Just received an irl shitpost from a random text.

ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 251 points –

Never thought I'd get an irl shitpost before.


I kinda love it. The only spam I'm getting right now is from politicians asking me to donate. :(

Oh well, I only get "your package is ready to pick up" with clearly fake links

I always get random scammers roleplaying as my nonexistent children and telling me to add their "new" number on WhatsApp...

Ooh I havenโ€™t gotten one of those. I mostly get fake job scams, and those are boring.

Iโ€™d probably text them back and play along, but super stupid. Whatโ€™s WhatsApp? How do I install that? Hello? Billy??? Billy where are you??? Why did you get a new number Billy??? Whereโ€™s your phone, are you in trouble???

Someone needs to send that to the mailman drivers.

I had my curb repaved by the local government. Within 10 minutes of the repairmen leaving, the mailman showed up and drove up onto the curb ruining the work the government pavers just fixed.