The Picard Maneuver

@The Picard
387 Post – 487 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Tiberian Sun! I haven't thought of that one in forever.

Whoa, I don't know why I've never considered Linux on a tablet. I have a couple that are gathering dust in a closet, and if this is doable, it sounds like a fun project!

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The pen?! Damn, that's impressive.

The one I might use is a an old Galaxy Note. I wonder if I'll have similar luck.

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Unfortunately the title makes it sound like they're talking about undecided voters in general, when the story is about a specific group of people that were interviewed.

Reading that article felt like I had fallen for a bait and switch.

(edit: "Clickbait and switch"? Is that a thing?)

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Am I getting my hopes up for nothing? =(

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I've always wondered how you would do this when playing live.

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I have so many fond memories of it.

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I thought so too at first, but it sort of released in a window between the previous gen and these. They marketed it as "next gen" like they were beating the newer gen to market, but it was just terrible timing.

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I remember reading about how mind-blowing and "next gen" the graphics on the Dreamcast were at the time. All the kids seemed really interested in it, but we hadn't had long enough with the previous gen to justify our parents buying a new system already.

One friend wound up actually getting it, and we played the hell out of it for a few years.

Mine is an Atari 2600. It's my dad's old one that I used to play as a kid, so it has a lot of sentimental value to me.

He learned that trick from cheatin' Hans.

They're afraid!

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I don't think that Threads or BlueSky really took off. I think the majority of people who haven't outright deleted the app are still on Twitter.

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"Bias automation" is kind of an accurate description for how our brains learn things too.

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...I guess you aren't going to want any of these welcome cookies that we baked for you then. =(

Search gives no results... =(

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"Genghis Con" is a good one

Also, our games are as good as drugs.

Bemoaning the difficulty?

...but that's the point.

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It's awesome to live in a time when even 50% of Republicans support gay marriage. If someone had told me that in 2005, I wouldn't have believed it.

Hey bro, remember you have chips.

These are the subtle types of errors that are much more likely to cause problems than when it tells someone to put glue in their pizza.

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These are engagement farming posts. Both reddit and Twitter are full of them, because both sites are now offering money to accounts whose posts get lots of upvotes/comments.

It feels gross and inauthentic.

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It's from Terminator 2. She keeps having nightmares about the nuclear holocaust occurring and being unable to save the kids on the playground.

The title is "bright" because of the big flash when it happens.

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I think it's much less intimidating to new users now compared to when I joined last year. The barrier to entry has been reduced significantly.

There are tons of active communities now, mobile apps that work great (this is a big one), and many more tools to block content that you don't want to see.

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(you wouldn't)

Public opinion seems to be souring on all the big corporate social media sites, and I truly think if we're able to get the word out about federated social media platforms, people will jump ship.

Also, it's hard to dislike a platform that isn't showing ads, selling user data, or generally making decisions for the enrichment of shareholders.

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So, from memory there has been:

  • This recent attack
  • Regular DDOS attacks
  • Frequent attempts to spam community creation
  • That one time the instance got hacked and set to redirect to shock sites

Am I missing anything?

This seems like more than just a few trolls. Maybe someone really doesn't want to see user-owned social media take off.

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I can't do this again...

I know I'm wrong, but it's just staring at me gold & white. It's right there, clearly, and I don't know how to explain it to those who see it the other way.

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First Rick Moranis, and now Steve Buscemi? This is so sad.

I wonder how often this must happen to non-famous people that don't make the news too.

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Let's hear some good tinfoil hat theories!

I'll start. Maybe one of the LLM/AI companies are trying to bypass newly implemented barrers to training data by using the archive, and it's totally overwhelming their servers?

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Sounds like he's saying that when game companies go public (or voluntarily put money before fun), the enshittification sets in.

Small studios with heart still make fun games.

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I've missed Stewart's ability to sum up stories in such a grounded way. Oh, how I wish that we had him from 2016-2020.

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I'd love it if they had a comparable service, because competition is good for the consumer, but they just don't.

Steam has had a relative monopoly for two decades, and we're lucky they've been customer friendly. But if something were to happen to Gabe, or Valve decided to go public or something, we're screwed.

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I'd press it a few times. In the end, I think I'd care way more about never working again for the rest of my life than being a guy.

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Every time a company goes public, they become more and more profitable until the only way to continue on that trajectory is to worsen their own product.

Think they'll still be selling the Pico for $4 or the Zero for $15 after they're reporting to shareholders?

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I don't have a horse in this race, but I bet the "I'm curious about this community" question would have been received better without the insinuation that they're bigots and publicly letting them know that you're going to block them.

That's my read on the modlog, at least.

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