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Ah yes “…Bethesda's managing director, and Todd Howard, who is Todd Howard.”

Thanks for clearing that up AI writer.

Also how is it thrilling to “blast off” and “set foot on a new planet” when the game is more clicking through menus and fast traveling.

In No man’s sky you actually land. In star field you fast travel.

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The proposal will establish a new appointed panel to lay out a 12-month history program for the city. Some of the potential themes include “the Revolutionary and Civil War” month in August and “Black Gold Jubilee – Honoring the Discovery of Oil” month in November.

Right so no black history month, no women’s history month… instead celebrate the civil war and oil. So fucking stupid.

Edit: I posit that this type of shit is the real Identity Politics. AKA the politics of denying identity outside of your own.

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If you consider black history month divisive that says more about you than black history month.

The comments in conservative communities are saying “democrats” are fascists and blaming them for shit conservatives did in the past prior to the voting rights act.

Basically flaunting their ignorance of history and the southern strategy while intentionally muddying the waters with projection. It’s gross

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Both sides didn’t dig their heels in and refuse to compromise. One side compromised plenty to the annoyance of their voters (dems giving concessions to republicans)

The other side never compromised, then said “fuck you”, claimed dems are at fault, stormed the capitol and acted like those “maga extremists” were the normal ones.

This isn’t a both sides thing when one side is fucking committing insurrection while shutting down the gov, that’s not on democrats.

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Both. They scream “BiDeN cRiMe FaMiLy!” To distract from trumps corrupt ass kids being literally employed in the White House. Like dude said trump has 4 indictments…

However I am also sure they are desperate to find anything they can twist into scandal regardless of substance. They investigated Clinton for 25 years before settling on a blowjob.

Remember Trump blackmailing Zelensky to make up dirt on Biden? Nothing. Remember Hunter’s laptop? Nothing. They will keep fishing because they would prefer that over doing jackshit for the average citizen.

Republicans in power.

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TLDR: Biden speaks the true true…

I prefer “xcretion” or “xcremement” in general.

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“Minor risks” being whole families dying or key family members getting poisoned as we transitioned to a society where most folks don’t own their own cow/source of milk.

It’s dangerous to assume all those years of use were a utopia. We used leaded gas for how long and are only just now getting to understand the ramifications?

By your mindset poisoning a future generation with lead is a “minor risk” we dealt with back then…

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She's probably just a racist too though haha

That’s not fair to assume. In fact your comment is quite the 180.

You saying stuff like that is exactly why everyone should feel sorry for her.

It’s worse than that. Hunter Biden may have benefitted from what most of us would call “privilege” using his name.

Jared Kushner was denied top secret clearance because the intelligence agencies believed he would be too easily leveraged by foreign powers, especially given his finances. Donald Trump hired him into an official White House job, called him a Middle East advisor, reversed the intelligence decision and gave him top secret clearance.

At the end of the administration Qatari money helped buy a 1.2 billion dollar property Kushner could not manage to sell otherwise for years. It was a well timed bailout from a group that never showed interest before trump was president.

6 months after leaving the White House Saudis invested 2 billion in a fund to managed by Kushner despite his lack of experience managing funds that size.

I’ve never heard of anything like that related to Hunter.

It’s weird how the GOP went from singing “bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.” a la The Beach Boys, to plainly saying “No matter what, I side with Putin”…. All in what like an 8 year time span?

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It’s fucking wild to make a film and then pretend to take HISTORIANS to task. Not like they know history or any thing like that… that’d be CRAZY!

Top that off with making films that counter normal intuition… I mean that’s just weird. Why would Ridley Scott make a film that counters every strength of Alien with multiple films of seemingly, equally, poor value… ?

I call BS. Mushrooms don’t keep you up and… call me naive but… FLYING A FUCKING AIRPLANE shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. Why not take a sick day?

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The bot is basically loud as fuck in a way that disrupts the comment feed.

Imagine how comments should create and add to a conversation. Imagine how various lemmy clients feed or service that conversation….

Now imagine how a double dropdown big as fuck post says “fuck you” to that conversation.

Just please consider how the form of your shit can be just as imposing as the content, which I really appreciate.

Yet somehow your posts always have me thinking “shut the fuck up” which seems antithetical to building a community.

Apparently it hard to imagine for some people.

it’s a weak argument that boils down to “I’m already paying for things via my taxes but I choose to whine about this instance of the Iraq wars… plural”

Trump gave billions to already rich billionares via tax cuts that were permanent for the upper class and temp for everyone else. Don’t get me started on the billions of fraudulent PPP loans that were forgiven and no one said a peep.

But college? For the working class? “What a waste of MY MONEY…”

It gets a little weird with the web of ownership, use case, contract details and people involved.

Ok it can get really weird… hear me out.

Basically in most cases the vessel owner is only liable up to value of the vessel itself. It’s something that like much of the maritime industry came about from practices in the 19th century and vessel ownership back then. Unfortunately, the vessel is likely worth no where near as much as taking out a fucking bridge. Also in any given scenario a vessel could be owned by the captain, owned by a corp, leased by a corp to a captain, leased by a corp to another corp etc. weird ownership scenarios like those are commonplace in shipping.

In certain circumstances a company can be on the hook but the other big wrinkle is determining who is liable in the first place like the vessel crew, or port crew (but for instance if someone from on shore is working on the vessel at the time they are considered acting crewmembers). This is compounded with the whole mechanical error issue and how supposedly the vessel was having maintenance work done before hand, but then lost power twice? Insurance inspectors are going bonkers at this point.

Point is this is a way wackier scenario to deal with compared to your average fender bender. But in a way kinda has to be, not because of lobbying or corporate malfeasance but because of the complex nature of maritime law, shipping, and insurance.

The fact that they won’t be “fighting” fighting…

More likely, they’ll be told to blindly run towards hidden Ukrainian positions to help expose them. All while being shot at by russians behind them. It’s disgusting, the thought of being forced into friendly fire for tactical gain…

A weird symmetry with the tales about russian squads that are singularly tasked with shooting any russian that retreats…

“Vulnerable children you say? Ah… uh Ms. Hilton, you do know the presidential candidate for our party ran the miss teen USA pageant?

Oh yes he even bragged about how much he liked to walk into the girls dressing room and how they (us republicans now) just LET him do that cause he is famous you know…

Tell you what let me introduce you to my colleague Matt Gaetz he’s offered to help any of your younger friends still facing these terrible circumstances…”

Because that would lead to what?

Why is the liberal candidate dying so attractive?

Do you think his party would substitute him with a candidate that suddenly disagrees with almost a century of American treaties and support for Israel? Do you think when Bernie makes a statement about accountability he has to actually do anything about that?

Like I’m all for netanyahu getting a smack and a jail sentence but wishing death to Joe Biden feels like cutting off your nose to spite a liberal face.

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I’m sure 4 years of republicans calling those same countries “shit holes” has nothing to do with it.

This whole article comes off as incredibly disingenuous and pure uninformed opinion BS.

It entirely omits 4 years of trump/bannon burning down the state department and driving out career workers there. It ignores 4 years of trump siding with putin and attacking NATO members, weakening those relationships.

It ignores 8 years of bush/cheney burning down the Middle East and showing the world how unreliable the US can be on the world stage. It ignores the gop lying their way into invading Iraq and it ignores how bush ignored the mission and how trump sold out our presence in Afghanistan, both for personal gain.

The article does say in one sentence: “the White House has worked tirelessly to bolster its existing alliances, while trying to establish new ones wherever possible.”

But then turns around and writes a whole article saying basically that despite these counties having a favorable view when Biden was VP, clearly as Pres, he has ruined everything and his support for our allies must be wrong!

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The important thing is to speak as poorly as possible about democrats…

That way the closest champions of a good cause are associated with failure, which helps how?

So despite the fact that Biden already shellacked trump at the last presidential debate you say “wait and see”… why?

Even as your own trash understanding of the “scientific method” means we already have evidence from 4 years ago.

Pretty much.

Whine as he may. The effect is still the same.

Still all one big family even if some of them say the quiet parts out loud.

Hobby Lobby?

And it sure sounds like judge cannon “chose at random” how to schedule the whole thing as well…

But by all means let them sneer at you.

Let them say that you and all the libs are what’s wrong with the country. You can’t say anything like that, you’d be part of the problem.

Now you must let them propose “2nd amendment solutions” and put crosshairs on your pictures online.

Let them say you’re not a real American, after all they said Obama wasn’t even a citizen. You have to let them say stuff like that or else you’re the problem.

So now you must also let them claim your politicians eat babies and are pedophiles.

Let them repeat lies about the election, the president, the country, the rest of the world EVERYTHING.

So now you must let them storm your capitol and smear their shit on the walls.

Remember according to them Covid isn’t real, or at least it was man-made by evil Fauci and the libs! You now have to let them say this otherwise you’re being mean.

So of course now you have to let them spread Covid and yell at you about your mask, everyone’s else’s masks.

Let them parade donald trump around as he cheats on his wife, lies about it, and sells bibles.

Let them tell everyone how godless the libs are.

Let them elect the majority of presidents in your lifetime with a minority of the population and then let them tell you it’s your fault.

After all the problem is you, you godless liberal. You city dweller! How dare you dwell in that place and not be like them!

Since you are godless and hurt their feelings they’re not responsible for their actions, you are.

If you upset them they may bomb a federal building in OKC, start an armed stand off in a federal building in Montana, shoot up a pizza parlor or even start a civil war all of which they did before in the name of the same “politics” you just don’t understand.

Problem is 3.5 years of any one presidential term isn’t going to suddenly change the structural stuff. It’s unrealistic especially in the context of 8 years of bush and reagan each, plus 4 years of bush 1 AND 4 years of trump straight gassing protestors yet still potentially getting re-elected. PLUS a congress full of republicans supporting them all the way.

You will never see any structural change even remotely close to what you’re talking about, so long as people elect republicans. Even if you want to lean heavily on a single president to wave the wand, the next administration can just reverse/neuter it. Without a solid Democratic majority in congress to go along with a Democratic President you couldn’t even have the conversation.

If republicans get elected you’re going to be set back 10 more years and the conversation will be for a fraction of what could have been…

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Where does it say in the article that it was his house?

“Detectives carried out the search at a home in Henderson, a suburb of Las Vegas where Shakur was gunned down in September 1996.”

The same as everyone else on the planet not desperate to sign up for a pump and dump scheme like crypto.

Same as my parents and your parents and their parents and everyone’s grandparents and the whole sum total of hundreds of years of human experience in what has been pretty much a prosperous economy.

But something tells me the whole internet couldn’t stop you from telling us all why we have it all wrong and should instead waste the energy output of Argentina on fake math problems to artificially create a coin…

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Fireworks is a great example of why Adobe should keep its hands off figma.

Macromedia built a product IN 1998 that had a lot of the features we take for granted in sketch, figma etc. today. Reusable symbols, a pixel accurate approach to UI design, “states” which were basically like how invision and figma handle hotspots and rudimentary prototyping…

Then adobe bought it and sat on it, never really taking the product any further. All while the industry progressed and other people developed products like sketch and figma. Then adobe tried to copy that with XD, but never developed xd either compared to figma.

Had the acquisition gone through I wouldn’t be surprised if figma then just withered on the vine just like fireworks. It’s clear the innovation is coming from outside of the house. _

Had a chance to cancel a cross state rail project cause elon would rather crowd cars into a tunnel with no fire exit than let people take a fucking train.

“Musk later admitted to his biographer that he had never planned to build a Hyperloop system in California, and primarily promoted it in order to prevent conventional HSR proposals from breaking ground.”

Like I can see the wheels of justice turning slowly…

…but why can’t justice observe its own ethics a little bit faster than that?


He’s not that good…

GOP: “Oh shit Reacher can recognize reality too! Quick, call him woke while we look for someone else.”

Feels fast.

Shouldn’t this take 4 years and then still get delayed? I mean it’s not like he stole classified docs, or supported insurrection. You’d want to get to the bottom of stuff like that quickly.

If it makes a dev’s life easier there’s no reason not to upend half the planet.

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Are you familiar with republican foreign policy?

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Until a lawsuit happens and senior members of the church have a magic moment and change their minds?

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It’s an interesting question but the knee jerk reaction towards decentralization isn’t always a silver bullet. Bitcoin always screamed that concept while ignoring the role of clearinghouses. Decentralization can actually compound the issue. Not to dispel the solution but good to keep these things in mind.