Ben Hur Horse Race

@Ben Hur Horse
0 Post – 434 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

the only question I have is regarding how she chooses to groom her pubic hair. I believe I have been pondering this question since I was about 11 years old, and now, so close to the answer, Capcom is trying to harm me

I have a laserjet 1020 and its absolutely flawless

i dunno dude, one time I got a gram of basement crank and was excited to try it, so I horked a rail right before band practice. our lead singer/guitarist was like "yo your drumming is so tight today, youre on fire!" and I was like "speed!"

its all of Shrek

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Do not, my friends, become addicted to water!! It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!!!!!

getting from my house to my office on my old road bike used to take 45 mins and I'd be sweaty when I got there, and the idea of 45 mins uphill after work used to make me wanna off myself. Since I got an e-assist its 25 mins and I'm like lah de dah meep meep

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lol jesus christ red dead 2 is outstanding but so long... you picked a doozy

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das it mayne

Facebook VPN

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wealth and stupidity come hand in hand in many, many cases.

I think this is partially because in order to make a lot of money in most cases you have to fuck someone else over and never have it occur to you thats what you're doing. Like if you find out you can buy t-shirts for €1, then you go to your neighbor and tell them they can have a t-shirt for the low price of €30 (and manage not to feel bad about that) you're a successful businessman and a pilliar of the community.

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I'm from the states and live in Ireland. I never had a problem with switching back and forth as I visit the states and Germany frequently.

The one danger is if youre in a parking lot or similar and pull out onto the road when there are no other cars after not driving for a while, you might be on the wrong side for a second.

The trick to remember isn't left or right its that the driver is always in the middle of the road.

If youre holding the steering wheel and are on the outside of the road, youre going the wrong way. Keep the center line right next to you and you'll be grand as the Irish say.

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A lot of nurses are dumb as shit. I've also met M.D.s who were seriously fucking stupid people.

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I'm moments away from canceling. Splash screens of some bullshit podcast or something I don't want to see. Getting fed up.

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I find lots of GOP people admit trump is shit after they're done kissing his ass and pretending to agree with him in order to keep their jobs

its dissapointing. he was a real 60s hippie. celebrities aren't people we should look to for guidance though. Still sad. Ol' wood

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I don't think thats fair. I think the idea is that a dictatorship invading a democracy in eastern europe is something the free world can't allow to happen, same way they couldn't if Iran invaded The Netherlands, and this is why all of europe and the US are helping them defend themselves.

Not sure how you could get "pro-war" from that.

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Its not real. This isn't a satellite image of the wildfires. Theres an artist's initials at the top of this "satellite image" (it is a satellite image, but the fires and smoke are drawn on).

Shame on OP for spreading disinformation.

sees phone lens cover: "this is an old timey eclipse monocle".. I'm just teasing the idea of an eclipse monocle just made me giggle. I hope you're eyes are ok- it sounds like you're good?

its about getting eyeballs on their message.

I've had traffic blocked while I was cycling to work by eco protesters and lamented they were targeting the wrong folks here- so they're doing what they can to target the right folks.

no matter what people do to try to draw attention to the right focus on the issue, there will always be thumb typers saying its wrong, so good work

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every online space should not be a space to work out your trauma. I had an experienc- I HAVE TRAUMA

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In Ireland where there are a lot of sheep theyre an ecological disaster (if you think having biologically diverse forests is a good thing)

but its posted on lemmy

I've also talked to some of these folks, and my strong sense is that they are teenagers who have never been to any of these places, or really understand much about the complexity of global systems

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100%. I was so addicted to reddit I would, like you said, open it without even noticing I did it. It was really shocking to me how many hours a day I was pissing away reading the reposts of bots and the thoughts of teen edge lords. The protests came at a great time, havent been back since (my sub is still on private hehe..) anyway, popping in here is fun and everything but I dont think it'll ever get as bad as it was.

whats up guys in todays video I'll show you how to tie a shoe. First, remember to like and subscribe

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when I read where they put the portal I had the exact same thought as everyone else who knows what town is like on o'connell street. why didn't they just put it on talbot st

Thank you for running this, grant. Appreciate all the hard work.

A very small percentage of folks will always whine about some grievance or point out what they feel should have been done differently, but 99.9% of everyone who engaged had a great time, thanks to you, and you won't hear anything from most of them.

I got covid for the first time as of last Friday, so we're self isolating and lying low, so this gave me something to focus on and do for long stretches, and it genuinely made a big difference.

I was able to draw my old high school notebook comic character Block Head at 2 o'clock on the Firefox logo completely unimpeded by griefers or vandals. It was really nice. Thanks again.

dont exercise dont work dont clean just lay there. long covid is correlated with "pushing through" the accute infection.

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You really don't know what you're talking about.

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what- the HOA folks are worried they'd see your PV panels instead of a shingled roof for the .4 seconds they see it at all while they're parking in thier driveways?

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hear hear.

I want to buy a honda plug-in hybrid.

they only make a fucking SUV plug-in hybrid.

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sorry to join the little dogpile, but its not X, those are her beliefs.

There are a LOT better books out there then childrens books about wizard school, which she absolutely lifted from Jill Murphy.

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....can't tell if serious

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I dont know, I remember my dad saying "what a scorcher" in 1978 (or so he told me later when I was both alive and could understand spoken language) so you never know, you never never know

the fact that the only places in the world that have people who even want to continue to live in denial are the US, UK and Australia cough Murdoch's* cough makes me want to go outside and lie in a pile of wet leaves

I'm aware you didnt ask, but I heard an interview with some asshole from Florida yesterday and he said "I'm against this whole globalist shit!" and I thought for a moment what an alien or even say god would make of someone saying "one species? humanity? NO- this one group here, this is us and they are them".. and it just became so clear to me, once again, that people who can't move beyond the idea of tribes are just simply less evolved than other people, and as little as natural evolution is still functioning, I'm hoping against hope that it still works a little, and the more intellectually developed will leave the less developed behind.

while I'm dreaming, I'd also like an infinite bank account thank you

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Why does everyone exclude Olympus?? Its like Nikon/Canon are the only two options. Olympus makes some slick stuff, their 4:3rds mirrorless digital cameras are cool as hell.

Canon petewy

I know right? Only a few months ago, a teenager from down the street was found dead, so we went to the neighborhood over and burned it to the ground, killing every man woman and child, and the cops came and just kind of watched. now we sit around drinking coors light and and talking about how cool its going to be to go to hevean where the coors light never gets cold

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People who can't see this thing is basically dominated by pony stuff are blind

I didn't know they were still going strong

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ventilate my dude. read up on breathing around your 3D printer while its printing. no bueno

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Cant speak to freedoms, but I've never witnessed a more intense social pressure to confirm to social norms than I did there

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