
1 Post – 164 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

At this point it looks like they are worth more… so..

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I get this with games too. And shows. And end up just scrolling Lemmy instead of doing anything better with my time..

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Poisoned husband -daily for months-

Gets probation and no contact order.

Yo, what? When that husband or kid turns up dead down the line they are gunna be all shocked pikachu about it. At the very least she should have been ordered to an inpatient treatment facility and not just some wishy-washy mental health screening.

She actively, daily, tried for months to kill him. Probation shouldn’t be for that kind of premeditation. It should be for “oops I lost my temper” or “oops I wasn’t paying enough attention for a split second”, not this sort of planned out and executed multiply sort of thing.

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If we don’t stand together, we fall apart.

Pithy and multi-faceted. (Also not mine.)

In looking to credit this, I can’t find anything, but apparently Franklin said “we must all hang together or we will hang separately”, which is 100% the same vibe.

Keep in mind that all of these could be more or less stopped if there was any real desire to do so.

But there isn’t.


It’s so weird, I don’t even notice the lack of ads most of the time (pihole, never leave home, so it’s roughly the same experience I'm used to)

But when I go out? Oh man fediverse is the only site I’ll use because I know it’s safe from ads. The other privacy/user-focus stuff is just a bonus.

(I don’t have any friends around here, so just sort of go out to be out, and usually for food)

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Yeah, if I’m being honest, I don’t care a lick about what someone who was being actively poisoned for months wants for their attempted murderer in this sort of incident. It shouldn’t even have been a remote consideration.

Dynamic like this, wouldn’t surprise me if he’s been worn down over the years and just accepts the situation.. I’m not saying I have any sort of insight here, but really bad calls all around either way.

It took me about 6 months of having all the time I wanted to actually start making a sizable dent on the backlog of projects. Recovering from adhd-flavored burnout is no quick thing.

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Only scabs cross the line.

I come from a union family and walked way further than I thought it would be to see sanders speak at a union hall. Worth it.

The strike that happened a week or so before the event would have had me staying home, had it extended, though. Even tho I only ever saw one single person on the picket line. Only scabs cross the line.

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It’s not true for any piercing, so no.

The jewelry should be non-reactive metal, and thus doesn’t have a distinct flavor. Unless you’ve never tasted anything cooked on stainless, in which case you might notice it.

But likely? No.

I saw him speak the other day and he was totally with it. Like that super old person who lives to be 120 and is sharp as fuck right until their body gives up, but until then they are firy and physically fit.

Being literally dead, as in no brain or heart activity, is a pretty good place to draw a line.. totally fixes your slippery slope.

No, cmon, please, living through significant impactful history is exhausting. We don’t want to do it anymore. Please just stop.

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As long as the ads don’t federate in an un-blockable way, they can do as they like. I wouldn’t make an account there, I’d rather donate actual money than have a degraded experience (which for sure works out better for everyone), but I get the drive to monetize.

And they should absolutely -not- be allowed to federate ads, for any reason, since it goes against the vibe. But inevitably there will be “sponsored posts” (probably already are), and I think those instances/users will see themselves fade to oblivion, as long as new users are brought to understand that they could just chip in $2 and never see an ad.

I’m legitimately upset about this one. It’s one of the first “company does something bullshit” that’s actually been actionable for me.. and the first that was something I’d done a lot of work to find the “best place” for.

I get compressed wood pellets (sold for horse bedding or pellet stove fuel) there to use as very cheap compostable cat litter, 40lbs is $6, and if you have a good system one bag will fill 4 cat boxes about 4-6 times, so really cost effective and environmentally friendly. It’s like feline pine but not ridiculous expensive.

Next best option is almost twice the price.. which is still ok, but man it still hurts..

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I tend to agree with that sentiment. Hence the confusion over everything being __punk.

I babysat my cousin’s 3 kids under 5 for the year I lived in their basement (free rent trade)

And above all the noise and hassle and all, the day I knew kids definitely weren’t for me.. was the day the parents went out for one of their “be home tomorrow, probably” nights, knowing full well at least one of the kids had the flu.

It ended up being all three of them. All I did all night was give baths, sooth crying, change bedding, and clean up vomit.

I managed to keep them alive and relatively comfortable, but I don’t ever want to do anything even close to that ever again.

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When you live with IBS-C, diarrhea is a godsend.

So this tracks.

Ngl, the more this happens the more servicers are confused about what they should be collecting and from whom, and that’s actually a win for the borrowers (not as much of a win as this shit going through but still).

For example, due to the slew of challenges, I’m still on $0 repayment through October and don’t even have to certify income for that. And who knows if they will actually move forward with resuming charges for it; this is the second time it’s been delayed for me.

I hope the system does get thrown into complete chaos if it doesn’t all get forgiven or at least restructured. That would be better than people having to pay for worthless and/or overpriced degrees, and not being able to do shit with their lives.

I had a tornado the other day as part of my bedtime severe storm. Stopped like a few blocks from my place.

Not as relaxing as a standard thunderstorm, if I’m being honest.

We should definitely do November for it - holiday shopping and Black Friday specifically.

Hell, if we could just boycott Black Friday and the week before and after, which is the biggest retail spend of the year, we’d probably make a serious dent. They aren’t even good deals, but good luck convincing anyone to skip it who doesn’t already.

It’s gotten really difficult to research products, speaking as someone who does a lot of it, so I don’t think it’s about not wanting to do it.

Go look for something like a good dehumidifier and it’s all seo-optimized bullshit barely hiding that it’s advertisements for cheap Chinese junk on Amazon. And nearly every link is like that. For pages upon pages worth of results.

It’s so so difficult to judge what’s actually legit info and what isn’t. So I don’t blame people for asking other humans for what worked for them. You almost kinda have to unless you know of good legit review sites for every product you might want or need.

Well now you are just moving the goalposts with that “does she put it in the back” nonsense.

Again, her purse is always in the same spot when she’s either driving or the passenger sitting shotgun. How are they going to sort out her data when it’s almost always in the same spot?

And the same for anyone else with that habit. Or who uses the passenger seat to hold their bag.

Are you using that example because you know it happens?

Because you know that happens, right?

Lots of dudes are super butthurt (pun very much intended) that breast cancer gets all the awareness (eg pink athletic merch during breast cancer month), and not their man-only cancer which they don’t advocate for at all outside of complaining.

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Gosh I desperately wish they actually needed to know the laws, but they don’t.


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I tracked down the house I lived in until I was 5-6. I have lots of pictures of it in its glory and I remember it fondly.

It was an old 1800s school building that my parents converted into a house. Very cool building, lots of old-school charm (hehe).

Finding it was a huge mistake. The present owners don’t even live in it, they built a house just to the side of it and use the old structure as support for solar panels, and probably storage for the junk sprawling over the property. Which.. I’m down with solar but it’s so sad to see something with so much history, charm, and character.. absolutely ruined in under 30 years.

My friend keeps her phone in a purse, which she puts on the floor of the passenger side whether she is driving or a passenger sitting shotgun. It’s always in the same place. When we take Ubers she usually sits in the middle so she can see, and puts the purse between her feet. Thus her phone is almost never on her person in the car.

I suspect this is true for a lot of people who use purses or other bags as every day carry. Or perhaps it’s actually in the passenger seat, lots of people use that for bags when driving solo.

So while it may be true for you that your phone is on you while a passenger, that’s a ton of people it isn’t true for at all, who would then be in the “bad data” camp.

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NY times again telling people it’s better to own nothing.

“Save” 133k over 10 years, but throw all the rest of your housing money directly down the toilet. Can’t sell a rented apartment when you no longer need it, so even if the house doesn’t appreciate, you still come out far ahead with buying in most situations.

Plus you never stop paying for rent, but eventually you stop paying the mortgage.

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Yeah well they have degrees or something that says it’s a good idea for profits or whatever and damn the consequences, so checkmate, prole.

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My heart wins every day.

Be great if it was legal, monitored, and regulated; there’s a lot of stuff I’d like to try with medical supervision which I won’t touch without that buffer. I know both myself and other people, and I trust neither without supervision.

I’m enjoying the idea of someone looking at the picture, looking at their cords, looking at the plugs, and then working this out as a solution rather than sending a picture of the plug end and port and asking for clarification.

Like this person probably felt really stupid needing to sort out what’s going on, because it was just unclear, and I enjoy where they ended up all the same. It’s totally wrong, but it’s creative problem solving for sure.

I mean personally I fail to see how this whole… thing… is better than like.. adding a half inch or whatever to each of the stair rises in the flight on the way up.. as long as it doesn’t surpass 7 3/4 inch per-stair rise, which I imagine this doesn't come close to just by the way it looks, you could probably kill a lot of that weirdness with just super basic alterations..

No, I think this hazard was a conscious decision, or at least the architect who drew it up sucks.

I’m surprised it meets code tho, tbh. This is just begging someone to tumble down the stairs in the middle of the night.

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New Lemmy motto just dropped!

Bar down the street has free WiFi and food. So probably there. The library is all the way across town, so not a great option for me.

Or there’s another bar close enough to my house that I could probably make an antenna and leech off that. I did that with on base housing back in the day cuz I didn’t want to pay for internet.

Yes! Ok that probably helps a lot. Because I’ve seen a HUGE rise in _core (cottagecore, goblin core, Forrest core, witch core, etc. and that’s just here on Lemmy)

I hope that takes off more and leaves Punk behind so it can fit better. :) I’m sure the distinction exists for a reason.

And yeah steampunk is sort of the odd duck in what the other major __punk actually hit, but I did have some friends waaaaaaay back when steampunk was brand new, big into it, and they took it all the way to the social changes necessary for never evolving past the Industrial Revolution.. so I’m probably heavily biased by that (then again in highschool they had canes, waistcoats, and top hats, and basically cosplayed as English gentlemen all the time so… probably not an ideal sample!)

I can’t wait for AI to unironically use this as a fact in the future. I’ll be looking for it.

Unless it needs to be refrigerated, which it doesn’t afaik, probably yes.

The US navy did a study on “expired” non-refrigerated medications and found most of them don’t lose significant potency for a really long time. And I can guarantee even the chance of it working is worth it when nothing else is available. Tho if you have other options you’d be better served using those, as you want the most reliable dose.

Lawyers say these policies violate Amendment A, which was approved by Colorado voters in 2018 and bans the state from “engaging in slavery or involuntary servitude” under any circumstances.

Valerie Collins, an attorney from Towards Justice, said the case isn’t about prohibiting all prison labor.

“All our clients are demanding is that the state stops forcing people to work,” she said, in a statement. “The state could remedy these constitutional violations today if it wanted to.”

Idk kinda sounds like they do.

How the fuck do these people think they are going to know an absence is for an abortion? Do they really think their female students are going to volunteer that information in fucking Texas of all places?

It’s pretty damned easy to say “I need time off for a medical procedure” and nothing else, because they aren’t allowed to ask what sort of medical care you are getting. They can ask for a doctors note I suppose but that’s pretty easy to get, and also doesn’t have reasons on it. Or they can say they have a wedding or funeral to attend or whatever.

Or do they think because it’s a woman it’s safe to just assume, as many medical professionals do, that everything medical is related to reproductive systems?

This whole thing is just really gross for no reason other than to be gross. They are just mad they aren’t sleeping with these women.

Although in fairness, I don’t think students should be held to attendance standards in college anyway, it’s a lazy grading metric for failure schools that admit shit students. As adults, students may have other things going on that they need to handle, and if they fail to do the work as a result that’s their problem. I only had a handful of classes that gave a shit about attendance, and I dropped the ones I could because I’m not a child and that’s stupid. (Discussion based courses maybe, but even then, it should be based on participation not attendance)

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