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The author came to the wrong conclusion. Yes the Supreme Court making themselves the authority on all federal policy will increase their case load. No, it does not mean they will actually need to do any more work. Cases will be backlogged for as long as they want.

Businesses can now dump toxic waste onto public lands knowing that they are safe from judgement for decades.

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I never claimed it was. But Java comes with its own baggage of Oracle shenanigans (they could start licensing drama with open source forks just like they did a few years ago) and java security patches means maintenance. All of which would be completely unnecessary if Ubiquity let you setup the AP with ssl.

The controller interface is amazing. But it, or a phone app should not be required to set up an AP.

No, Pihole doesn't help.

I think the reason you say you haven't seen an ad on Windows is because the ads aren't the traditional ads like you see on a webpage.

When someone talks about an ad on Windows, they are referring to the Spotify app presinstalled in the Start Menu, the OneDrive prompt for backing up during setup, and the weather bug on the taskbar that brings up news if you click it.

You might think that a weather widget isn't an ad, but the idea is you click it, see a relevant news article, click the news article and you are taken to a traditional webpage with ads.

Did some Googling and found he was in a sketch in a 1994 episode of Saturday Night Live that was a TNG / Love boat crossover.

But I can't find a clip on YouTube!

Ten Forward needs this!

My favorite role was Baron von Butcher.


Yes, the Java app dockerized.

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The Manhattan project took 2.5 years. It involved mining 18.8 million pounds of uranium. 10 Cyclotron factories of 20 cyclotrons for 22,000 workers were built in 6 months to separate the uranium.

It boils down to collecting all the building equipment from around the world and sending it to where you want to build the pyramid.

50,000 people cutting stone while 50,000 heavy construction equipment operators move the stones would take 2 months.

So it's really down to resources. If it was a Manhattan Project level of resources thrown at building a Pyramid, I'd wild guess 3 months.

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How can you ask if it offers value without specifying a price?

After using OnionOS, the only thing that matters to me is the OS. I have a Retroid and Android gaming is clumsy. I might as well use an attachable game controller to my phone and have a better screen and CPU than any retro handheld.

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I’m not sure about configuring them independent of a controller as I haven’t tried.

That's my point. With regular ap's you can do everything via ssh. Ubiquity doesn't seem to document the command line. The website doesn't list any commands. It only says "only do it with a Ubquity engineer helping you".

If you were actually able to set it up via ssh, then you should be able to point me to the documentation for the Ubiquity AP cli.

I'm not sure if you are a fanboi or a shill but it is dishonest to claim that you say you could configure your Ubiquity AP when Ubiquity itself refuses to provide documentation of the cli interface.

Another poster said the same thing and linked to the same thread I found years ago which says in effect, "There is no official cli documentation for the APs. You might be able to sneak a few commands by digging through the forums."

Many states now have laws that prevent scrap dealers from buying a catalytic converter without paperwork identifying the vehicle it came from.

I'm not sure what you are talking about. Linux got PAE in 1999. Windows XP got PAE in 2001.

The other important bit is the Ultra Orthodox are, in general, the most Anti Palestinian block. They are 40% of the "settlers" in the West Bank.

There are two solutions.

The first is to post to the very specific relevant forums. The niche forums want your content.

The second solution for you is to do what corporations do and create many sock puppets. When a new episode of a Disney series comes out, a post is made promoting it and no one is warned for self promotion despite the post very likely coming from Disney Marketing.

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Yeah that's why I used the qualifier "most likely". Production companies always know details before fans, so they are better positioned to market their products early.

Its simple. Now that China is in the lead, do what China did to the west. If you want access to the markets you have to build a plant in the US and share IP. That's what the EU just proposed to China's EV manufacturers.

It's good for everyone. Consumers get cheap batteries, China gets Western Markets, and Western companies get Chinese technology to drive the next wave of competition.

I think the fundamental issue with Android that can't be fixed is complete power down and full boot time.

With a custom Linux, instead of sleep where there is minor battery drain, the handheld can turn itself off completely for no battery drain. Cold boot time is like 10 seconds. It means the hand held has a battery charge whenever you want to play it and you don't have to wait.

Imo, the only solution is every device with an antenna must be legally required to put a manual off switch.

Cell service, wifi, Bluetooth, any future service. If it broadcasts it needs a physical off switch.

If I sold my car to a government official and they found out I had hidden a camera, microphone and GPS in the car, I'd get a visit from the FBI. Yet companies do it with impunity. Does the CEO of Subaru have recordings of Bernie Sanders driving in his car?

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I think it's a reference to cyanide smelling like almonds. In particular I remember a Jodi Foster movie The little Girl who lives down the Lane where Jodi poisons a rapist. He says, "It tastes like almonds." as he drinks the tea. Jodi Foster says, "It's the almond extract." knowing it's the cyanide.

So the punchline is setup to be something about poison but gets subverted by the hand grenade.

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AI will win if not now, then soon. The reason is that even if it is worse than a human, the AI can pull off maneuvers that would black out a human.

Jets are far more powerful than humans are capable of controlling. Flight suits and training can only do so much to keep the pilot from blacking out.

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This has been going on for decades. CDDB, IMDB, Redhat.

Anything you volunteer for will be monetized and you will get cut off from your own contributions.

Even here on Lemmy people post Twitter images and Reddit reader apps which only helps those platforms retain mindshare even if they aren't directly profiting with ads.

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??? What does a fence post driver have to do with your age?

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This is astroturfing.

The issue with Tesla has never been that the windows are hard to break. The issue is that the rear doors are electronic with manual override hidden in a camouflaged panel at the bottom of the door pocket. A door pocket that was added to hold things. Those things will block access to the emergency door open.

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Because Nintendo wanted to sell those upgrades instead of someone patching them into the save file?

It's really insane if this story is true.

You use a program to create a file. You modify the file that you created with the program using a different program. Company sues you claiming they own the file that you created with the program you legally purchased.

I wonder what tool chain Nintendo uses internally. Could Notepad++ sue Nintendo for modifying a text file created by Notepad++ without always using Notepad++? They're unfairly cutting Notepad++ out of competition by using vim on txt files originally created with Notepad++ then profiting on the results by selling games that used the modified txt files after compiling them into games.

And as stated both have their merits and their faults.

Yes! Just because a compiler could guess the type doesn't mean it should. Elon didn't understand the meme at all.

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What do you call a nun with a sex change?

A transistor.

Tesla drivers are oblivious to any kind of spatial understanding of the road around them

I blame the design that forces you to keep your eyes off the road. Making a left turn? Don't look left, take your eyes off the road and look down at the screen on your right to see the left lane warning. Wipers need adjustment? Take your eyes off the road and look at the touch screen because there are no buttons.

Now that there is data, maybe the highway administration can force Tesla to put driver safety ahead of esthetics.

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Josh Hawley (R) , "Why haven't you resigned."

Says the man who endorses Trump for reelection.

"In the nine weeks between the election and his votes to object to the certification of the electoral college votes, Hawley made numerous statements suggesting that then-President Donald Trump could possibly remain in office and that then-President elect Joe Biden being inaugurated on January 20 was not a sure thing."

The myth is gone.

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Has everyone forgot that Trump worked to raise gas prices and bragged about it?

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It’s pretty insane how indifferent the majority of the Russian population is.

It's identical in the US. 4 years of Trump and all we got was a pro Trump attempted coup.

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It's optical fiber so it's good for miles. Unlikely to be at home for decades but telcos will use it for connecting networks.

Optical fiber is already 100 gigabit so the article comparing it to your home connection is stupid.

So the scientist improved current fiber speed by 10x, not 1.2 million X.

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This right after Putin blamed Poland for WW2?

Not a coincidence.

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Over ten years ago Colbert showed how PAC money could be legally transformed into a personal slush fund. It was a hilarious segment that he did over an entire season to show how the Citizens United law allows anonymous money to go right into politicians' pockets. He won a Peabody award for it.

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If it was immediately dismissed, appeals could have started and another judge would have been asigned. Delay was always the plan.

Prototype company had initially said that they could keep it.

That was the lie that Linus told that got me to stop watching LTT. The company sent Gamers Nexus the email chain where they clearly had been asking for it back and got the run around until it was auctioned. Then Linus had the gall to say, "We didn't sell it, it was auctioned."

LTT is a big company. Mistakes were made. But instead of saying, we screwed up they tried to blame the prototype company when it wasn't their fault at all.

Up next Sony sues Pacific Gas & Electric for profiting off of piracy. All those torrents were powered by Pacific Gas & Electric.

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Despite the Facebook hate the Quest really did revolutionize VR. It made entry level VR at a great price with no hassle. The Quest was $500 and worked without needing beacons and a headset tethered to a gaming PC.

VR went from a few million users before Quest to tens of millions after.

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Over 10 years ago Colbert did an entire series showing how PAC money can legally be moved into a politician's personal account.

Why would you vote for him when JFK Jr hasn't even endorsed him? Qanon said JFK would come back in 2021. Wait for JFK Jr to endorse him before voting for Bobby Junior.