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Actions speak louder than words. Let's review what happened.

  • Wasserman Schultz resigned due to bias then immediately joined Clinton.



Guilty. Note that it's very easy to claim others didn't follow the rules when you are the ones writing them (possibly retroactively).

Why did the playstation not have the same piracy problem?

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So what were the advantages?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chairwoman of the Democratic Party, was found to have sent an email during the primary election saying Mr Sanders "would not be president"

There were six primaries where ties were decided by the flip of a coin — and Clinton won every single one. The odds of that happening are 1 in 64, or less than 2 percent

The usual one I hear listed is superdelegates, which doesn't matter if more people voted for the winner,

superdelegates system favoured Clinton by pre-announcing their support, giving Clinton a massive early lead.

or that they didn't proactively inform his campaign about funding tricks that the Clinton campaign already knew about.

Clinton bought the DNC by paying off the debt created after Obama.

Are you saying that Clinton was an independent who just happened to align with the party for her entire political career?

I'm saying she doesn't align and would happily run as an independent if she thought she would be elected.

The point of a primary is to determine who the candidate is, not who the party is more aligned with.

"The party" is the people who vote in the primary.

Party leadership will almost always be more aligned with the person who has been a member longer, particularly when that person has been a member of part leadership themselves.

Party leadership is not the party.

It's how people work. You prefer a person you've known and worked with for a long time over a person who just showed up to use your organization, and by extension you, for their own goals.

Exactly. This is why the primaries were rigged in Clinton's favor and Sanders and his supporters were right to claim unfairness.

We have rules to make sure that those unavoidable human preferences don't make it unfair.

Those rules were broken. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has to resign.

The Obama campaign is a good example.

Of fairness (or a super strong candidate beating stacked odds).

So what rules did they break for Clinton?

  • Campaign finance

  • Debate questions

  • Impartiality

What advantages did she have over Sanders that she didn't have over Obama?

I haven't researched how unfair Obama had it so I can't compare.

Which of those advantages weren't just "new people to the party didn't know tools the party made available?”

Hilarious you refer to a 76 year old career politician like Sanders as a new person.

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Quoting a phrase from an internal email out of context makes you seem disingenuous.

Source. Disingenuous is trying to claim the DNC chair was not biased

The emails that were stolen show people being mean,

Showing bias in positions of responsibility is not "being mean"

but it also shows that they were consistently not rigging anything.

Debate questions in advance.

6 heads in a row.

Obtuse financing rules.


Or that the only time they talked about financial schemes was after the Sanders campaign alleged misconduct?

Bullshit. In 2015 in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party's finances, strategy, and all the money raised. Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff.

She did. Eight years ago.

Yes. Because there was clear evidence of bias. Straight after, Debbie was rewarded with an honorary chair of the Clinton campaign’s 50-state program.

Turns out that preference without misconduct doesn't have much impact.

How are you sure there was no misconduct?

How are you sure there was no impact?

When their inexperience with the party tools led to them not taking advantage of them, they cried misconduct for the other campaigns knowing about them.

Or, because Hillary controled the party's finances, procedures were made deliberately obtuse to her advantage.

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those advantages seem to ignore that more people voted for her.

How can that be ignored it is the conclusion of the argument. Those advantages meant more people voted for her.

He was an independent running as a Democrat,

Listen dear, all politicians who want to be president are independents running as Democrats/Republicans.

claiming it's unfair when the Democratic party was more aligned with the person who had always been a Democrat.

The whole point of a primary is to determine who the democratic party is more aligned with. It is unfair to determine that in advance.

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Nah. Fatty Owls is named after the hotel.

Chuck is all about Charles Carmichael. (Streeeeeeeetch).

Yeah. I'm stretching my rule as much as possible. I'm basically trying to exclude all characters that have already been audience tested. Parody is sort of included in that.

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BTVS was a film first, so I'm claiming spin-off. But you are right, that show would be less without her.

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Sanders and Clinton didn't play on a level field.

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If you are a fan of the show, yes.

Yeah. I may have to exclude medical/investigative.

House, Sherlock, Columbo, Reacher, Lucifer

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Bond spin-off?

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Film spin-off

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Cheers spin-off. Doesn't count.

E.g. joey, young Sheldon, mork & mindy.

Watching it now it almost seems like a parody.

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No-one is going to switch sides, but this performance may affect turnout.

The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago.

Shitty engineers that can do grunt work, don't complain, don't get distracted and are great at doing 90% of the documentation.

But yes. Still shitty engineers.

Great management consultants though.

Chefs can put as much butter, cream, salt, sugar and fat as they like into restaurant meals. That's why they tastes so good.

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Nah. Look at my shadow. I'm a carrot!

12 years of confinement is not easy.

They would've assassinated him already.

After Epstein? If he survives the first year without incident, then he's safe.

All tv shows named after the main character are better without that character (spin-offs excluded obvs).


Dawsons creek



Exception that proves the rule


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Do you think Assange is safe from assassination?

Do you think Assange has been tamed and will now live a quiet life going walkabout in the outback?

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I think I may have tested a Beta version because I get responses like:

  • You know what you did.
  • Empathise don't sympathise.
  • What should I wear.
  • Be more spontaneous.
  • Don't plan without me.
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Not true any more. Banks don't have to hold cash.

If you are playing that card, under which president will the Palestinians have it worse?

It comes before the Metachorus.

OK, let's remove empathise don't sympathise which could be interpreted as being difficult.

Now it's pure not knowing what women are thinking.

Actually, in this case the data sounds pretty clean.

Not voting for Biden in the primaries is perfectly fine.

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Not a myth. Most of your actions in this world are generating carbon.

More accuratly, it was a PR campaign to shift blame from big oil.

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Musk tried everything possible not to buy twitter, and now it's worth 20bn less.

I wouldn't call a planned success.

Ooooh. Data. Nice.

Is it a private business if it's owned by the Chinese government?

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Remember when this was challenged and the court ruled the Parties have no obligation to play fair

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Resignation of officials and agents who would not work for Donald Trump

I didn't think I would come away with my opinion of the CIA improved.

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