
1 Post – 237 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Nowadays you can send commands to your pc if you use KDE Connect, "systemctl shutdown" works wonders

I mean, yeah, it is pretty pathetic

Based on the fact that I've literally never heard anybody actually like the epic games store, I don't think they're successful

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"Arizona toddler rescued..." I dont think a dead child can be rescued anymore

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It's mostly the installation and initial setup that's a pain on arch, so definitely not a beginner distro, but very good nonetheless

Sure, but in this case that's just not true

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𓁆 𓀟   𓀣 𓁀

Dog with nose at the top, ear on the bottom of the head

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Yeah it should really only give me 2, maybe 3 options. Distrochooser is supposed to be the one choosing, not the user

It was a targeted attack

I agree with it, but I also agree with you

People tend to think the rust is what causes it.

Correct, I definitely thought that was the case

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A great master plan to prevent climate change, although the industrial revolution will start 2000 years earlier, so I'm not sure it matters

A smoke detector is also a bare minimum in my opinion.

In your opinion? You're required to have one where I life

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And I just lost, thank you very much

Yeah, I'd love to have my niche communities back as well

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This has absolutely nothing to do with the EU

Same for the Netherlands, the only reason the far right didn't win here is because they had a lower voting percentage compared to the left

Or a bridge for the water

Time to switch emulate the port of a PS3/Xbox 360 game, maybe then it can finally run well on my system

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Depends on your distro I suppose, I've never ever thought this while using fedora

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Literally the guy linked in this post, The Linux Experiment, is the best for open source news imo

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My cat just sits in my backyard all day


And what does that mean? Biological male/female seems pretty clear to me, whatever you're born with between your legs indicates which of the 2 you are...

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Might be more difficult to do when you wake up as you have the chance to actually have no fucking clue what's going on

Yes, it taught me a lot of things which I will never remember

I'm sure you can disable that behaviour

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And the price of that 128 gb sd card? €10-15, 512 gb cards are even crazier right now at like €35 a piece, that's €0,068 per gigabyte

The A30 and A50 series are fine to be honest, plenty fast for most people. Not sure about the A10 line though

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Nvidia is also a good option

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Nope, the Dutch broadcaster Avrotros said what happened as described above, the EBU says the story from the photographer or whatever is different, but has failed to tell us what that difference actually is

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Are you still using the microg version? There is a new version that uses another patch. You'll have to go to Reddit for the instructions on how to install that

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Yeah Emily's content was absolutely the best, very knowledgeable and informative. Hope to see more of her in the future

Proper math and an intuitive interface, the opensource alternatives really struggle with some basic functions

Ofcourse you always get youtube music with the subscription, which they claim ads extra value. But I dont want youtube music, I already pay for another service. So for me it would be a waste of money

That one does hurt

you'd probably have to replace the entire ROM and RAM to get rid of it.

That's not how ram works...

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Non-tracking ads exist and work fine...

I think you underestimate the strength of a cow

How can a guy accidentally order all size 10 shoes to come out, without there being any way to stop it