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Especially when they sign me up for a bunch of different emails lists I need to unsubscribe from each one individually and eventually just spam everything from them. Then they sell my email.

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Use the anti monopoly laws we have in place to prevent price gouging from lack of competition

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By "nobody is paying attention" do they mean it's been plastered all over the news?

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So.. Biden's son used "do you know who my daddy is?" To try and further his business, the president never had any role in the business, and that's enough for Republicans to m impeach him?

Where were they when Trump kept using his businesses, still owned by him, to directly make money while he was president?

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The undergrad boys in STEM I swear have never met a woman aside from their mothers. No, please don't follow me home. Please don't buy me food because I was next to you in line. Please don't follow me into a store so you can buy me anything I'm purchasing. You are not invited into my conversation because you think I'm pretty, even if you just want to interrupt to tell me I'm pretty and you want to take me on a date. You are not allowed to hug me and hold me as long as you want just because you want to and it feels good for you, I didn't want a hug and I didn't know you. It isn't cute for you to take things from me and play keep away because you are stronger and taller, it makes you a bully.

Teachers: please don't ignore me when I try and participate or ask a question. I've gotten Cs with no explanation, no marks aside from the grade itself. When I check other's work, theirs is written up with mistakes and they have a higher grade. Honestly that was just one teacher in an undergrad, the rest were pretty awesome, or at least not sexist.

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As a relatively young woman, I like being treated as an equal in a partnership, rather than as a utility in a relationship. I'd rather be alone than a grown adult's nanny. This is a wild idea to many young men who have trouble respecting women, but insist they are the most respectful to women because they hold the door open sometimes.

That is a much better use of land!

Not to mention better healthcare! Healthcare costs are the primary reason US citizens go bankrupt. Kids get sick, adults get sick, and if one of the adults in the house gets sick and can't help bring in money for the kids then the entire household essentially goes from upper/middle to lower or bankrupt. If a kid gets very sick, oftentimes one of the parents has to stop working to argue every single claim that insurance would be paying but doesn't, and call every department of every doctors office or hospital to get an itemized bill and get it lowered to a reasonable cost rather than them asking for a blank check. I'm afraid of having a sick kid and losing my job to their healthcare organization (note: not their healthcare directly, but calling insurance asking them to pay for life saving care, then calling hospitals asking why a small bandage is $1200), losing my house to bankruptcy after healthcare costs, and losing any semblance of future career due to time off and losing myself.

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Israel put people in jail for crimes which were illegal. Hammas kidnapped random people, many from a dance club.

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I just searched local restaurants near me and tried to sort by distance and the first option was 800 miles away, the second was 600 miles away. It's not just Google search getting worse.

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Being an American requires respect of others, originally different religions, and now encompass race. Who still cares about hair style as long as it isn't whipping in someone else's face.

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Unless it defrosted and refroze multiple times it should be fine to eat.

It might have freezer burn, which means the water content went to the outside of the food, so the inside could be dry and the outside could be wet. I would say for beans and rice, just mix it up.

That is the best thing I've read all day. 10/10 personal ad

50% don't like it, 10% don't care, 40% support it. The part that supports it is good at gerrymandering.

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Pretty sure that's what people refer to when they say Christian values.

Who are you going to believe? Me? Or some woman?

Most people can't fight it. Fighting a claim, depending on insurance, requires multiple different Doctors recommending the same thing. Sometimes the insurance requires prior steps taken that are unavailable to individuals (I was required to take antibiotic that I'm allergic to before a surgery). Getting into a specialist can take months, and the costs of seeing a specialist are not often covered at all (goes towards deductible), and unless you live in or near a city you may not be able to find specialists you don't need to get a hotel to see (travel expenses and time off work are not covered). Not to mention, if fighting a denied claim rolls over to the next year, everything starts over, even if you have the same insurance it's considered a new policy because it's a new year.

Unless you have unlimited time and money, fighting a denied claim is pretty difficult and goes nowhere fast. That's how the system was designed.

This is, in large, why emotional support animals exist.

Exercise and processing emotion without letting yourself explode from it. Then, assess how you felt and determine how to avoid the situation in the future. If possible, talk to the person or people who you would like to build a better, healthier relationship with. Or, leave that portion of your life if possible, if it is truly toxic.

Hydrogen peroxide gets blood out of almost anything. You can use a cotton ball for paper so it doesn't get all wet. If you get it on clothes just pour a little over the blood. It works if the blood has dried too. It doesn't work if you washed the fabric in hot water.

I was raped by someone who them rolled over after and asked if we had sex.. maybe they weren't lying? I didn't push them off because I was also asleep, then in shock. After that I'm told I punch and kick pretty violently in my sleep.

It also use to be financially out of reach for most people. You can still pay for the nicer experience by paying for faster and easier security and first class seats. It's been made access to more financial groups, and most people choose or can only afford the cheaper option.

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Has the fed considered increasing federal wage to keep up with cost of living from the past 50 years? Maybe increasing taxes on ultra wealthy or even a wealth tax to pay for third places that use to exist?

I know what you're thinking: but how will they afford their seventh yacht for their fourth vacation home?

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As opposed to.. homelessness??

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It's totally unfair to judge humanity on just one pandemic when people refuse to wear masks and quarantine. We should also look at the 1918 pandemic.

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Even without the Internet, being told by older generations how much they were able to achieve with higher income to cost ratio of everything from homes to education is a very loud narrative.

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States rights

CBD is not federally illegal, just THC. You can purchase them separately now. I can't tell if he was wrongfully fired or if he had THC in his system.

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Depending on the cause:

Massage neck/stretch (if you have been at a computer/desk/reading for a while)

Drink water (2 glasses) and eat a snack with complex carbs and protein (if you aren't great at eating healthy regularly or drinking enough regularly)

Go for a walk or do cardio and get fresh air (sometimes your body gets angry you haven't moved enough. Also causes mood issues in some cases)

Take a nap (have you gotten enough sleep? Lack of sleep causes a pile of issues)

Have tea (caffeine and hydration help sometimes)

How are you emotionally? Sometimes having strong emotions can be draining and you need extra sleep and sometimes need to do cardio to use cortisol in a healthy way. Working through the emotions is also very important; figure out why you are feeling the way you are, what (if anything) can you do to respond to the situation (responding to others, altering where you are in relation to the problem, directly addressing the problem). Keeping and processing some (high energy or negative) emotions can cause you to have headaches. Cardio helps drain the energy otherwise spent experiencing the emotions for extended periods of time so you can process them faster.

Generally if women wear something, men will avoid it to not appear affeminate. Increasingly so throughout history as fashion is incorporated into gender roles.

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Too large

I got this during COVID after I started taking supplements (needed iron, vitamin d, b12), and biking. The second day when the nutrients took effect and I biked for a while, I ate some whole grains and took a poop any everything was wonderful. I stretched, slept well, everything. Take care of your body and it takes care of you (how it should be anyway, bodies may vary).

$71 million total donated, only $1 million towards Democrats/politics? Seems pretty nature conservation focused still.

Whenever having a tough conversation, be prepared to either accept whatever they offer or find a new job. Welcome to America, it is what it is.

You probably signed a contract initially stating the starting rate. You can ask for this. You may have been told the wrong starting salary, you may have been given the bait and switch. It is probably too late to change the past, regardless. You can ask for a raise of $0.50 starting current (or more likely next) pay period. They can say "it's not the time of year we give raises" and "your would not have been told that, it isn't our standard" etc. You can look for what their current starting rate is for the job you are currently doing and apply to the same job within the company, when asked why you are doing this you can point out you were denied market value raise.

They are homeless, which means they can't get jobs (which require an address) and they might not be able to get bank accounts (also required for a job, also require an address). Even if they have access to showers and laundry facilities and a place to keep their stuff, they still can't get a job without an address and bank account.

Your parents did something many people do, which is make excuses for why it's ok to not care about others. It's rare for someone to fake it. Most people are not lazy enough to forgo shelter, and when they are it's usually classified as a mental illness or low IQ. There are also many who are down on their luck. They might have not had great upbringings and were not taught the skills needed to organize their lives, or they could have no family left except responsibilities and they couldn't afford (money or time to) college/University. Lower income jobs don't pay enough for someone to live on their own many places.

Please keep having empathy and caring about others. You can't help everyone but you can vote to change policy local or otherwise, and you can donate or volunteer. Everyone deserves kindness.

I worked at a deli and a woman came in. My CO workers were helping others so I nodded to her so she knew I saw her before I got new gloves on. When I turned around to get my gloves she fully goes into raging manic mode screaming, telling everyone how I'm a little expletive and I'm ignoring her and I'm awful etc. swearing the whole time. I was wearing a mask after COVID and couldn't get a word in. Random other customers who were there were coming to my defense, so she yelled and swore at them too. After about 30 seconds I just walked away and got the manager. I am glad I was wearing a mask because the whole thing was so surreal and amusing that someone would completely loose self control so quickly without a word stolen to them. My facial expression was probably not the regret she wanted to see, more shock and then adjustment, because this is the stort of thing people go gotcha, hidden camera for. Looking back, I'm very glad there was a larger counter display case between us, because her mood could have because physical very quickly. That customer was put on a watch list for the store, if she did anything out of line again she wasn't allowed back.

That's 10% better than most though

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Just the ones who voted republican. There are plenty of innocent who can't afford to move/travel.

Not fair! It could go septic and kill her instead!

There's some styles that are more folky that are much nicer in terms of subject