Me every time someone brings up possible futuristic dystopias. to Lemmy – 418 points –

Seriously, it doesn't get much more dystopian than what we already have.


With the history of unsupported medical cybernetics we already have

I'm here to tell you that it absolutely can and will get worse

Oh I'm not saying it won't, I'm just calling out the people that act like we're not already in a major dystopia.

Yes, just wait for the neuralink, schisophrenia, tracking and brain injuries in one.

You mean people think that the unimaginable environmental damage, wildfire season, trash gyres, insane housing prices, government decisions largely influenced by corporate lobbists, wage slavery, and soul crushing medical debt are normal?

A lot of people were born into this world without knowing any different, coupled with world leaders deliberately trying to either mislead or straight up lie to the masses about the real problems we're facing.

So yeah there's a decent chunk of people who think everything's fine the way it is

What the hell is a gyre?

Wikipedia is free, and just a click away.

Ah yes, ocean currents. Since I was an average student I was required to study meteorology, just simply name checking this tells me everything! Also they said "trash gyres" which seems to not be related to this

The two posts above this are Red Lobster falling prey to corporate greed and mismanagement and people losing media libraries to corporate practices.

Best believe it.