Senator calls LGBTQ+ people 'filth,' says most don't want them here to politics – 531 points –
Senator calls LGBTQ+ people 'filth,' says most don't want them here

A state senator said during a public forum in Tahlequah that LGBTQ+ people are "filth," and that he and his constituents don't want them in "our state."


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50% don't like it, 10% don't care, 40% support it. The part that supports it is good at gerrymandering.

Your math is wrong, it's closer to 60/10/30, with the problem being that the 30% all live around each other (and are good at gerrymandering)

I honestly think their intent is to just make their states completely uninhabitable to anyone who isn't a white supremacist. If they can do that with a swing state or at least states that have a significant blue presence, they effectively take the entire government nationwide. They just need to make their policies so completely repulsive to anyone who isn't them that we stay clear.

Of voters. The vast majority of American people are against This, but the vast majority of American people don’t vote. 

Roughly 80 million people that were eligible to vote in 2020 did not, which pretty average for presidential elections. That is right around 1/3 of the country.

Only around 2%, or around 5 million are disenfranchised due to felonies. Largely black obviously, and much higher in southern States (shocker). Some at around 8% total! And over 1 million of the 5 are from Florida.