3 Post – 144 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Lmao they really don't want anyone to keep using their engine anymore

With the USSR overthrown, virtually all mainstream media now is capitalist propaganda. And the capitalist class obviously would not want the working class to prefer a system where workers are in power.

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It is always morally correct to pirate nintendo products.

What am I supposed to do with this information

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Obsidian is a godsend. The sheer number of plugins gives you basically anything you could want.

It not being open-source is pretty much my only complaint lol

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At this rate we might just see the Year of the Linux Desktop^TM^ on our deathbeds!

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Kids? In this economy?

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No communist, anarchist, or anyone lefty in general would ban a piracy community — short of getting in legal trouble or something, which is not what happened here.

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Nah I wouldn't want Lemmy to attract anti-piracy bootlickers (specially considering why we left Reddit for Lemmy in the first place). This being the largest community is a good filter imo.

Windows 11 is what finally got me to permanently switch over to Linux too lol

Capitalism lmao

Hexbear is a leftist-unity instance of mostly socialists, communists, and anarchists.

Most people on Reddit are liberals (just look at how pro-israel Reddit is right now), so naturally alot of people migrating from Reddit didn't like it.

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Oh my god that's real what the fuck lmao

Another day of thanking god the devs for the decentralized Fediverse and Lemmy 🙏😔

Not much we can do about that. That's just the demographic an experimental decentralized platform like Lemmy attracts.

"This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal."

Wonder how someone class conscious like this ended up in the US military.

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Tolerance is a social contract not a right. If you are tolerant, you earn tolerance for yourself. If you are intolerant, you don't deserve tolerance yourself.

I've never heard it said that way. This is a fantastic way to put it.

Stems from the black book of Communism which counts nazis killed by the Soviets, everyone killed by the nazis in the USSR, unborn children and even more absurd shit like that just to get to that number lmao.

If we count shit like that, Capitalism has killed billions.

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For the lazy:

After some careful consideration, I have decided to block on and .art by default

However, users will have the ability to unblock the domain

Soon we will be selectively enforcing authorized fetch for accounts with domain blocks so as to provide the best of both worlds.

(I'm also shipping a command for :pixelfed: admins to easily add user domain blocks for all local users)

I'm eager to hear your feedback!


Instead of individual, centralized websites there will be an interconnected network of encyclopedias. This means the same topic can be treated in completely different ways. For example may be completely different different from There can be Ibis instances strictly focused on a particular topic with a high quality standard, and others covering many areas in layman’s terms.

I don't think something like this exists yet(?), so it'll be cool to see how this will be like.

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A billion copies to lead a communist revolution. Any more than that would probably be unsustainable globally in the short term while the existing capitalist systems are being dismantled and replaced.

Or 3 or 4 clone friends to help out with daily life.

Both are cool. The latter is probably easier and what my copies could actually manage.

Edit: Actually, the ability to sync memories is so ridiculously overpowered that one could probably achieve pretty much anything with their copies.

It also seems like its usefulness would scale up exponentially the more copies you make, so I'll go with the first one.

deleted comments are complaining about pronouns

Hexbear being based as always

“The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative.”

- Malcolm X

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We gotta pump these numbers up

Or the LLM is just that incompetent lol

Our world is already post scarcity too for basic needs like food and housing. We're just terrible at actually getting them to people since most countries are still capitalist, so they prioritize capital/profit over human lives and rely on what's basically slave labour from less developed nations to make the ruling class richer.

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Conservatives are conservatives because they're completely politically illiterate lol; of course they won't use terms like "liberals" and "socialists" correctly.

I think you're misreading their comment? They seem to be pointing out how brutal it was, not downplaying it.

Not at all. We've seen this our whole lives, and are currently seeing it with the liberal response to the ongoing genocide in Palestine too. They only support emancipatory movements in theory, but in practice are the same as conservatives: they stop when those people are taking direct action for emancipation, specially when it threatens their own positions.

"...who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." - MLK

Liberals didn't like Mandela's use of force to overthrow apartheid in South Africa, and they wouldn't approve of it if it happened now either. The same way they aren't approving of Palestinian resistance groups like Hamas in their war against the apartheid colony "israel".

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North Korea? Really?

The country that had fucking 20% of its population slaughtered by the US in just 3 years after Korea was split in two against their will after WW2?

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China doing a better job regulating corporations than the west is nothing new.

Even this current one happened while Tencent was barely recovering from another regulation set last year. Kicking megacorps while they're down lol as they should.

Everything is political lmao

I was gonna ask if you also think this way about Palestine, but looks like I don't need to.

Israel is finishing a war they did not start. Violence progressed to the terrorist attack but it didn’t start there. Do you really expect them to accept going back to the status quo that was progressively getting worse? That was the result of the last three conflicts.

Interesting how you can tell someone is a zionazi based on their comments in this thread. Almost like these are similar situations of people rising up against their oppressors.

Socialist instance bringing up socialism 🤯

The effort, which began in 2019

Checks out with the all the racist "memes" about China that took off in english-speaking spaces around this time

B-but that's socialism

Username checks out

And google stopped any chances of that ever happening. The Fediverse should just let itself grow gradually and naturally, as should have XMPP

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Oh my god they rewrote Linux in Rust. Amazing.

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Popular, geeky, and leftist. That last one likely resonates with a large part of the communist/socialist community we have here on Lemmy.

It certainly does for Lemmy dev Dessalines, seeing how they're responding on this thread too.

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