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Joined 10 months ago

Hell yeah now Linux and I both will panic in style

Then they taxed the churches and I said “Right on. They should have been doing that all along.”

Then they used the tax revenues to fuck the Palestinians more and I said “god fucking dammit!”

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Nothing’s wrong with dildos, but it has to be pretty embarrassing to show the world that you read books

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Holy balls, it costs almost as much as Netflix ($204/year) and all it does is spy on you?! I’m not an evil man but these idiots ask for this service. I wish I’d thought of it.

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Similar structure, yes, but this is the important part:

Swiss foundations and their board of trustees are legally obligated to act in accordance with the purpose for which they were established

So, just like the Louvre museum in Paris and the Luxor casino in Las Vegas have similar structures, pointing this out doesn’t really contribute much to the discussion.

For all I know, OpenAI’s purpose is to create Skynet and kill all humans. But Proton’s is:

Our legally binding purpose is to further the advancement of privacy, freedom, and democracy around the world.

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“No way to prevent this” says only planet where this regularly happens

I thought I’d give this a shot, but the metrics/data collection flag was turned on by default and when I added a command to my docker-compose to turn them off, it was ignored. Then, I created an account and looked for a way to turn them off in the settings and there was none. You expect people interested in self-hosting OSS to be cool with sending data out of their network every time the server is started, a memo is created, a comment is created, a webhook is dispatched, a resource or a user is created?! Also, the metrics are collected by a 3rd party with their own ToS that could change at any time?

Holy hell, hard pass. I’d rather use a piece of paper.

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Everything reminds me of her..

It was the bundle of sticks word, but in Italian. In case anyone else was curious.

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The bidets, of course. Ultra fast responsive vending machines for commuters on the go.

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All depends on what you collect, how it’s stored, how transparent you are about it, and how easy it is to opt out of. It can definitely be done well.

You ‘pute 64 bits, whaddya get?

Just ‘nother load for your instruction set

Satoshi don’t call me cuz I can’t go

I sold my soul to the crypto bros

Yeah, what the hell? I didn’t watch the video but one time use pads are crypto 101 first day of class kinda thing.

Which is another reason everyone in charge is scared of remote work. The divide is what keeps this ridiculous political shitstorm going. I say this as a techie Texan with a permanent WFH job who used the pandemic as an excuse to move out of the city. The small town I live near now has slowly transformed from a typical R-voting small Texas town to a purpleish LGBT friendlyish badass mixed community. We still voted for that stupid pee-baby Abbott, but change is definitely in the air..

This is peak developer humor

lol! All his meticulous planning and not even half a thought on how to shut the fuck up around cops.

Officer: “Sir I pulled you over because you were driving aggressi-“

Him: “I plan to do crimes!! Lots of them!”

What a time to be alive

For what it’s worth, I also urge the Supreme Court to keep Trump off the ballot.

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Lieutenant Governor. But .. still no.

Put your dry erase markers in the holder basket thing CAP DOWN. jfc, the amount ruined, dried out markers could probably fill a landfill

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Hey I’ve got that keyboard. I like it. Give that snoot a boop for me.

I can’t watch. Plz

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No, my sons are also named Borts.

I got halfway through your comment but when you typed "webstraunt" like it was actually a word I stopped reading and started thinking about how I'd cut off all your fingers so you couldn't type such a festering abortion of a word again

Wow dude, he said “webstaurant” which is the domain name of a website and a portmanteau of web and restaurant. Do extremely common literary devices often give you violent thoughts? Maybe consider therapy or something, damn.

Your mileage may vary but by credit union frequently sends me life insurance mailers, and until I asked them to disable it, would INFURIATINGLY embed clickable ads in my online checking activity history. They’d probably stop with the mailers if I yelled at them, tho. Overall I agree with your advice to use credit unions over banks.

I’m sorry I can’t contribute much, but as a fairly recent father to an amazing 3yo daughter, I’ll be following along!

Note to future self: suggest this for consideration at book club

At 2045 hours, his truck was observed backing into the parking space where it was later discovered.

Personally, I wouldn’t back into a parking space if I was gonna kill myself. I only back in to spots if I’m leaving in a hurry.


cries in Texan

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*lint 😜

Still In Bed Crew rise up!!!

..or not

Here’s what you do: go to the store and buy 3-5 dandruff shampoos with different active ingredients and cycle between them every time you wash your hair and face (don’t shy away from smearing the shampoo on your face as well). Also, leave it on there a few minutes before rinsing.

Also vitamin D oil is great for face and beard.


This shampoo is great to add into the rotation. The same company makes a face cream that is super good, too.

20 years ago I asked my dad this and he said it was because if you pass on the right and then try to merge back into the left lane, any mistakes force you (or the other car) into oncoming traffic.

Magnifying glass and the sun, when it’s bright enough!

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*futurama 😛


Yes. That one.

That’s literally the 7th sentence of the article, which is literally not literally one of the first.

Also, how in the hell is it informative to say x can cause cancer if contaminated with other compounds?? Wow, thanks for that amazing reporting, BBC!

THIS JUST IN! Air causes cancer!!*

*when contaminated with powdered asbestos flakes