I miss console ads being this weird

The Picard Maneuver@lemmy.world to RetroGaming@lemmy.world – 1044 points –

That's a lot of ecstasy.

It's gonna be a fun night followed by a hard, sleepy day

Looks more like a few hours of cramping body and soul followed by 3 days of emotional hangover

Ehhhhh so this was in 2000. Your standard ecstasy pill (we’re assuming they’re not pipers; these don’t look shiny and they’re not shaped or outpressed) have between 70mg MDMA and 120mg (if they’re absolute fire.)

This would be about 400mg of MDMA total. While that is quite a lot, you’re not going to have a horrible time—I just wouldn’t do it in public because you WILL be a chattering mess. It’ll still feel amazing, though.

Source: oldhead, last time I rolled it was a total of about 450mg but spread out over hours and I was absolutely not in public, just writing naked with my partner)

I was gonna add "these days" but didn't

Oh GOD I fully agree in that case. Rolls nowadays have up to 300-400mg in a single pill (sounds like you already know that, but I’m just saying this for context in case another reader doesn’t)

That’d be like eating a gram or more of Molly at once, and THAT is for sure not safe and not a good time.

She gonna need some water

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe ecstacy is actually dehydrating. Dancing at a rave for hours on end without drinking anything is though.

Just like SSRI's, Ecstasy does interfere with your hypothalamus and temperature regulation. So, small energy expenditures creat oversized responses.

You would still sweat heavily doing more than lying down with a fan blowing on you.

Yeah, another part of the problem is that you cannot tell that you are hyperthermic and or dehydrated.

Thats how you get the people that dance all night and then just die, or go comatose or pass out.

Your body stops telling you wow, i am way too hot and wow, i really need water.

Sort of like that rare condition where you literally cannot feel pain, and children with it will break their fingers because it feels weird.

Eh, not double stacked so it's ok.

AKSHULLY that wasn’t a thing in the 2000s, just marketing hype. Rolls back then had between 70 and 120mg of MDMA, and 120 is a basal amount you want to take if you fully want to get rolling.

Now it’s TOTALLY a thing, tons of rolls have 300-400mg in a single pill now. It’s insanity.

Damn that is insane. My skin would slink off if I did 300+

Recently did 400-450 each with my partner in a night but over the course of a couple hours… definitely not something to do in public hahaha. We were naked, quivering piles of hedonism, writhing in bed for hours in absolute insane, well, ecstasy. It’s aptly named, that’s for sure.

For once, got incredible sleep afterwards and felt awesome the next day! Thank you, sleep.

This is how the girl from that Mitsubishi eclipse car commercial started her night

Rockstar used to go pretty hard.

This game, appropriately, is where I learned there was such a thing as uppers and downers.

It’s likely they were trying to get the news riled up so they could cause a moral outrage that would attract attention to the game.

All right I'll ask the dumb question here, what am I looking at? From what I can tell they are tiny empty bags

Those type of bags are usually used to hold illicit substances, and typically only bought by small-time drug dealers.

And board game players!

board game baggies usually have a tiny hole in them, to let the air out when you're packing the game away. not so great if you're muleing some molly to your weekly game of Wingspan

The Bags that spare buttons come in, or how I used to get all my drugs.

I miss that era. Companies didn’t mind a bit of edginess and weren’t afraid to market to adults. The console culture itself also isn’t what it used to be.

These days, gaming consoles all need to be safe enough for five year olds to play on them. And it’s caused everything to be just too bland and safe, both in marketing and the console itself. Can’t really have things like Xbox 360 Uno with the live camera feed and no moderation. Or the wholly uncensored COD lobbies.

this isn't marketing to adults. it's marketing to teenage boys.

15 more...

I feel like it means: we are not like Nintendo, we make video games for adults (and children who want to play like adults).

Love it.

"Hey, you know what would be a good way to advertise our system? Let's just give children nightmares for about 40 seconds and then splash our logo on the screen at the end."

I think most ads for consoles in the early 2000s were like that, at least for ps1, ps2 and the original xbox. Not necessarily nightmare fuel, just "weird" stuff unrelated to the console or games.

Watching this gave me Aphex Twin vibes. Then I discovered it was directed by Chris Cunningham. So yeah, that’s why

PS2 is retro now? Damn, getting old really does sneak up on you.

Ps3 is starting to be referenced as retro now....

That one does hurt

But also, people wondered why our generation loved taking drugs and being weird fucks....

When ‘next gen’ (eg. PS5) becomes the new ‘current gen’, then the old ‘last gen’ becomes retro.

This isn't a real PS2 ad. It's a fake created a few years ago by an influencer named Shy Smith.

Aww damn, I definitely thought it was real and in some video game magazine

Can someone make a version of this photo, but its acetaminophen and the girl is just up-aged to how old she'd be now?

"Only Happy When it Rains" automatically begins playing in head

Wait, is that actually Garbage? That was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the picture. That Bond music video she did was awesome. World is Not Enough.

I find this funny, since I used to hide drugs like mushrooms inside consoles. I figured it was the one place literally no one would think to look. Just unscrewed them, put a baggie inside in one of those empty spaces (there's always a spot), and put the case back together.

"Live in your world. Play in ours."

I still have my megatokyo sticker, "Live in your world. Die in ours." Probably couldn't be that edgy anymore, but I still like it.

Unfortunately the nanny state is taking over because it means more religion cult BS.