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I don't know what I'm doing but I'm here now...

Fixed. Thanks.

I didn't realise it was a failed Kickstarter. I bought it in early access so I guess they decided to risk it that way and it worked out in the end.

No not really but it's all subjective anyway.

I remember RAGE we good the first time I played but I really struggled with it last year when I tried it again. Also John Goodman voiced a character at the beginning and then buggers off never to be seen again...

This War of Mine: Complete Edition £26.93 £3.91 (85% off)

In my opinion one of the greatest games but also one of the saddest. If you already own the game then I highly recommend all the DLC as they all bring some interesting scenarios to the game.

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It's a classic and the originals still hold up today.

Rollcage Redux (1)

Rollcage Extreme (2)

GRIP: Combat Racing £24.99 £2.49 (90% off)

Spiritual successor to Rollcage with a great soundtrack.

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There are so many reasons why it failed but we all love it so.

Adding micro transactions after release is bullshit. There should be rules where it needs to be in from release or not.

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I haven't played it yet and every time I get reminded of the game it's because of something like this...

The game has changed a lot but also you might have too.

Stuff like this is always welcome.

Wreckfest and specifically the multiplayer! Class C semi-clean or even just free for all races are soooo good.

In general anything with crafting and/or excessive loot. I find it very boring and especially when a game is advertised as "survival" when in reality it is just a crafting game with no real threat.

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Is it April 1st already?

I don't like open world games. Give me levels to explore or the illusion of an open world and I'm perfectly happy.

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They really went all out on this but the gameplay just looks so boring...

There were some bizarre ads from around the late 90s to early 00s.

The Dreamcast Barber comes to mind.

Payday 3's concurrent player count is 287 on Steam

Yep, that'll do it... Those are absolutely awful numbers.

Nobody should be surprised and everyone who bought this shit should honestly be thankful they are getting their money back.

You won't believe what happened next...

No one likes post like these so please give more context next time.

Any kind of microtransaction or paid content is a real turn off for me nowadays. I really couldn't care less about your loot boxes, battle passes and "games as a service" so I will just play something else.

That's a odd stance to take. How would you be a thousand times happier if consoles didn't exist?

Consoles still have their place in gaming and to think otherwise is somewhere ignorant. Just live the best of both worlds like the rest of us and don't get so wound up!

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I was pleasantly surprised by how good Deserts of Kharak is.

Also if you're playing the remaster make sure to use the Players Patch mod as it fixes a lot of bugs and balance issues.

It's quite an open question. Most games I play are "one and done" even though I think most people go back to them. Even with replayability it doesn't mean that you have to and I'm happy to leave things be once the story is over.

Mafia trilogy sticks to the story and will take a decent amount of hours.

Inside is short but fun.

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I remember playing the demo and being disappointed it was just a puzzle game, albeit a good looking one.

I often used the original Playstation and then my Dreamcast for CDs but not in a long long time.

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I don't complete many games so in 2023 it is a grand total of 2...

Inside, it was very eerie and I had fun. I even went back for the alternative ending.

Jusant, a relatively new game and I found it very enjoyable. Definitely made my top 10 games list and I still want to go back and find all the collectables.

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The Expanse: A Telltale Game, and so far so good. I'm still early in the first episode but I'm happy to be back in the world.

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I agree on all the fighting and a "no gun run" is the best way to play.

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Half-life 2 has probably been installed on every PC I've owed over the past 20 years but I've never finished it. On the positive side I've managed to avoid spoilers for this long so what's another 20...

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Probably the period of '95 thought to '05. Mostly because they were the days of local multiplayer with friends and also the jump in technology made things even more interesting.

Combined we had all the 4 player games on the N64. So Goldeneye, SSB, F-Zero, Mario Kart, Snowboard Kids, DK Racing, Perfect Dark, WCW vs NWO and more.

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I think the Telltale games would be good for this. Something relatively short, easy to follow and the storylines from the different games are fun and varied.

Arcade Blogger is the original article.

It's a real shame what could have been but at least the code has been saved. This brings back memories of how insanely fun arcades used to be!

Initially I agreed with your statement but patient gamer and PC gaming go well together. I do think the idea of spending 1k or 2k plus is ridiculous and the high end stuff offers zero value for money though.

Tysy is one of the better channels but 99% of restoration videos around are "watch me clean this thing that I intentionally made dirty beforehand"...

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Ulala from Space Channel 5.

Flatout is one of my favourites and has an awesome soundtrack. Also was one of my first PC games and didn't realise that was 20 years ago.

buying games on GOG (directly on our service or via Luna) will give you the best of both worlds – enjoying them on Luna’s cloud gaming service, as well as via offline installers or GOG GALAXY.

This sounds pretty good but not really something I would use GOG for unless it is included in Amazon Prime.

Citizen Sleeper, one the the best games, not just indie.

Thanks. Looks like an interesting adaptation.