9 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Count me among the skeptical, I will check the team social media profiles.

I just did my personal research, this is shady, my personal take is that this is likely a scam.

1 am!

No joke, I once met a guy like this in an indie game developers meetup, and on top of that he was extremely vague about his idea because he told everyone he once managed to get a coder on board and "that rat wanted to take advantage of him and his idea", literally.

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I've been told running an email server is the final boss of self-hosting

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When you are assigned to write database queries at work and your academical background is that online react bootcamp

Actually, the Monster Energy one is real, I got one exactly like the one in the picture when I was 17 at a skateboarding competition and carried it in my wallet for like 3 years before throwing it away because it expired

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90s SEGA was the OG of this, we need 90s SEGA back

Not this year, but the next one

I only backup data I've generated myself, nothing that was autogenerated or downloaded from somewhere else.

This goes far beyond backing up since not a long ago I had to deal with emptying the house of a deceased person that had been locked for a while and got to the conclusion the only things worth keeping are original ones (photos, handwritten letters and so...). Anything that could have been bought somewhere else, no matter the antique it was resulted to be almost worthless, not just to me but also to pawn shops, as it seems to be easy to find the exact same thing somewhere else.

So I took that as a life learning and apply the same concept to my data :)

About time!

Back in the days, I used to have an iPad full of games and software, I'm talking about a 1st gen iPad and it was about one year or two after it was first released.

Then with the new iPads, OS updates and so the app repositories died out and apple dropped official support and now it is a mechanically fully funcional device that is completely unusable because of the software it contains.

You unblocked me an ancient memory, That's something I used to do all the time when I was a toddler and my parents let me be in their bed.

I'm also using Liftoff and the experience has been quite good so far

I'll go for depressed IT guy

What a time to be alive...

I'm still using the self hosted docker image, the all in one is too bloated for me and my computing resources are quite limited. Why would I like an antivirus? Or a backup solution different than the one I use to backup the rest of my containers?

Cool initiative anyway for other kind of users though.

Running it on the browser is cool, but the author also ported it to other consoles like Game Boy Advance or Sega 32X.

You can check his channel:

Well, if this app works Instead of Google maps for sending the location you can then disable location collection in Google


I used for a bit, I even configured it to open in a separate monitor when booting, it was cool for a while

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Lol, this has escalated quite a while since the last time I came across this post

Nice! That's a nice-looking dashboard, would you mind sharing its JSON config? Thanks!

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White Knight B7

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I have all my configuration as Ansible and Terraform code, so everything can be destroyed and recreated with no effort.

When it comes to the data, I made some bash script to copy, compress, encrypt and upload them encrypted. Not sure if this is the best but it is how I'm dealing with it right now.

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Be careful, you cannot do more than four marijuanas a year to avoid addiction

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For me running my self-hosted server has been a pain. It took me a while to start getting content, adding relays and so, and still everything feels "dead", with no replies or favorites anywhere.

On top of that it was constantly depleting my machine resources. Yes, it is a small machine but it is a one person server... Today the containers are stopped and the url returns a 503 error and still get dozens of request per second.

I was so sick of it that when joining Lemmy I just created an account in the biggest server I could find.

Wait, what? Sounds like something that belongs to DeviantArt, not YouTube

I was seeing Kitana from Mortal Kombat in the picture, am I the only one?

I'm using Mealie for this, and so far suits my needs


My personal blog that is a bit abandoned right now

I've been self-hosting Pleroma (Mastodon) for a while as a technical challenge and because I thought it would help. But truth is finding content was a nightmare, and apart from that it was taking all the resources in my machine, and also was receiving network requests like crazy.

In comparison, for Lemmy I just joined a big instance and the experience has been much much better.

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Is that Sonichu?

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My advice would be, be pragmatical, an error on a backup script I did not notice wiped the time tracking data I had been collecting on my self hosted database for over a year. I got really anxious at first, because of my mistake and because of the data lost. But at the end of the day... Who cares, life goes on, this is only a hobby.

I believe some games for renaissance movies were quite bad, like Pocahontas and Little Mermaid but I haven't played them myself. I tried Beauty and the Beast some time ago and even the controls were quite bad I found the animation and graphic quality quite good.

Aladdin and Lion King were triple-A games back then, and there were also some good Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck games.

I installed immich thinking I could use it to access my entire pictures collection that I had stored on my hard drives only to learn it currently does not support that.

Luckyly I saw the other day there is already a PR in the official repository trying to implement that, so I may wait for a bit to Immich to have this importer.

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I messed the post title, great

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