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Joined 1 years ago

Thanks for sharing this


Who has the most important and powerful job in the world...

Non dev here but curious, why does react suck?

AI is just this with extra steps

FYI you can get these relatively cheap from Hertz if you don't mind the base model. Sure it was a rental, but many of them have <15k miles


In my experience the people crafting these are getting out of hand. When I see these wall to wall in a storefront it makes me wonder what happened to a good old lager.

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"Rising fascist dictator considered 'offputting' to some voters"

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It's legit, nothing has happened to me so far

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We can, op can't

This has been a phenomenal dopamine factory for my wfh software ADHD ass.

It's beautiful, clearly a labor of love, and I can't wait to see the roadmap progress! Wishing you the best of luck!

Given that it requires self-reporting from the command line, I feel like the people that are more likely to be on the cutting edge may be more likely to report as well

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Let me see the human from the back

Mystery of the universe, would IPv5 have hit the sweet spot and taken off?

I don't want to rain on your parade, but maybe that's more of an indictment about ridiculous licensing costs for lightning

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The humor is great, writing and acting are top notch.

But it hit atheist me on a spiritual level and awakened a thing I didn't think existed.

That's pretty fuckin rad.

All right I'll ask the dumb question here, what am I looking at? From what I can tell they are tiny empty bags

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Not having Microsoft install candy crush and reenable telemetry trackers with every update.

Oh fuck you.

Not because you suddenly made me aware of this, but because I catch myself doing this with slides sometimes and figured I was getting away with it!

Dude this is totally how it works.

You have general counsel, firms on retainer, etc and the cost is amortized over all legal needs... And 99.999% of users will never even THINK about legal action nevermind actually pursue it.

It's the same reason they send C&D ounce of legal effort (which you likely already have to buy anyway as a corporation) is worth a TON of consumer litigation protection.

Let's eat him

Just a note, I think secession instead of succession?

I hate this take so much I don't know whether to upvote or downvote

Your username is awesome

I solved this in undergrad.

P = NP when N=1. I don't understand what the big deal is.

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Pronoun, this is a Wendy's.

Help me through this, because I watched the first couple seasons, maybe even the first three? To the point where the son opens up his own store.

I found it charming, quirky, and largely enjoyable. But then it just sort of felt repetitive? Like, I couldn't see where the plot was going and the characters while enjoyable, I felt I'd enjoyed enough.

Is there a drastic uptick that I just needed to hold out for? Or at that point is the show pretty much what you sees what you get?

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Don't worry, they haven't exactly been paying attention

If you're not streets ahead you're streets behind

Selfish had a negative connotation... But voting in your self interest is likely what you meant and shouldn't have any such connotation.

Drunk af, didn't even read, recognized the art style and up voted

Most take-home exams specifically state whether you're allowed to use other sources or cooperate. If not, many course syllabi or even campus codes of conduct have onerous defaults.

Instead of ragging on op for adhering to practices they may have had no hand in mandating, we should try to help them.

Having been on both sides of such academic misconduct, if your hands are tied in terms of the assignment parameters, I think reissuing solo retests is fine. This is likely a chronic issue though, and I'd be curious to know if you have any options in next steps should anyone fail.

More like now that it's taytay it needs to be dealt with

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I'm high AF and new to Linux, what is a terminal emulator?

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This. I got a like new $1400 chair for $350.

I've worked from home for 10 years, logged serious hours in that chair, never felt uncomfortable. It's a nightingale if that helps.

Doesn't give nav display and as much hands free though

Signed up and already find myself adding extra ways to my day to get steps, the gamification works!

Is there a Lemmy community to discuss this with other scapers?

Thanks for taking the time.

I've been using the literal terminal app like a caveman I guess... What do these weird apps give me over my regular terminal?

People mentioned tabs and stuff but like... I have tabs?

Recently learned on here that wasn't system 🤯

Wanka forever