oce 🐆

@oce 🐆@jlai.lu
2 Post – 507 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I try to contribute to things getting better, sometimes through polite rational skepticism.
Disagreeing with your comment ≠ supporting the opposite side, I support rationality.
Let's discuss to refine the arguments that make things better sustainably.
Always happy to question our beliefs.

I'm not blaming the single person who did a mistake, I'm blaming the negligence of the companies that cut corners for profit, so most of them.

Your first comment read as if organizations where this happens couldn't have bad consequences. Your new comment explains what you meant better, and I agree.

I feel like it means: we are not like Nintendo, we make video games for adults (and children who want to play like adults).

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Boss, you'll never guess why I can't make it today.

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HR protect the company first, the employees second.

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I'm glad that there's no micro transactions nor loot boxes.

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Crypto means hidden, stop using it to talk about cryptography.

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The sheer coverage of every subject on Reddit is crazy. Yesterday I was getting infuriated at a stupid plot in the 3 Body Problem, so I ddged it, and of course I found 3 Reddit threads sharing my frustrations. What a shame it has to get enshitified.

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Since you're very upfront with your political preferences, how much did it play a role in motivating you to create Lemmy? Was it a tech experiment first and a political project second?
Do you have some kind of core principle to not let your political preferences excessively interfere with your role as founders, main developers and moderators of Lemmy?

Thanks for your work, it's projects like that keep the ideal of the open internets alive.

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You can conviniently block a whole instance from your account now, it reduces this kind of disagreement a lot.

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What do you suggest doing when your home is invaded by people who want to erase your culture?

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There's probably a bunch of idealistic engineers dreaming to change the world for the better in the beginning, easily tamed by large amounts of cash when it starts to turn darker.

In before 5 yo

Mommy, "because I say so" is an appeal to authority, I will not abide by such logical fallacy. Please provide me with a systematic review of relevant double blind studies to convince me that I should eat my greens."

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It came with the cat.

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they did it without relying on DRM

Steam itself has some kind of DRM. You need to login to Steam to access the games you bought (sure there's offline mode but then you can't download your games, update or buy more, so it's only temporary convenience). If Steam dies one day, so will your Steam games library.
However, the service is great, so it's not annoying.

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It seems even the pope is more progressive than American right now.

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Or with creating Microsoft offices in their cities, like they did with Munich.

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It is a desktop environment system.

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You seem to have very high requirements for a mobile browser. None of this have been an issue for me in years of Firefox mobile. Maybe philosophy is worth a little bit of discomfort.

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Is that from the Microsoft engineer or did he start from this observation?

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Most people cannot judge the quality of scientific papers, that's what public regulators are for, but they failed the people there.

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It was a website from the old times of the internet, where people behind pseudonyms could freely discuss links and texts inside thematic communities.

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Next step is switching from socks to knee socks.

And the potential conflicts of interest should be described so their decisions can be analyzed against them if necessary.

This is too technical to incite the mass. Chances rely on parliament opposition and anti-constitutionality.

Because this is not how justice work in modern countries, unless you're a nazi or a tankie.

Would you consider reducing according to carbon footprint?

When you're lucky your data provider has high standards.

That's like 80% of the IT industry.

Mmh I'm pretty sure having sex with many girls will just be seen as a cool thing for the kind of people who vote for him.

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If I’m not allowed to have a discussion or disagreement with you, and get kicked out instead, I’ll just go to places where they will talk with me

I actually tried to, and if it was possible to have rational and polite discussion, without straw man arguments, dog pilling, personal attacks and finally threats of violence, I would have continued to try. But sadly all of this happen, multiple times.

At some points I considered leaving Lemmy, thinking that this federation as a whole was not safe for debating. But then I started understanding patterns, either it was from the users from a specific instance, or it was communities from a specific instance that turned like that. Overall the pattern seem to be that if the instance mentions extreme political ideologies in its description or if the profiles of its admins do, then debating is not possible.

If they want to stay connected to people to avoid the circle jerk, they have to work on themselves too (ex: learning to debate politely), you can't except us to absorb all the damages to help them avoid radicalization. It's like walking towards a terrorist group with flowers while they are shooting around and expecting them to be inspired by your pacifism.

I do enjoy debating and questioning my own beliefs, but I am not on Lemmy to consume my mental health, so I need to take some actions to protect it.

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Even neutrinos' privacy isn't safe anymore.

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For context, this what Trump said about NATO members who are not financially contributing enough according to the rules. https://www.reuters.com/world/what-did-trump-say-about-nato-funding-what-is-article-5-2024-02-12/

What's Reddit?

Thief had an epiphany and became a Linux kernel committer.

I think it's rather similar level of maturity and points of interest. Like I may find college students physically attractive, but there's quite a maturity gap between students and people who have been working full time for a couple of years that can be off-putting to me.

ISO8601 🙌

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I don't want the r/funny people to invade this place, but quality middle sized to niche subreddits don't yet have their active equivalent on Lemmy.

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Because Reddit was made for nerds, until more recently it didn't try to attract the mass with shiny interfaces and promises of social recognition like FB and Instagram.

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