It is essential to stop using Chrome. Under the pretense of saving users from third-party spyware, Google is creating an ecosystem in which Chrome itself is the spyware. to – 2248 points –

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You seem to have very high requirements for a mobile browser. None of this have been an issue for me in years of Firefox mobile. Maybe philosophy is worth a little bit of discomfort.

Write it in the fucking sky, my friend.

People need to rediscover what the word "principle" means and why they need to be fought for.

If you care about them, you'll tolerate a little inconvenience and you'll put a little time into adapting, maybe even learning.

If you can't muster any desire to stick to principles, you'll be in threads like this forever, helpless, and complaining over and over as things continue to shift further in a direction you don't wanna go in.

For real, people often give the weakest excuses for not trying or changing something. "But, but... I will have to..." like they have never had to do anything hard before.

It's okay. They can make up for it by wanking about some glorious revolution that they can't even define much less bring about.

This. Be the change you want to be. Stick to your principles.

Yeah, maybe. Felt kinda like betraying my faith or something at first when I switched back lol but I got used to it.