Most Americans trying to stay within their means as they buy gifts this holiday season — CBS News poll

Lee to – 75 points –
Most Americans trying to stay within their means as they buy gifts this holiday season — CBS News poll

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Also read as "Many more Americans than before are struggling financially. Trickle down economy does not work"

Don't worry, I'm sure the GOP will collapse or stop supporting trickle-down economics any day now. I mean, the voters would crucify them for continuing an obviously failed policy that only hurts the poor and middle class for the past 40 years, wouldn't they?

... wouldn't they...?

I had an engineering teacher who insisted that it was the best model for economics. He was a great engineering teacher. He said he minored in economics. He was a teacher who had to go on strike because the board of the school all voted to give themselves raises and cut the number of teachers and give no one else raises while raising tuition. You can't fix brainwashing when it's that deep.

He was a teacher who had to go on strike because the board of the school all voted to give themselves raises and cut the number of teachers and give no one else raises while raising tuition.

You should have told him to keep working, the wealth will trickle down from the board to him any day now.

It's a dick move, but those sorts of idiots only really learn when they get their noses shoved in their own piss (a few hundred times).

To quote a veterinarian I know…

Not only can you fix stupid, but it’s quite a simple procedure

Trickle down economy does not work

Now... when are people ever going to figure this out and stop voting for the people who tell them it does?

When the bread and circuses end.

Agreed. It was sort of a rhetorical question. They'll never learn as long as they're being given those carrots.

From football to fantasy, sandwiches to snacks

We do it to ourselves now, the cycle is automated.