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This has happened to myself as well as other friends in the trades where you are expected to buy and maintain your own tools. Not only do you to loose thousands of dollars in tools, it also effects ongoing and new work as well as a shit load of time spent rebuying and finding the right tools again. The police just don't care, the last time it happened I didn't even bother filing a report. I consider this one of the lowest forms of petty theft. It kills people's lively hoods and takes food out of their family's mouths.

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For your convenience:

The company who's product they are banning.

Along the same vein, there was another company recently who made plant based blue cheese that was disqualified from a blue cheese contest after they were going to take first.

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I have to chime in on this one, I grew up in Oregon and worked at Target a couple of years as a cashier and cart collector. This was by far the most miserable job I have ever had, it sucked. Besides leaving their nasty ass trash and dirty diapers in the carts people would leave them scattered all over the mall parking lot. It was my job to walk a mile or so around the lot that encircled the mall at closing time in the pouring rain and collect them. This was before they had the robots that push them for the workers, so we used a rope attached to the front to steer about 35-40 at once. With out fail id consantly get my sopping wet feet run over by those fucking things while trying to push them back to the store. Not to mention, we'd get the occasional wind storm and the ones that weren't corraled would blow all over the parking lot crashing into cars. Then we'd get bitched at by the customers. Trust me when you put a cart back in the corral, the people working at the store appreciate it. There's more than enough other work to get done in retail.

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The problem with this is that companies like rabbitai are exploiting our inherent drive to teach in order to pass on knowledge and make society and life better for the next generation and ourselves. (In this case code reviews) This doesn't work in this situation because you're not actually helping out another person that will reciprocate help to you down the line. You're helping out a large company, which has no moral values and doesn't operate in society with the same values as a human being. To me a code review is more than just pointing out mistakes it's also about sharing knowledge and having meaningful dialog about what makes sense and what doesn't. There's no doubt that AI is an amazing achievement, but to me it seems that every application of this technology that involves human interaction manages to simultaneously exploit and erase the core "humanness", of the interaction. I think this is the case because these types of AI applications are purely monetarily driven, and not for the advancement of our society. OpenAI had the right idea to start with, but they have sunken into the same trope in lock step with the rest of the Googles, Apples and Amazons of the world. Imagine if one of these large companies like say Google had been given money by the us government to create the arpa net and then went on to only use the technology for profit. Would we really be in the same connected world we are now?

People will find a way to get around it, I could see buffering a video for 5 mins or even downloading the entire video ala locally playing podcasts, then using AI or some type of frame analyzation technique t to skip ads. Or just skip them like good old fashion Tivo from your player.

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Can't afford a used car, can't afford to send my kids to school (day care was near 25k a year for our twins) , health care costs are horrendous (life expectancy continues to be one of the worse in the developed world even though we spend the most by far), food costs are through the roof. Can someone please tell me how this economy is better? WTF are these people talking about.

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I call bs, a motorcycle provides way less protection. And which states are they illegal in? Lobbying and another money grab from corporations in our "free market" society. I would love one of these BTW.

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The problem with this logic is the manufactures have no control over the iPhone update. The article didn't go into exactly what happened, but it could have been that the device worked fine at launch, but then Apple released an update which caused an issue in the app. Even if it didn't happen this way I could definitely see it happening. Using an app for critical life sustaining medical devices is like playing Russian Roulette, an update from Google or Apple can put you in the hospital, or worse.

Wow, just.. wow. The story doesnt do it justice, the video is insane.

I live in one of the most progressive cities in the US and have had the same issue here. We have no driveway and park on the street but regulations say we cant use the grass strip (the area between the srreet and the curb) to install a charging station for an ev in front of our house. For 5 years we tried to get permission to do this without luck and have given up on ever getting an EV. I dont get how there is any hope for electric vehicles if there arent any working solutions for the millions of people in the United States who dont have a driveway or garage.

Its time to grab a beer kick back and watch as the planet is destroyed by slow moving bearacratic regulation.


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I really like this video, in it he demonstrates how a char pointer can be exploited to alter the return value in the stack and walks through an example of how it's done.

What!!!!!! I thought Elon had it all figured out, No Way!


Now if we could only get things like I dunno leaking million peoples of private information to the dark web which adds up to billions in lost revenue and scams for millions of Americans taken as seriously... Nah...

Our household completely ditched all Amazon products and services 4 or so years ago and never looked back. I shop local and on alternative sites for everything, it took a little adjusting at first. I think we have had to buy something from Amazon maybe once or twice in the last 4 years because I we couldn't get it anywhere else. A few months ago I switched the 1 Amazon product we had owned forever, a Fire Stick to a Roku the first company I had ever used a streaming device from 10-15 years ago, I thought briefly about wiping the Fire Stick and donating it, but decided to toss it with the thought of adding someone else's user data to the Bezos empire.

This is a direct consequence of Google targeting Reddit posts in its search results. Hopefully forum groups like Lemmy don't go get buried under a mountain of garbage as well. As long as advertisers are able to destroy public forums and communities with ads, with ad based revenue sites like Google directing who to target. We will always be creating something great while constantly trying to keep advertisers from turning it into a pile of crap.

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Between airliners crashing and financial and public infrastructure being taken down by security flaws I wonder how many trillions of lost dollars and lives being lost it will take before critical software like this is held to a higher standard. Even though it's just as important as the development team that writes the code, QA and a software dev process are still treated as unimportant and something you do only if you have the time to do it.

Racism has very little to do with being offended. It goes much deeper than that. If all racism entailed were a few people being offended then we wouldn't have a holiday based around the freeing of a enslaved people. If people continue to tell people to get over it, nothing will ever change because the healing can never begin.

Michaels uttered perhaps the most famous six words in the history of sports broadcasting at the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics after the U.S. hockey team triumphed over the Soviet Union in a stunning upset: "Do you believe in miracles? Yes!"

It's tragic that the humanity of these types of things that are understood by humans will be lost in AI.

From the article:

How much would it cost to get lead out of the U.S.’s drinking water? A back-of-the-envelope calculation based on EPA’s estimate of average replacement cost per line ($4,700) and assumption of 6 to 10 million lead service lines across the country suggests the cost could range from $28 billion to $47 billion, putting Biden’s originally-proposed $45 billion near the top of that range—but the $15 billion legislated well below it.

Seems like just a drop in the bucket! HAHAHA, ha... ehh...

Yeah, the ingredient is called Kokum butter, from the kokum fruit which seems like it has been consumed in various forms, mostly by people in India and south east Asia for a long time. (Including butter from the seeds) I hadn't heard of it before.

Right? This has been rehashed so many times over the years. I've lost count.

If the code is written well, it can save a bunch of time and provide a great forum for learning new techniques. Otherwise, if it's written poorly yes I hate it. Like others have state here the title is an over generalization.

Point taken, grammar updated, but.... since we are talking about basically opening your OS up to anything EA might enjoy doing to it, maybe this is a rare occasion where the mistake fits the context? Just sayin...

For MIT/Apache it doesn't matter. That's always a problem with those free to use licenses you have a "good idea" who's using it, but you never really can tell. It also creates a shit load of wasted improvements every time a company uses it, moth balls the project, but never pushes code upstream because why do that? \s So you sit back and hope that someone in the company feels a big enough moral drive or obligation to contribute their improvements up stream. But, how can you tell definitively? You can sometimes see it in the job descriptions they are hiring for, also I have had companies reach out out me personally for help. Many open source projects also will reach out and ask, and if they get the ok, will put it in the project description in order to encourage others companies to do the same. So why to companies bother? The funny thing about open source is that it lets people who like solving tough problems (the best type of engineers) know where the tough problems are being definitively solved, because here's the code, and here's the author from xyz company contributing and showing the rest of the world how it's done. Often this will bring in engineers who are at the top of their game to these companies.

I have switched a dell laptop that windows 10 didn't support to pop os. (It was 7 years old) My whole family has used it for a few years to do everything without any issues. Ironically I have had problems with the Pop OS install on my newer more powerful machine.

Look at all the people that actually came to witness this...🫤

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Great article, thanks!

I think this is a good conversation to have, I'm assuming there are no security checks to make sure instances connecting to each other are legitimately released and code reviewed by the community? I'm also curious if you could run a malicious instance that garners a lot more information from your users than is necessary or uses security holes to gather information from other instances. This could send this entire experiment down the toilet very fast. For instance HTTPS guarantees you are connecting to who they say they are and are from a trusted source. At the very least it would be nice to be able to have control over your credentials and history, and only release it to trusted instances.

Pretty much any rtos now a days has "unix" like commands, I wonder if he looked into nuttx or zephyr at all.

Any "Gaming" headphones they are all such trash. Buy a nice pair of headphones with a quality metal headband and get an audio cable with a built in mic.

Another vote for Fastmail here, almost a decade now. Super reliable, and great customer service, any problems or questions I have are always answered within a couple of hours via their tech support. I also use them to host my own domains.


Thanks for the heads up!

The timing of this Reddit bump has led to some conspiracy theories. In February, Google and Reddit announced a blockbuster deal that would let Google train its AI models on Reddit content.

Reddit should probably be prepared for an onslaught of bots and seo gaming which will further destroy it. Hopefully forum groups like Lemmy don't go get buried under a mountain of garbage as well. I don't see anything good about this, as long as advertisers are able to destroy public forums with ads with ad based revenue sites like Google directing them know who to target we will always be creating something great while constantly trying to keep advertisers from turning it into a pile of crap.

this 👆 dual boot doesn't always work because windows can be finicky with boot partitions as well as boot partition security issues. Save yourself a headache if you want to go back, just pop your current drive out, and put it in a external case so you can access the files. Hard drives are cheap.

Ya, i have done that before if I have the option, lol. But if i've gone through the drive through, a lot of the time I don't. I actually make all my coffee at home now, so I don't really have to deal with this anymore.

So you'd recommend the steam deck over the shield?

I second this, we have had a Synology NAS for over 10 years (i degoogled a long time ago) and have had virtually no problems. I did need to transition to the new "Photos" app which was a bit annoying when we upgraded (after 7 years), but I know that none of our kids baby pics, our wedding pics, our life in general is being scrapped or stored on a server with a terms of service agreement that we basically have no control over.

Got it, I don't really have a good way to hardwire the shield. Is the shield controller any good? The ps5 controller that I have is super comfy, it's really hard for me to play with anything else after playing with it.