What do you do with Nazi memorabilia?

ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 127 points –

I own a long dagger/short sword. The hilt is in the design of the German eagle with its wings spread out as the hand guard and in the middle of the hand guard is a swastika. The scabbard is also adorned with swastikas on the top, mid section, and bottom.

I don't want to own this piece as I don't want to be seen as a Nazi sympathizer or anything of the sort, but I don't want to sell it to someone who actually is a Nazi sympathizer or something like that.

What do I do with it besides trash it? I don't want to trash it because it's decent quality. It's not historic in any way (which disturbs me to think about) but it's well made.

What can I do with it?

*The item in question is not historical


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I doubt that. As I said it's not historical. It was made within the last two decades so I don't see a museum being interested.

Oh, so it's not actually Nazi memorabilia, just gross fanart. Melt it down.

Oh yeah, so it's just junk.

If it were actually from WWII, I'd say there's no reason not to hold on to a piece of history, but if it's just neo-nazi garbage? I agree with the others saying modify it or toss it.

Oh it's a replica? Why do you have it in the first place?

It was a gift though I don't even remember who gave it to me.

Edit: It was my sister. The blade was her exes and she didn't want to keep it due to obvious reasons.

You did not have a big reaction as in "WTF are you on about?!" after being gifted a nazi prop? IMO both you and the gifter should've had an unfavorable memory of the event etched onto your brains forever.

No it was one of those "I need to get rid of this and you're the only person I feel comfortable having it because I know you're not a Nazi" things.

They gave it to me because they knew I would appreciate it as a blade and not as Nazi fan art shit.

It was my sister btw. It was her exes and she gave it to me. I just remembered since people keep asking and I've been thinking about it.

No worries, figured there was a story behind it. That is a pretty wild ex though, good riddance (the ex and not the blade).

My only other thought besides destroying it: maybe gift it to a theater so it can be used as a prop? There are plays that focus on nazis/neo-nazis (e.g. The Producers) so maybe they could get some use out of it?

It was made within the last two decades

In that case, destroy it and drop it into a scrap metal recycling bin.