Israeli strikes kill UN staff, more than 70 of his extended family in Gaza to World – 440 points –
Israeli strikes kill UN staff, more than 70 of his extended family in Gaza

Issam Al Mughrabi, 56, who worked for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for three decades was killed along with his wife and children in an Israeli air strike on Friday.

“For almost 30 years, Issam has worked with UNDP through our Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People,” UNDP administrator Achim Steiner said in a statement.

“The loss of Issam and his family has deeply affected us all. The UN and civilians in Gaza are not a target.”

Offering his condolences to Issam’s family and colleagues the World Health Organization’s chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stressed in a post on X that “humanitarians should never be victims” and called for a ceasefire.


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And our elected leaders stand by politely ignoring the obvious humanitarian issues and overt war crimes.

I think what annoys me most is the American news sources who trumpet Biden's speeches saying that he's told Netanyahu to stop the killing, yet fail to report America stonewalling a UN vote for a cease fire ... and forcing the UN to water down what they do ask for.

I hate hypocrisy and America is full of it (like many nations are).


Yep. I noticed Biden is trying to have both: pretends to support a 2 state solution that will never happen, while simultaneously giving weapons in aid to Israel. And on top of that he expects people to vote for him because he's not Trump.

You can't have it all, Joe

Exactly, like what the fuck?

Well, the US does have an ardent pro-Israel Zionazi as the president this time around.

Genocide is fine so long as it destabilizes the middle east, gets oil corporations better deals thanks to that, and profits military corporations.

it's totally fair to criticize Biden as long as we can agree that the alternative is much worse.

the alternative: genocide plus fascism.

Yeah isn't it nice how simple the world is? Black or white. No nuance. Nuance sure would be shitty.

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And? I can not do shocked pickachu when they have done it for 234 years. At least this time we're not the ones doing the war crimes.

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