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There is about 8.1 billion people in the world. Assuming romantic cliches to be true and that we all have exactly one soulmate out there, we would have a very hard time sifting them out. If you were to use exactly one second at meeting a person it would take you 257 years to meet everyone alive on earth at this moment, which due to human life span being significantly shorter and the influx of new people makes the task essentially impossible without a spoonful of luck. Moral of the story: If you believe you have found your soul mate, be extra kind to them today.

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It is sexism to make it out to be a "he said she said" situation when a man says it was okay for him to kiss a woman and she says it was something she did not want. You disregard her personal autonomy when you say that him claiming she wanted it is as valid as her stating she did not.

If I hit you in the face with my fist claiming you wanted it, should I get off the hook since as you deem "no one can tell whether you wanted me to do it or not"?

For anyone wondering the "soccer incident" refers to his bad take on Luis Rubiales kissing Jenni Hermoso without permission.

EDIT: Fix a typo

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From Wikipedia on bones:

Bone matrix is 90 to 95% composed of elastic collagen fibers, also known as ossein,[5] and the remainder is ground substance.[6] The elasticity of collagen improves fracture resistance.[7] The matrix is hardened by the binding of inorganic mineral salt, calcium phosphate, in a chemical arrangement known as bone mineral, a form of calcium apatite.[9]

So the statement is a bit faulty, not only because of the relative low amount of calcium in our bones, but also because it appears as a mineral. We distinguish between salts and metals because of their chemical properties being quite different (solubility, reflectiveness, electrical conductivity, maleability and so on).

Edit: I do realize the point of the comment was not to be entirely factual, so if I am allowed as well I would say science is pretty metal.

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That has to my understanding been Google's project all along (making Android crappy that is). IIRC they bought Android, which due to utilizing the Linux kernel was GPL software. The solution was therefore to seperate Android from all the tools that make Android work, splitting core functionality away from the now AOSP and over to Google services. By abuse of market position we are now in the position where stuff like Google push services, safety net and etc are now basically forcing people into their ecosystem. It will not get better, as witnessed with the company's attempts at making email and most sites on the internet dependant on their ecosystem as well.

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Sorry to say it, but it has always sucked.

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Seems one of the main reasons is to use Rust's thread safety to enable "concurrent mode". Anyone with the knowledge able to explain what advantages that would yield for an end fish user?

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Anarcho-capitalism is a contradictory term that is mostly used to imagine neofeudalism.

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Borsuk-Ulam is a great one! In essense it says that flattening a sphere into a disk will always make two antipodal points meet. This holds in arbitrary dimensions and leads to statements such as "there are two points along the equator on opposite sides of the earth with the same temperature". Similarly one knows that there are two points on the opposite sides (antipodal) of the earth that both have the same temperature and pressure.

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From Beehaws docs on defederation:

We are simple with defederating: we do not allow hate speech, and we must consider our own limits when it comes to moderating. If an instance allows hateful speech or in our judgement has users who are too much for us to currently manage given the state of Lemmy, we defederate with it.

If the goal is to limit hate speech and provide a safe space on Beehaw, then I think you should defederate from the fediverse. I think however the value in providing a safe(r) platform for engaging with the rest of the fediverse to be more valuable, but I am personally in no need of such a safe space myself.

Look, a heretic!

Definitely agree and beautifully put :)

Half of value of exported goods come from fossil fuels. Exported services constitute almost as much value as goods. Hence more like 1/4 of exports. Also, many norwegian companies have their business functions abroad and therefore do not contribute to these export numbers at all.

Source SSB, official norwegian statistics

Tangentially related: I recently learned that there are tools for handling dotfiles such as chezmoi and yadm. I would suppose that after spending some time on backing up the dotfiles that matter one can purge the remainders without much issue. I also remember some tool that was made for the purpose of cleaning $HOME, but can not recall its name (if anyone knows please let me know).

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Also honorable mentions to the hairy ball theorem for giving us the much needed information that there is always a point on the earth where the wind is not blowing.

I've seen GPT struggling with pretty basic maths and "abstract" tasks such as making the letters add up in an anagram. Math requires insight that a language model cannot posess. I don't really get why people like infographics so much. The format usually just distracts from the data presented, which is convenient given that the data is usually garbage too.

I might be a little confused here... Are you calling yourself a fascist?

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Free public tuition, like we have in Norway, is a non-capitalist component of an otherwise capitalist society. Paid higher education, like in the US, is a capitalist component of an otherwise capitalist society.

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Topology allows for sets to be both open and closed or neither.

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Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow, Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow. None has ever caught him yet, for Tom, he is the Master: His songs are stronger songs, and his feet are faster.

What is there not to get?

No there is new work that has been done that you are reducing to "piracy". As if intellectual and creative processes ever could take place in a vacuum. The only contradiction is that copyright laws as a concept do nothing than stifle innovation and progress. If you do not like how anyone can profit from other people's ideas you should maybe rethink your stance on monetisation schemes in general instead.

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Damn, this is genious. My future kids are going to learn so much cool stuff branded as "loopholes".

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Just like there are lots of jerks and incels, there are lots of really nice shy guys that would make the world a better place by opening up a little more. Being brave at making contact is totally acceptable, and probably good for you, if you do it in a respectful manner. Actual nice guys should drown out the jerks that are self proclaimed nice guys by treating women, men and themselves with respect.

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To some extent you are of course right in that the underlying technology of Android has improved. What I was referring to was a design strategy aimed at crippling those who might want to present a Google-free Android alternative.

EDIT: I also want to add that MicroG, though a great project, is to my knowledge not Google free and probably never can be.

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Sure thing that "legalized everywhere" you talk about:

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Was alone pretty much an appropriate response to parent comment. Though I applaud you for your preservation.

That person probably also think people who get shot are stupid for not moving out of the bullet's path. "It is not so hard, it moves in a straight line you idiots".

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An age of rising fascism...

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Medicine is more aligned with the cultural idea of "what a woman should be/do". Taking care of others, showing compassion and so on is regarded as more "feminine qualities" than "masculine". Note this is not something I agree with, but I think it probably is part of the picture.

Well, I would argue that depends very much on the basis of your calculations. Closed source software means public services are held hostage after a company winning a contract. In Norway some Finnish company won a contract for some digital system in the health services and later wanted them to ship all their computers to Finland so that they could update their software. In a paradigm were governments commited to Linux and open source software, there would most likely be a lot less overhead in adapting and developing solutions for Linux.

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Well no. You can try to count every real number forever and you will miss infinitely many still. Some infinites are larger than others, hence I do not see any reason why "infinite time" would cover "every possibility happening". On the other hand, if you do have a mathematical proof you could refer to, I would be most grateful.

EDIT: To write out my example, let us consider a machine that picks a random number between 3 and 4 every second. Then there is every second a nonzero chance that this machine (assuming true and not pseudo randomness) will pick, say pi. The range of numbers picked constitute the image of a function from the whole numbers to the real numbers (up to isomporphism), which cannot be surjective. Hence there are numbers not picked even though there was a > 0 chance of picking them every second for an infinite time.

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In 1995, Dylan described his reaction to hearing Hendrix's version: "It overwhelmed me, really. He had such talent, he could find things inside a song and vigorously develop them. He found things that other people wouldn't think of finding in there. He probably improved upon it by the spaces he was using. I took license with the song from his version, actually, and continue to do it to this day."


Uhm, they are getting laid off to increase profit margin, or at the very least so that the CEO can say so at the next shareholder meeting. Do not confuse a workplace with private ownership, that is capitalism.

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Follow the pirate code and share the spoils, i.e. be seeding.

And here I was not having gotten around to setting it up yet. Are there any particular reason it is forked instead of ownership being transferred or something?

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Identity politics surely is to blame for the rise of fascism. Just like the last time in the years 1915-1945.

You are almost quoting the fascist playbook line of "look what you made me do".

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What do you mean by "peripheral" NATO countries? If you mean NATO countries other than the US, then I can inform you that some do have F-35 jets.

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The Typst compiler is open source. It is the open core of the web app and we will develop and maintain it in cooperation with the community

Try Typst now!

Create a free account to join the public beta.

Beta software marketing with "free accounts" and an open core compiler for a (probably) future paid web service tells me all I need to know.

Even though LaTeX has issues, not being an online service is not one of them.

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From their main page:

(...) privacy-caring users can reduce or monitor data that is sent to Google (...)

From their dedicated Google connections page:

In general, we obviously try to minimize the connections to Google, but some services strictly rely on them and would just not work without.

I mean, sure you can ask for sources, but maybe take a little less aggressive stance when the information is so readily available. This took me way more time to write than you would have used looking it up yourself.

The premises of the questions are wrong, hence they do not speak to the knowledge of anyone but yourself unfortunately. There are no last element in an infinite chain, because that is contradictory to the fact that they are infinite. Even questions such as the barber's paradox, that are not logical fallacies, do not imply the nonexistence of god.

Mathematically speaking, everyone knows the last digit in Pi due to there not being one. We call this concept that something is vacuously true. Similarly a nonsense statement such as "all ants on the moon eat people for breakfast" is also true by default.

IIRC LDAC mode does not support microphone input. Still, if you want high sound quality, which you do, you need to use LDAC. I had some issues with my wh1000xm2 defaulting to SBC even though I specified LDAC. Disabling microphone input helped keep it consistently in the right mode. In KDE my settings working fine are the following:

Also might worth looking at the bluetooth headset section of ArchWiki.

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