
3 Post – 120 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I love how it recommends paying Netflix, Disney etc. but does not mention libraries at all.

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Charges Against Texas 11-Year-Old

Um, what?

Put in Solitary Confinement

Um, WHAT?!

irked Palm Grove Elementary principal Myrta Garza so much with his requests, as well as questions about school dress code, that she called Brownsville Independent School District police.


Cameron County prosecutors argued for charges of "terroristic threat."

How can this keep getting worse and more ridiculous at the same time? WHAT DO I DO WHEN ALLCAPS AREN'T ENOUGH?

ignoring Texas laws which require parental involvement before such interventions

Okay, I give up. Is rule of law no longer a thing? Like people aren't even pretending anymore?

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Battle for Wesnoth - a turn based tactics game in a fantasy setting. It's also available on Steam and itch.io. Coincidentally, version 1.18.0 was released yesterday.

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I disagree, hard.

I disagree with the general conclusion - I think it's very easy to understand*: each repo has a graph of commits. Each commit includes the diff and metadata (like parent commits). There is a difference between you repo seeing the state of another repo (fetch) and copying commits from another repo into your repo (merge; pull is just a combination of fetch and pull). Tags are pointers to specific commits, branches are pointers to specific commits that get updated when you add a child commit to this commit. That's a rather small set of very clear concepts for such a complex problem.

I also disagree with a lot of the reasoning. Like "If a commit has the same content but a different parent, it’s NOT the same commit" is not an "alien concept". When I apply the same change to different parents, I end up with different versions. Which would be kinda bad for a Version Control System.

"This in turn means that you need to be comfortable and fluent in a branching many-worlds cosmology" - yes, if you need to handle different versions, you need to switch between them. That's the complexity of what you're doing, not the tool. And I like that Git is not trying to hide things that I need to know to understand what's happening.

"distinguish between changes and snapshots that have the same intent and content but which are completely non-interchangeable and imply entirely different flows of historical events" How do you even end up in a situation like that? Anyway, sounds like you should be able to merge them without conflicts, if they are in fact completely interchangeable?

"The natural mental model is that names denote global identity." Why should another repo care, which names I use? How would you even synchronize naming across different repos without adding complexity, e.g. if two devs created a branch "experimental" or "playground". Why on earth should they be treated as the same branch?

"Git uses the cached remote content, but that’s likely out of date" I actually agree that this can lead to some errors and confusion. But automation exists - you can just fetch every x minutes.

"Branches aren't quite branches, they're more like little bookmark go-karts." A dev describing what basically is just a pointer in this way leads to the suspicion that it might not be Git's mental model that is alien.

"My favorite version of this is when the novice has followed someone's dodgy advice to set pull.rebase = true" Maybe don't do stupid stuff you don't understand? We know what fetch is, we know what merge is. Pull is basically fetch & merge.

""Pull" presents the illusion that you can just ask Git to make everything okay for you" Just... what? The rest of the sentence doesn't really fix this error in expectations.

  • except the CLI of course, but I can use GUI-tools for most tasks
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Bold of him to assume that companies would not just publish the trash - and that people would not watch it anyway.

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It's Axel Springer. It's a tabloid corporation that is constantly pushing racist, anti-left and anti-environment agendas. They have written in their core values that they will "support the Jewish people", which seems like a good idea considering the role the German press played in the Holocaust. But they usually interpret this as "support everything the Israeli government does".

Holy shit

Ben Gvir was known to have a portrait in his living room of Baruch Goldstein, a Jewish extremist and Israeli-American mass murderer who massacred 29 Palestinian Muslim worshipers and wounded 125 others in the 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in Hebron.

In December 2021, Ben-Gvir was investigated after a video surfaced of him pulling a handgun on Arab security guards during a parking dispute in the underground garage of the Expo Tel Aviv conference center. The guards asked Ben-Gvir to move his vehicle as he was parked in a prohibited space. He then drew a pistol and brandished it at the guards.

In early October 2023, following the arrest of 5 ultra-Orthodox Heredi Jews for spitting at Christians and outside churches, Ben-Gvir said it was "not a criminal case" following arrests.[60] Prior to entering politics, he defended Jews spitting at Christians as "an ancient Jewish custom".


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Almost as if they were intentionally targeting terrorists...

Not saying they aren't lying, but this proves exactly nothing.

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Even heroes should call the emergency services after being bitten multiple times by a (potentially) deadly snake, instead of just driving home.

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The article doesn't say it's a new theory. It's about a new study that shows that non-carbon based life might be more common than previoulsy thought:

"It was thought that these sorts of reactions are very rare," Kaçar said in a statement. "We are showing that it's actually far from rare. You just need to look in the right place."

"Word templates led people to use the same formatting in communications, and eventually, this has become instantiated as a norm," says Gloria Mark, a professor of informatics at the University of California, Irvine, where she studies human-computer interaction. If you work in finance, there's a specific way reports are expected to be laid out. Letters follow a set pattern, memos are largely formatted in the same way. "Users know where to find information in these standardised documents; they don’t need to spend time trying to find what they need."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but at least Germany seems to have standards for this since 1949, so I doubt this can be contributed to Microsoft (alone).

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Thanks. So Israel handed out work permits and "allowed suitcases holding millions in Qatari cash to enter Gaza through its crossings since 2018, in order to maintain its fragile ceasefire with the Hamas".

That's sounds a bit different from "Netanyahu didn’t just let the attacks happen, we also know he funded Hamas, and has wanted the attack to use as casus belli so he could do some fucked up war crimes of his own."

I'm not denying that he's employing a "divide and conquer" strategy, that a lot of his doing is making the conflict worse, that's he's using the opportunity to do a lot of damage etc. But it's not that he funded Hamas because he wanted the attack to happen (at least the article doesn't prove that).

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Ideally yes. But as a guy I have been insulted in public for small things like wearing nail polish, and that's in a liberal German city. Most people don't care, some don't like it, some compliment it and some make me feel unsafe.

And that of course has an effect in other areas too: what if my boss or my coworkers don't like me wearing nail polish? They would never be open about it (our company would not allow it), but it might lead to some bias against me. And as they wouldn't be open about it, I couldn't react to it (by calling them out or changing jobs). Instead I might just advance more slowly and wonder why that is. It really fucks with your mind, when you know there is bias against you (or something you do) but you never know in which situations it actually comes into play.

I still wear nail polish most of the time, because fuck the haters and we need to make progress somehow, but it's not as easy as "I don't care about them so they don't care about me".

I read an interview with a 102 year old, she was 12 when the Nazis rose to power and 25 when she was liberated from Theresienstadt.

I think the tragedy is that this goes both ways: if a group of people that just escaped a genocide, gets attacked by all its neighboring countries as soon as they have a state of their own, are explicitly threatened with extinction and are attacked over and over again by military actions and terrorist attacks... sometimes people will try to assert absolute dominance in order to try to ensure their own physical safety above everything else.

Note: I am very much not justifying any of the above. I just think that it's not very surprising that people act this way, and that Hamas & Co of course know this - just as the Israeli government & Co know how people react to their actions. In my opinion neither the Israeli government (and orthodox settlers etc.) nor the Hamas (and similar groups) are honestly trying to unfuck the situation.

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Pro tip: you can actually get organized in a union and strike just to get more money, no need for AI or getting fired. CEOs hate this trick!

Paid commute and a separate room.

He bought a car that is so dangerous to other people that it probably wouldn't be allowed in the EU. I think that's a pretty valid reason.

So much winning!

Yeah, that you posted an article from August to WorldNews only two days after the rapes and mass murders is just a coincidence.

No, they're not. Antisemites hiding behind "we're just criticizing Israel" does not mean everyone criticizing Israel is an antisemite.

I also doubt that a statement made by a jew can't be antisemitic just because it was made by a jew. That's like saying a statement can't be misogynistic because it was made by a woman.

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Windows only :(

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It's huge.

OP edited the title and added "bad".

To some extent, piracy still does reduce the demand for the pirated material, so there’s an indirect harm associated with it, and that’s what makes it unethical

I get your point, especially when it concerns smaller/independent artists. But how would a "fair compensation" look like? Do top selling artists deserve the millions (or even billions) of dollars? Does someone even deserve hundreds of thousands of dollars? Does any artist deserve more money for doing something they love and where they can express themselves than a nurse working night shifts? Is it fair to keep earning money for some work that was done years ago? Does that mean a nurse should get a percentage of the income of every person's life they helped save?

I think the only ethical thing to do is to decouple consumption and support. E.g. I might support some artist by buying their album (or going to their shows), because I think their voice is important, not because it's an album I listen the most to. Or I might not pay artists at all and give money to political causes or other people that need support. Or I might support them in some other way etc.

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"But why? It both has to do with computers!" - literally a project manager at my current software project.

In 1995, Flux magazine ranked the game 39th on their Top 100 Video Games writing: "Without a doubt, the best platform game for the pc ever created." (Wikipedia)

Doesn't really sound like shovelware.


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I would never rely on the opinion of my boss when the question is what my rights are. They're usually not a lawyer and their interests are often contrary to mine.

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Are you complaining about that?

FYI: it's per se

What exactly did she do that is concerning?

Where in the article does it say that this is about male doctors?

unfit for western society. I don’t care if they rot in prison or on a psych ward for mentally ill people they just should never be allowed back into society

Because people never change, especially 14 year olds. /s

They seem to be more serious about it though... I always thought the answer to the rich getting richer was worker's solidarity, but apparently it's orca's solidarity.