma.

I mean, after Sandy Hook happened and nothing substantial changed… yeah, it’s a cancer in this country.

Oh look, it’s the Russian troll UM again. Go plant 🌻🌻🌻

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What? Sure you can’t deduct them, but if I make $200 million doing something illegal, and the government catches me and fines me $10 million, then that’s just a “cost” I can account for. Make $190 million even after spending $10 million in fines.

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If we’re going through with this fictitious scenario, using the same logic of childless adults not having the same investment in the future, everyone over the age of 70 should no longer be able to vote for the same reasons.

Something tells me that would help Democrats even more.

Fuck Texas. Anytime I hear people complain about “Democrat policies” around me, I just wish they’d move to their utopia in Florida, Texas, or any of the other “who’ll come up with the stupidest bullshit freedom-encroaching laws next” red state.

No, if he wins, the blame will be on people like you. Naive or a Russian shill.

One of the many reasons he moved to Texas. This is what you get when your state is so “business friendly”. All the complaining about California and the related regulations, but this is what those regulations are supposed to prevent (yes I know there are still plenty of examples of companies polluting in CA).

The Chevron ruling is absolutely a blatant effort to neuter all of these government oversight departments to allow businesses to accelerate their “line go up” polluting efforts.

If we respect the flag so much, then apply the same penalties to those stupid Blue Lives matter flags, the flags with Trump’s ugly face on them, or any of the other MAGA crap that desecrates the flag.

/no, this is not serious, and no, burning a flag should absolutely not be a punishable offense

So is shooting myself in the foot, but not a good choice to avoid the catastrophic presidency that would take place under Trump.

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In the realities of the US electoral system, a vote for a third party is akin to a vote for Trump. Twist and spin all you want, but that’s reality.

Anyone who argues this is either naive, or a disinformation Russian asset.

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I bet it grinds your gears that the same tired BS is not sticking. Your Russian handlers can’t come up with any decent material so you just frantically type away, afraid that if you stop, you’ll be planting 🌻🌻🌻 soon.