18 Post – 701 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Autistic, ADHD, and fuckin tired 😮‍💨

Turns 360 degrees and walks away

What most people misunderstand about mental illness diagnoses is that most people have most of these symptoms. It's only when these symptoms overlap and disrupt your ability to *healthily function as an individual that they require a diagnosis and medication/therapy.

Edit: Added healthily as that's the real distinction.

Studies have shown younger generations have basically said "fuck it we're going out in style" and are choosing to spend money on luxuries outside of their means because they don't see a future.

I do not give a single fuck about what you choose to do to your body.

But I'm also allowed personal opinions about it.

My personal opinion is that I find them extremely off-putting to a frustrating degree. Also those frustrations are not aimed at the girls getting these piercings but more towards 1) Why do they bother me so much? And 2) Why are they so popular?

Y'all can judge me all you want though it's a little ironic when I already said I have no hate to people who get piercings. Fuck I've got tattoos all over. Piercings just aren't my thing. Some I can ignore and others I can't.

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They don't taste any different but I still don't like them.

Same with the septum rings.

No hate just disappointment for just how many girls are doing one or the other.

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Do those not have exoskeletons??

The fact that the comment sections of these posts are always the same just shows how much oil propaganda has affected the situation.

That and people thinking protesting isn't deliberately meant to disrupt the daily lives of people in an attempt to force them to acknowledge there's a problem and do something about it.

By nature protests are supposed to be disruptive to the average person because it's the average person that decides what policies and laws we have.

The problem is the average person is too stupid/ignorant/tired/lazy to realize this and just sees it as a personal attack and reacts with pure emotion.

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This is what still blows me away.

A fucking actor is doing a better job running a country specifically during wartime than a typical politician.

It's fuckin embarrassing to every single person on this planet who's dealing with stupid/corrupt/inept politicians who would sell their constituents for fuckin toilet paper.

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I know it's a joke but if this was a man posting a dildo with the same text he'd get flamed

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I should be legally allowed to smash those screens if they play ads while I'm pumping my gas.

You used to be able to mute them by pressing one of the side buttons but now that just cancels your transaction and stops the pump.

I don't need advertisements shoved in my face every second of every day.

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I mean there should be consequences for being an asshole and the fact that assholes very rarely receive said consequences is why when they do it's usually brutal.

I'd definitely have scratched the paint on the passenger side and probably spit on the windshield.

Don't be an asshole and you won't have to worry about the consequences of being an asshole 🤷

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They don't hate sharia law because it's abhorrent. They hate sharia law because it's not Christian based.

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Why is it whenever a govt shutdown occurs it's because of Republicans?

Millions of people are affected by these shutdowns and it's never brought up during elections.

Govt shutdowns should be enough reason to never vote Republican again.

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The problem is just because you're smart enough to realize this doesn't mean you have the money to move

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Restaurants are 100% more disgusting than your own kitchen.

It really doesn't matter which one unless it's like super high end. And you've almost definitely eaten something that was dropped on the floor.

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Ayo the car thing is absolute bullshit.

10mm bolt for the fuckin brake caliper but 3/8 for the fuckin slide bolts?

Get the fuck outta here

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Do you not remember the protests for civil rights? The sit ins? The marches? The protests outside the white house?

Literally every part of what is protesting is based on disrupting everything for the average citizen so the govt is forced to make a change.

The point of protesting is to force action without violence. People blocking traffic or stopping people from entering certain businesses is exactly what protesting is.

Protesting isn't just rallies where people come together to talk about what they all agree on. It's actively forcing people to acknowledge the issue without resorting to violence.

Edit: I didn't see this was a UK post which is my bad but it's still relevant

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Master has given Dobby a glock!

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I can never tell if the comments on these posts are made ironically or if there really is a large percentage of people who think being a landlord is a real job

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Is that why that video of the raccoon losing cotton candy in a stream exists?

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What's funniest to me is seeing all these posts having downvotes.

Conservatives mad and their tears are delicious.

Schadenfreude has never felt so good.

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Oil propaganda convinced millions of people that renewable energy sources like nuclear power or wind turbine were dangerous/ineffective.

Basically humans are stupid and don't like change and rich people know and took advantage of it.

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Used to work at a little pizza shop in a small town. We all got along pretty well (everyone hated the owner but that was about it) until the Trump, Biden election. One of our employees had Biden signs in her yard, which caused half the store to turn on her, violently.

I regularly heard grown ass men saying they should just shoot up her house (she has four fucking kids) or run her out of town (her father owned one of the biggest businesses in town). It was disgusting.

This was in Ohio btw.

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Everyone always calls me edgy when I bring this up but it's because believing in an obvious fairy tale shows a massive issue with critical thinking and cognitive capability.

These people essentially still believe in Santa Claus and will die for that belief.

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Hard "it effects me, so now it's a problem." energy here

This is the same organization that has spent millions of dollars to downplay the effects of multiple concussions on several players across the league.

People receiving regular brain damage was swept under the rug for the sake of what is essentially modern day blood sports.

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So simply because it's so reactive the most common form is oxygen paired with itself?

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I've done therapy a few times now and we never really covered this.

It doesn't help that I live in a small town so the therapists here are extremely underqualified for actual mental illness and not just helping people through "tough" times

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"Raped a man with a dildo"

Brings the same point across while accentuating what actually happened.

They raped him. They forcefully penetrated him with a fake penis. That's rape even according to the current bullshit definition.

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Meanwhile my brain

"Apple bottom JEANS!

Boots with the JEANS!

The whole club was lookin at JEANS!"

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I doubt that. As I said it's not historical. It was made within the last two decades so I don't see a museum being interested.

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This is how my ex would react when I tried to leave her because the relationship was toxic.

Screaming at me about how she hates being with me then straight to the manipulating when I tried to cut it off

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That was my exact thought.

Man's too good a person for this not to hit him hard

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Rubbing soap on your dick is safe though.

Sticking soap up your snizz is how you get an infection.

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I think my favorite Beatles fact is they were being taxed at like a 90+% rate and didn't even know for a couple years.

When they found out and took it to court the judge basically said "you were making so much money you didn't even realize you were being taxed at all. Sucks to suck we're gonna keep taxing you at the same rate"

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may have been used for ritualistic or religious purposes

Aka they have no fuckin clue what it's for as that's what they always say when they have no fuckin clue what something's for.

Kinda annoying that that's the first go to when not having a fuckin clue what something's for.

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I feel like this is mainly because things keep getting worse so you look back and think "Hey maybe that wasn't so bad after all"

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Yeah it's also people using those incidents for fear mongering. Especially when coal and oil have killed way more people than every nuclear incident combined, including nuclear weapons.

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Every accusation is a confession. Every argument is based on a false reality.

Scientists 40 years ago - "The Earth is going to start warming and it's gonna cause issues"

40 years later

Issues - Exist

The media - "wHaT iS hApPeNiNg!?!?!?!?"