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Generously, people who were 14-16yo when Trump’s first term ended and weren’t fully aware of what was going on at the time.

Realistically, a large portion of ‘mainstream’ Republicans embarrassed by what the GOP has become - but still not certain if they can go against decades of Fox News programming and vote for a shudders Democrat.

Check out Infuse, it’s a pretty good front end for a home media collection.

we have the money

With the way things are going for the lower and middle classes, that’s a bold statement..

I recently visited China, to meet my wife’s extended family.

Let me tell you, the sheer amount of single-use plastics that are consumed by any individual throughout a regular day in a metropolitan environment, is absolutely and mind-numbingly depressing.

Given that there are 1.3b people there, and that no matter how much we in the US/AU/EU reduce/reuse/recycle - we will never be able to truly offset that sheer amount of plastic pollution produced.

Now I’m not saying this to be a doomer, but more-so to say that individuals can’t enact sufficient change to save this planet, we need Government and corporate incentives to shift towards sustainable alternatives, and punitive policies to disincentivise plastic production globally.

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Driver is definitely the one ultimately at fault here, but how is it that Tesla doesn’t perform an emergency stop in this situation - but just barrels into an obstacle?

Even my relatively ‘dumb’ car with adaptive cruise control handles this type of situation better than Tesla?!

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With hindsight, given the dirty tricks the GOP played in order to secure Trump two Supreme Court appointments; the Dem’s should have just gone full radical and take the Senates refusal to put the nomination up for a vote as a tacit ‘approval’ (seeing as they didn’t technically vote him down), and sit Garland on the court.

It’s the political equivalent of not negotiating with Terrorists, akin to the Paradox of Tolerance.

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In most situations, ‘vision and concept’ just add bloat and additional clicks required to complete the same tasks as the previous, spartan/utilitarian design did.

A good example of what I’m referring to is the Metro UI of Windows 8; yes it arguably looked ‘prettier’ - but that’s largely subjective and made actually using the device worse, without 3rd party applications to restore the Windows 7 Start Menu functionality.

Sometimes, albeit not always - programmers do end up making pretty efficient UIs.

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I honestly think it will not live up to the levels of hype that the community will build itself up to.

Coupled with my suspicion that the single-player game will be as barebones as possible, with the goal of funnelling as many players into the next iteration of GTA:Online as quickly as possible, to sell more Shark Cards.

The good news is that in the end I’ll either be proven right, or pleasantly surprised.

Wait, the Model X doesn’t have RADAR/LIDAR to supplement the cameras?

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It’s more nefarious than that; he’s not stupid - this is calculated.

He’s using this as a ploy to divert media/public attention away from the fact that he’s since-handedly holding military appointments and promotions hostage, knowing fully well that the people who voted for him aren’t going to care if he is a racist - but would care about him fucking with the military.

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Hard disagree; Dell would be GM, so many around that even when hundreds of thousands die - there are plenty still left in the wild.

IBM’s Thinkpads, before they sold that division to Lenovo? Would be the most apt comparison: Was really good in the late 90s and early 00s, and has been coasting on reputation since then.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to alias out each place you submit an email address to, so you can see who sells your contact details or otherwise gets hacked?

Eg:, etc.?

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While I have plenty of issues with modern American ‘conservatism’; a good chunk of the anti-vax movement was initially driven by some of the ‘crunchier’ members of the left (ie. alternate/natural medicine, crystal healing mom-type people)..

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Only if you buy into the Murdoch press. Similar thoughts tend to be expressed about Australia’s Labor party also, when the actual reality is markedly different.

Super Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger, I think strike a good balance regarding random encounters.

On the other end of the spectrum would be something like the Front Mission or Final Fantasy Tactics series - where the narrative is all handled through set battles.

Wait, isn’t this just the plot of that Sam* Rockwell movie - Moon?

Dividing something by 0.5 isn’t halving it, it’s doubling it.

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I mean, all recent coverage seems to have been about Boeing planes..

..but stuff like this is likely more due to shoddy maintenance than production faults, right?

It’s just that everyone is hyper-vigilant currently for anything that goes wrong on a Boeing flight currently.

It’s because most game devs are owned by publicly traded companies; shareholders searching for constantly improved earnings man’s that games are rushed out the door, incomplete and packed to the gills with monetisation.

Balder’s Gate 3 is a perfect counter-point to this mindset; games can only launch once - so launch it properly.

As an aside; I do wish that there was a millennial billionaire who grew up playing some Konami classic titles, and were in a position to take over the company, take it private and focus on restoring it to its former glory. But there is no such thing as a benevolent billionaire, so it’s just a pipe dream.

This almost feels like they’re name-dropping Apple Pay and Google Pay to mask the fact that this is more aimed towards embedded payment systems like WeChat (along with AliPay and whatever hot garbage Musk intends to add to Xitter)?

Do yourself a favour and switch to using a video game console, Apple TV or if you’re more technical my inclined - a HTPC.

Manufacturers have been getting increasingly nosey with their data collection policies, as well as inserting additional adds after the fact.

And can guarantee that in all circumstances, both the software and hardware will be infinitely better built, supported and more reliable.

Currently running Windows 10, but refuse to upgrade to Windows 11. Next rebuild will hopefully be Linux-based, and am getting my head around it slowly through my Steam Deck. It has immensely improved since my uni days in the early 2000s.

There are a lot of legitimate reasons to hate on Apple, but not supporting their products long-term is not one of them.

Eventually they stop providing new OS updates, but they don’t brick/abandon devices.

Hell, I turned on my old iPhone 5 recently for the first time in over a decade and it happily connected to Apple’s servers and updated to the last supported OS version.

Even now that my Apple Watch isn’t receiving any more major OS updates, it can still interact with my up-to-date iPhone 14 without any issues.

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It’s got that ‘new-tech’ smell blowing out of the cooling vents in spades.. it’s legitimately pleasant!

This is all well and good, especially from a nostalgia perspective (in addition to the general pushback against cloud everything); but what I miss most about portable music nowadays is the lack of decent inline remotes (think early 2000s Sony MiniDisc players).

The player stated in your pocket, and the remote handled everything, volume, playback, and even had a dot-matrix screen to identify and navigate playlists!

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Is it the same muscle that lets you wiggle your ears? Because I can do that, and I get a similar roaring.

You likely just need to enable TPM through the BIOS (each manufacturer calls it something different).

I’m in a similar boat, but am going to use W10 EOL to probably jump ship to Linux - if not at the very least switch to Windows 10 LTSC.

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Trump’s anti-China stance is largely performative, and mostly self-defeating; think domestic tariffs etc.

Sure, that may hurt China’s export potential to the US - but it’s a price the CCP is gambling would pay off in the long-term as Trump’s isolationist stance would weaken regional allies spheres of influence, and provide China the ability to step in and fill the vacuum (best case) or further invade territories they deem theirs (Taiwan, islands within the 9 dashes - worst case).

In situations like this, it’s very much better to side with the devil you know.

I’m quite a procrastinator myself, I’ve found gamification helps get chores done (e.g. do the dishes after dinner, get an hour of gaming time guilt-free).

Throw on a podcast or long-form YT video/stream VOD and shit gets done pretty painless.

I have one - but its touch screen is no replacement for bespoke, tactile controls.

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Correct that not everything is a distraction, but this situation very much is - and you’d have to be naive to believe otherwise.

Senators have a team of staffers to co-ordinate and manage their public relations; it’s not a coincidence that within a day of the NYT publishing an article exposing his holding up military appointments and promotions - that he’s taking every interview opportunity to throw out stupid sound-bites to change the media coverage.

He doesn’t care if his detractors call him racist, if anything that actually boosts support amongst his constituency. He however very much does care if they get word of him fucking with the military, even if it’s due to their abortion policy.

This is very much a reverse Hanlon’s Razor situation, and with a complicit media the public is falling for it.

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Windham Rotunda, Bob Barker and Arleen Sorkin walk up to the Pearly Gates..

What a strange, miserable week..

I’ve used similar services to this in the past; not because I couldn’t afford something up front - but because I wanted to amortise the purchase across a pretty short (8 week) period.

Why not just use a credit card? I did. As a semi-regular user of the service, it was set up in such a way that it would bill the first 25% of my purchase after 2 weeks, and again every 2 weeks after that.

So not only was I getting an additional interest-free time stacking the 2 week period with my CC’s billing cycle; but I was earning loyalty/rewards points with both programs simultaneously.

When ‘next gen’ (eg. PS5) becomes the new ‘current gen’, then the old ‘last gen’ becomes retro.

A damned shame; literally one of the most reasonable (no pun intended) political platforms..

First learned of him from the Chatterbox radio station in GTA3, of all places. FREE KEVIN!!

A good chunk of it is due to archaic licensing rights, especially when franchises have switched publishers.

Likewise, music licensing is also notoriously a massive hold-up for these too. It’s not really Vice City if Billy Jean isn’t the first song you hear on the radio. Not to mention all of the games with EA Trax, those will likely never see a 1:1 retail re-release.

All the more reason why I’m not hopeful for the future of gaming, it feels as though the current generation will likely be the last with physical media.

Thankfully, there’s plenty of retro options available through emulation for those unwilling or unable to become retro collectors, and there’s enough quality gaming available that an individual would ever need to go past the 7th generation of consoles.

RTS are inherently limited to PC.

I agree with everything else you said, bar this. I first got into RTS’s on the PS1.

To me, RTS’s peaked around Red Alert 2 (pre-Yuri’s Revenge); I just wish I could find more voxel-based 2d RTS’s with that same ‘arcade-y’ feel.

Rachel Dolezal and Nuka Zeus would like to have a word with you..