Study: Half of Renters Paid Unaffordable Rates in 2022, a Record High

Lee to – 221 points –
Study: Half of Renters Paid Unaffordable Rates in 2022, a Record High

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As opposed to.. homelessness??

No, no, no. Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and buy a house

As opposed to living somewhere cheaper.

Most of you feel entitled to live in major cities.

Hey genius, if everyone moved to your shitty little town the rents would be unaffordable there, too

Everyone isn't moving to my town, but if they did it would also be more attractive and create another place that people like you would like to live.

The key is to spread out. Create more supply to satisfy demand.

But you don't want to do that because you feel entitled to live where you can't afford.

Yeah, we want to live where its desirable to live, not at even intervals across all the available land so you have to travel 90 miles to get groceries. Room temp IQ

Then you have to pay more.

Supply and demand.

Why is this so difficult for you to comprehend?