2 Post – 112 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

It could do that?!

Just follow the wiki and you'll be fine. I did it when I was in highschool. My friend showed me Ubuntu and I used it for about a month then jumped straight to arch

Must've been before my time cause I have no clue what that is

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Yeah ngl I don't get using the entire space fore almost nothing. I use a few extensions to fill it up and make it more useful

Thank fucking God. It never should have been a thing ever.

Love Lemmy. Was browsing yesterday at work so I got it immediately

I've heard of atomic habits before. Is this different?

You got me so good. Been using fedora for a few years now and I've been hesitant to hop to silverblue but now, after reading your issues with it I might just have to stay away. I can't imagine a world of painless updates and rebasing smoothly. If I don't have things to troubleshoot what else am I gonna do on my PC!


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There's just something about seeing users make posts on another instance from their own and the comments filled with users from different instances that makes me so happy. It makes Lemmy feel more like an actual front page of the Internet that can be used from anyone anywhere.

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I'm not 30 yet but I have a feeling in 8 years I'll still hustle on over if someone asked me if I want appy sices

I'd kill for a 2-in-1 framework with a detachable keep board and pen

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Skype still exists?!

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But for why (I'm commenting this before reading) wouldn't it make more sense to home I'm the scope of systemd so it can be easier to maintain? Why have it do everything?

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This shit pisses me off so much. I need a gun

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Get your keybinds the way you want and learn how to use the tiling extension that comes with pop. I found it super useful when I used to use pop

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Install: easy.

Seeing how much more annoying it is after using Linux: hard.

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I completely agree. Schools need more funding

People use reddit?

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Foobar is a piss poor reason cause 1 it's shit but to each their own. 2 I'm 95% positive it works perfectly with wine for years now

I played with someone online I on the PS vita and started using their username. Sorry secret300

Helldivers 2 is proof the learned nothing. You still can't buy the game in all the countries that you can't make a PSN account.

Easy solution, stop playing those game /s

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So all pros no cons /s

Ah shit I didn't know that.

Everyone send it to the negatives!

Edit: I can edit titles!

What fuckin data is dell even getting and how?

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Please tell me the GitHub link is just incorrect. I'm getting a 404. Did Nintendo already take it down?!

Edit: okay jerboa just be fuckin up the link, cause when I go to the video and click on it, it's there


On my surface I still need to :/ fuckin Microsoft

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Reminds me of dreamlink but not using ipfs

IPFS seems like it's dying but I still have high hopes for it

In the future most CPU's will prolly have an NPU built in. We already seeing it with ryzen

If they want money from sponsors and advertising they could do it without all the trackers.

I always hear amazing things about opensuse. I didn't like it but I didn't have any issue with it. Just preferred fedora over it. I'd say give it a shot

Nowadays distro doesn't really matter. Just pick something that clicks with you. Almost everything is a flatpak now so it'll install on any distro. If you come across something only packaged for Ubuntu or Debian you can use distrobox.

Not Foss, no Linux version, not downloading this malware

am I crazy but wouldn't using ipfs essentially do all this for us?

Exactly how I feel about Twitter. I get the appeal but it just ain't for me

That's insane to me

I honestly wish for a vita sized steam deck. I love the PS vita 1000. It was small and portable but thick enough to hold. Still would be uncomfortable after many hours but honestly that just means it's time to take a break

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