1 Post – 345 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Just bought a new Windows laptop and it was LOADED with bloatware. Some apps could be deleted simply, some however are baked in. Discovered BloatyNosyApp and the partner app Junk Ctrl for W11 on GitHub

This seems to have done the trick quickly and surprisingly easily compared to DIY powershell activity.

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By choosing, I think we mean that it's not an affordable luxury to do otherwise

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And they may be quite determined to give those last few freedoms away in a bid to defend themselves from the imaginary threats.

And our elected leaders stand by politely ignoring the obvious humanitarian issues and overt war crimes.

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Do not feed the Chrome.

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Here's the best summary I could come up with Out of touch megalomaniac with money to burn, burns money after failing to understand the sector. Doubles down on bad decisions.

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Bbbbbbb but, what about his freedom of speech!!!! I hope that he finds complete misery and hopelessness after the things he's done to those families.

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It won't be long before the Monty Python song about every sperm being sacred, becomes the MAGA crowds mantra. Wankers that they are.

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Letitia is going to grab him by the pussy!

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Life without is better. I left over a year ago. No drama, no loss, no issues. Twitter is not family

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Bye bye Lyft. Bye bye Uber.

Palestinians asking for a homeland. They are at home and have been invaded for over 70 years

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What a piece of sh1t he is. Dismissing lives with the ease of a psychopath with power.

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Modi, like Trump is telling everyone, especially the poorest, what he's doing for them, and supported by BJP and other militant groups, is directly empowering this type of WTF horror alongside the anti Muslim activities. He like rallies and speeches. Sounds like another nationalist leader who blamed a religious group too, and went on to provide a final solution.

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Stragglers of a dying platform get new bait and switch service. Expect fees once enought people use it.

When you are trying to remove inflammation from an area I.e. twisted ankle, you need to cool it as much as possible. That reduces the spread of inflammation and this includes reducing blood flow. Do that for a day or two after an acute injury or surgery, maybe longer to prevent inflammation. Once the tide of inflammation is under control, you can use heat to get that blood flow back and to allow removal of breakdown products and to bring in more blood to heal. There are situations where you will alternate between hot and cold but usually not with an acute injury.

"IDF reveals" is rapidly losing credibility.

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I am a human and this is my summary: "Adoption of the new tech is following the usual S shaped curve." This summary saved many pointless ways of saying the same thing.

Here we go again. The pea brains will run with this fear mongering and the instigators will sneak in laws and policies to "protect us"

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Actively missing the point......... "In a meeting with more than 40 pastors and other religious leaders, the district board chair, Althea E Greene, said: “Satan has no room in this district.”"

IF the UK rejoins the EU at any time in the future, we will certainly never have the preferential terms and disproportionate power that we'd originally had. Defacto not as good as a deal. However, STILL much better to be part of the EU than to be circling the drain as we are right now.

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Between Trump and Musk, racists, misogynists and other -ists have been empowered and enabled. It's like all the village idiots have been able to band together and promote their hate, instead of being called out and shut down by the rest of us.

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This is bad for everyone. I'm still a Prime Member for shopping etc., but thats really got to be reconsidered now too.

Also read as "Many more Americans than before are struggling financially. Trickle down economy does not work"

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Texan Taliban impose driving ban

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The entire scientific community facepalms at this being described as an experiment.

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Meanwhile, those same companies sell for a fraction of the price all around the world.

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The Brexit brigade will be arguing protection of the British isles citing crime and seeing too many foreigners taking their jobs etc, Sadly many of us Brits are feeling the financial cost of Brexit. Ironically, this makes it easier for people to accept the self same lines that stopping people like Maria will make our lives better. It does not. That remains a mere diversion from the general incompetence of ministers.

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So..... If someone did it the old fashioned way by telephone from a public phone, or sent out a letter, or shared leaflets, would we be looking at disconnecting public phones, stopping the postal service and banning home printers?

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Breaking News: Not getting vaccinated results in the resurgence of Victorian era diseases, far worse than the side effects of vaccines. The stupidity of those not vaccinating their kids results in everyone being at risk of deadly diseases.

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There are very few red flags left to tick. When are we going to do something about this genocide?

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Cult or otherwise, this is a farce in every way, but a dangerous farce nonetheless No different to how ISIS or the Nazi's operated.

God complex right here.

Someone was too dumb to understand the poster - check.

Staff fired by a second lot of stupid peolple as a result of those first stupid people - check.

Innocent parties NEED to sue as a result of stupid people who probably never used a library - check.

No one to run a library - possibly.

Less and less people using the library - check.

More stupid people who definitely wouldn't contaminate their intelligence by using a library - check.

Rinse and repeat.......

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Much like the wealthy expert who built his own sub, there is a need to listen to other experts. Your employees that aren't fired will be the "yes" people

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Run away! Run away!

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Lower prices had kept many people on land but didn't make them burn their boats. I predict a lot of sea shantys being sung!

Science and Gilead don't usually mix well

I have to mock the headline which misses the point that people feel safer or realize that they are OK.
I am older, but this fabulously captures the point: