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Joined 9 months ago


Nice to see a new verb used in a headline.

I love this way of thinking about it.

I haven't been interested in AI enough to try writing code with it, but using it as an interactive rubber ducky is a very compelling use case. I might give that a shot.

PS2 is retro now? Damn, getting old really does sneak up on you.

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It's only a matter of time before it's not an option anymore. Every shitty new behavior they put in is an easy-to-use option at first, then a registry setting or policy, then even that goes away and it gets baked in.

hit back

Complaining on twitter isn't hitting anyone. A financial impact is the only thing that will drive change.

Quick hypothetical for you:

John shoots and kills Frank. They had never met each other and John did not know that Frank has a history of abusing children. John claims it was self-defense.

Was the shooting justified?

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I don't think "con job" is the whole story here. There's always money to be made when morons gather together and soulless hedge fund managers don't care about the side effects. What better place could there be to sell advertising space for testosterone supplements and nuclear fallout shelters?

Not to mention all the free advertising for it from both social and mainstream media.

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This is far too reasonable of a comment for shitposting. I'm going to need someone to shit this up a bit, please.

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Some people have so little going for them that winning imaginary gun battles is the only thing that makes them feel powerful. But they're not even good enough at the game to do it on their own, so they cheat and trick themselves into feeling good about it.

...I have stolen a child for you

Aw, shucks. I thought you were about to suggest a dumpster-side quickie to make one.

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My washer tells me when it's running an unbalanced load by making an extremely loud THUNK THUNK THUNK noise and dancing across the floor until it hits the wall.

I don't need no bluetooth.


I don't "like" emails, but at least I have time to really think about how I'm phrasing things, and will have a written record record I can refer to later when my brain purges all the important work stuff to make room for things that are more interesting.

If you're into FPS games, here are a few suggestions that have RPG elements:

  • Deus Ex
  • Borderlands
  • Bioshock
  • FarCry (#3 and after have progression elements, not so much for earlier entries)
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I mean, it is a shitpost... what were you expecting?

Who cares if people cheat on their own experience of a game they bought?

Yep, that's me.

I have a family, a job that burns my brain out most days, and other hobbies. When I play games, I like to just turn off my brain and shoot bad guys with impunity. I don't have time to actually Gut Gud^TM^, so I often cheat a bit and never play multiplayer.

It works for me and anyone bothered by that, including Capcom, should fuck off and worry about their own lives.

Do it.

But be quiet about it. Talking about it in the courthouse can get you thrown off the jury or into a bunch of legal bullshit.

Your analogy is very incomplete. No one is saying that Intel's products or technology is "moving backwards", but rather that their market share and performance as a company are declining.

Take your person "standing still" and imagine they were previously in the lead during a marathon and suddenly stopped before the finish line. They're not moving backwards, but their position in the race is dropping from first, to second, to third, and they will eventually be last if they don't start moving again.

Is "multiple desktops" different from virtual desktops? Because i've been using virtual desktops in Windows 10 for a while now.

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I can't find much more context, but I think you have the online part backwards. No more updates for FC6, but online services will continue running for now, so multiplayer is still available.

Not trying to be snarky here, but what are you trying to do with your phone without opening your eyes? I sometimes snooze my morning alarm with the power button on the side without looking at it, but what did the home button do for you when you weren't looking at the screen?

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porn collection

Harry Potter fan fiction

These two are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

I think you just missed a joke.

I have never met anyone with this permit.

That's because it doesn't exist. There are licensing requirements for manufacturers and dealers of NFA items, but as long as you're legally allowed to own them in your state, you don't need a permit to buy a registered and transferrable machine gun.

What you need is $10k at a minimum and time to wait for the ATF to approve your Form 4 transfer application.

Jank was the style at the time.

But are you going to add bleach to your dishwasher when you run the toilet brush, then do dishes normally on the next cycle?

Seems like you're opening a whole new can of health-hazardous worms with that plan.

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Fair enough, sounds reasonable.

I've heard BL described as a "looter shooter", but found that I can mostly ignore the loot aspect. Like OP, I'm not a fan of grinding for special drops, managing a shitload of inventory items, or memorizing loot stats. I just play through the games, occasionally checking drops for something better than what I have, and moving right along. It never felt like a burden to me because I didn't care about having the "best" gear.

Ah, yes. The renowned unit of elite war fighters, the Green Beets.

The difference between fault and responsibilty is definitely something I plan to teach my kids from an early age.

If someone rear ends me when I'm driving safely and following all the rules of the road, it's not my fault. But it's still my responsibility to get insurance information, arrange for car repair and transportation, reschedule appointments, etc. I don't get to just walk away and hope everything takes care of itself.

It's just one of those unfortunate facts of life. Everyone has to handle things that aren't their fault sometimes.

Tekken has a story? I didn't need to know why a man with leopard head is fighting a metallic samurai elf thirty years ago, and I don't need to know now.

That's better, thanks.

If you don't mind old shitty graphics and mechanics, start with the original Deus Ex. I played it when it first came out and it blew my little stupid mind. I still replay it once every couple of years. It really taught me what an art video games can be, which was totally new to me after growing up on Wolfenstein and Doom.

There is not enough information.

Yeah, that's the point.

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Embedded software developer here.

Oh damn, I thought I was going to be the only one here!

I don't know how you get by with only one. Between source code, simulators/emulators, datasheets, requirement specs, log files, e-mails from senior devs with tribal knowledge not written down anywhere else, and a bunch of other bullshit, I sometimes find 3 24" monitors to be lacking.

Distractions aren't a problem because I can easily use up all that screen real estate for a single task.

Oh my, what a throwback. Nicely done.

Your understanding of minimum wage is incorrect - under the FLSA, if an employees tips do not bring their wages up to minimum, the employer must make up the difference.

Still horseshit though. If you can't pay employees a fair wage, you don't deserve to be in business, and it shouldn't be on the customer to subsidize your employees' shitty pay rate.

My 1070 handled Doom Eternal just fine with pretty high settings. I'm sure it helps that I only use a single 1080p monitor for games, but it was still pretty enough for me.

*Edit - I picked up on the sarcasm after posting this reply. Oh well.

I think you missed the whole point of my comment.

Also right.

The point I was getting at is that the question of whether or a shooting is justified depends entirely on the circumstances that led to the shooting. Not someone's past criminal behavior that the shooter was not aware of.

You may certainly disagree with other peoples' reasons for viewing the shooting as unjustified. But it seems that you are either unwilling or unable to see that both people involved in an altercation can be bad. One shouldn't be considered a hero just because he's less bad than the other.

The dead pedo deserved what he got. Rittenhouse is a dumbass who was looking for a fight and luck was the only thing that saved him from killing an innocent bystander.

These can both be true at the same time, and saying that Rittenhouse's actions shouldn't be celebrated is not the same thing as defending pedophilia.

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That's a pretty reasonable position to take. I don't agree with it, but I understand how you arrived there.

Do you still think that being a pedophile is the only reason someone would say Rittenhouse's shooting was unjustified?

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