Palestinians under attack as settler violence surges in the West Bank to World – 170 points –
Palestinians under attack as settler violence surges in the West Bank

Basically - Apartheid environment, but the settlers feel like now is the opportunity to push, so there is a rush to see who can take/claim/push out Palestinian land, homes, belongings.

Apartheid doesn't mean every one of the ruling class is evil, but that the bullies (they exist in any population) now have a target that can't fight back, and if they do happen to fight back, the police/military takes the bullies side. Is there someone high up in the military sending out civilian death squads to tiny villages? No. But there is an environment where self appointed death squads can exist and the military will defend them if they meet resistance - That is what Apartheid does. Systematically removes the ability of a people to seek justice, have fairness, or even feel safe.

This shows it's not about Hamas. It was never about Hamas. There is no Hamas in the West Bank.

Settler colonial states and using the terrorists they radicalised as an excuse to do more genocide, name a more iconic combo

America is so jealous rn

This shows you know nothing, you never really knew anything to begin with. There are in fact Hamas members in the West Bank. They're just not the ruling government.

It's not the same. If Israel wants to go after terrorists, that's one thing. But that's not what we're seeing. We're seeing civilians targeted en masse, without food, water, medicine, fuel, electricity. It's genocidal and it must end

Oh really? Inform us how Israel should target these terrorists hiding under schools and hospitals than.

Genocide continues. (The alternate summary)

Israel really needs to just dismantle these illegal settlements like they did in Gaza in 2005.

Bold of you to call for a direct comparison to something that led to the current situation with Hamas.


Israel pulling out of Gaza is what let Hamas take over and cause terror for over 15 years.

I don't think anything short of a full blown military occupation could have prevented that. Maybe that's where this is going to end up, I don't know.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

To do so, they would need to travel across land that is dotted with Israeli settlements, where the risk of violence, high even in ordinary times, has risen dramatically in the two weeks since Israel went to war with Hamas.

Abed Wadi put the image of the masked men with axes and chainsaws out of his mind and joined the funeral convoy bringing the bodies back from the hospital to Qusra.

Last weekend was the beginning of olive season in the area, but residents who depend on the harvest for their income said they would not go to the groves on the outskirts of the village for fear of settlers shooting.

There had already been a significant increase in violence by Israeli settlers this year, even before the Hamas attack, according to UN data, with more than 100 incidents reported each month and about 400 people driven from their land between January and August.

According to B'Tselem and Yesh Din, another Israeli human rights group which monitors West Bank violence, the intimidation and forced displacement reported in Wadi al-Siq has been repeated in communities across the territory since 7 October.

Video footage filmed by Adra's cousin, Basel, shows the settler who allegedly beat Rabai and the Israeli soldier standing a short distance away from the group of Palestinian neighbours.

The original article contains 2,070 words, the summary contains 219 words. Saved 89%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

I support Israel. It's time for the Palestinians to move out, forced or not. It'll suck for them to relocate and resettle, but at least we might finally have peace in the middle east. Better than more war.

what, that's ethnic cleansing.

Yes, but there is ethnic cleansing in all directions. If the conflict continues, ethnic cleansing. If a stable peace can be found in favor of Israel, ethnic cleansing. If a stable peace can be found in favor of Palestine, ethnic cleansing. A compromise? Ethnic cleansing. Change my mind.

What the fuck are you saying. It is entirely possible for people to coexist peacefully, like they did under the ottomans, under 1 secular state.

Maybe the situation has changed. Some parts of Palestine see themselves as opressed, see negotiations and compromise as futile. They want their land back. Some parts of Israel will not want to cede that without a fight. Others are worried of being suicide bombed in coexistence.

People in general can coexist peacefully. But in the current timeline, it isn't obvious how peace could be achieved without anyone moving.

All parts of Palestine are oppressed and see negotiations as futile because Israel does not negotiate in good faith. When compromising means giving up the right to return to the land you were kicked out of, can you really blame them for not wanting to compromise?

On top of this, if they're no longer oppressed, people no longer feel the need to turn to Hamas and other terrorist organizations.

Saying you support Israel for that reason is like saying you support apartheid in south Africa or colonial algeria because if you don't support them the people in power will be ethnically cleansed.

So what's the solution without any ethnical cleansing?

1 state secular solution, Palestinians have the same rights as isralis, Hamas and IDF people are tried and punished for war crimes, kick out all settlers.

Ok, that qualifies. Only question is how realistic that is. Requires lots of trust and giving up power while being tried for war crimes for IDF.