3 Post – 255 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

It's ugly, but useful.

(unlike me, I am ugly and useless /s)

How are we supposed to give you feedback if we can't play the game yet, since it is not released?

Don't panic, thats just me running it on PC, laptop, worklaptop, pinenote, pinephone, steamdeck and in multiple VMs for experimentation. (and don't forget my randomized fingerprinting setup in the browser)

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  • fucking with configs for hours regularly
  • pip & venv doesn't work on nixos
  • DE broke when installed new DM
  • not much community support
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Tell us what commands you ran exactly and what the terminal responded.

(Do this in general when asking for Linux help btw. that makes it a bit easier to give a useful reply straight away.)

Well, steam deck os is from valve, a big player.

The majority of users don't make any fuss about it.

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What should I do?

Install Windows on his laptop, or better yet let him do it and sit besides him for guidance, so that he can learn to reinstall in case something breaks badly.

It's nice to showcase your favourite OS and make people curious but don't abuse your friends with your Linux preference by forcing it onto them.

(Also, if you fix everything for them all the time, how will they learn?)

Reminds me of when they started printing "vegan" and "gluten free" on water bottles.

Ah yes, the inherited ui/ux nightmare

Nobody mentioned it yet, but my current no hassle solution is to:

just physically move the nvme from one computer to the other

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It doesn't matter much what Linux you use. Rather what is your desktop environment? (KDE Plasma, Gnome, sway etc.)

On KDE for example there is a shortcut to restart the compositor, which might fix your issue.

But in general you might have luck "restarting" it by switching the tty. You do that by pressing CTRL + ALT + some function key between F1 and F8 (the standard gui tty number depends on the distro). Try to switch to a non gui tty and then back.

For example, on my distro I would do:

  1. CTRL + ALT + F1
  2. CTRL + ALT + F2

but on yours it might be F7 or some other.

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I did that and:

  1. The only file that is correct is only of the regular version, so there are a lot of variations missing - you wouldn't be able to get the same files as by following the paid way. The upload is 8 years old and seems to be part of an opensource website.

  2. There is another upload from 4 years ago, where the files appear to be called by the same name, but it's not the same font at all. Seems to be part of a website again, which shows a couple of fonts for comparison. Maybe they've put it there as a placeholder.

Thats why I wanted to ask how to safely upload them.

Keep in mind that the average longevity of laser disks is 10-20 years. After that the data gets corrupted and will become unreadable at some point.

Thats why I don't use cd/dvd/bluray.

Books on the other hand, I love as a physical media.

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Spoiler: it will not change his life

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Path of Achra - the game speaks for itself.

One monitor not working after sleep - "insignificant"

Thats the true Linux nerd mentality :D

Jokes aside, can you check for anything gpu or monitor related in journalctl after the wakeup?

Personally I like the following two approaches:

  1. Free and open source for selfhosting, paid when hosted by the company (e.g Nextcloud, gitea,

  2. Free and open source with basic features, paid for proprietary business addons (e.g Portmaster, Xpipe)

I think those approaches are fully compatible with the open source definition, but please correct me if I am wrong. (The examples I mentioned are just some of which I personally know and use, but of course they are many others)

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I agree about plain english in the package manager.

Years ago I wrote a script (now unmaintained) called "human Bash" where I wrapped a bunch of my commonly used commands in english words.

Some examples (parameters in cursive):

  • "please install minecraft "
  • "please update"
  • "search package by command ifconfig "
  • "search file by name /home/user/Downloads *.pdf "
  • "search file by content p_color "

and so on.

But since then I moved on to gui tools entirely.

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Don't worry, the world does not revolve around the US of A.

hetzner storage box is cheaper afaik and works the same

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dd ?

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Stop blaming it on some nonexistent cultural phenomenon.

People are capable of recognizing (good or bad) quality aspects of the software they use and the videos they get recommended to watch. And they are free to point out the bad ones as well as the good ones.

Homosexuality is documented in about 10% of species across the animal kingdom. The percentage of homosexuality in a given animal species varies a lot from 0% to above 30% of the population and factors like overpopulation increase it.

It's as natural as it can get.

To play, please identify yourself via one of these services: [GitHub] [Google] [Twitter] [Reddit]

Best I can do is [Gitea] [Proton] [Mastodon] [Lemmy]

Man, I forgot what it was called, but once I was on the website of some batshit paranoid linux / bsd distro, which had a list of argument for why they removed certain packages.

It definitely seemed like the maintainers were reading the source, but some of the arguments were also really out there.

Hope somebody can remind me of what it was called.


found it

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In general I'd recommend the modern standard android. So just go by the official docs and guides with Kotlin and Android Studio. Thats is not only the most straightforward option in my opinion, but it is easier to ask for help in a discord or search the web. (contrary to what @aluminium suggested by going with older UI and java)

But tbh. it depends what you're prior dev exp is like. You said you have no mobile dev exp, but what about desktop or web? If you feel at home with web frameworks, react native might be way easier for you. Heck, if you have experience with c# and windows gui dev, then blazor or microsoft maui etc.

I agree with @aluminium on the point of multiplatform frameworks being way more complex than native android. Only chose those if you get an advantage out of it like if you are either already familiar with the base concepts/languages or if you want to target multiple platforms.

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I'm (deliberately) being listed as Windows, because some websites are cancer when they smell your Linux.

I honestly don't remember what happened, but I remember raging at it about 7 years ago, before changing the user agent and since then I've always done it like this.

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Thats just the bad transitional phase, I think op means longterm

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I have set up my archlinux os in a weekend with btrfs snapshots and everything I need. About once a quarter I tinker with it for 30 minutes to either fix a broken update or do some custom solutions to minute problems. It has been running like this for 5years. And snapshots allow me to rollback any fuckups in 1 minute.

I tried to setup nixos twice, because I love the concept. Both times I tinkered with it for 1 to 2 weeks, had to take paid leave. At the end, some stuff still didn't work as I wanted it to. Any customization that is not already natively implemented in nix is a huge pain in the ass to add. Things that would be a 5min config edit on arch took hours on nix to make them rEpRoDuCaBLe. I have experienced no additional benefit over btrfs snapshots.

Tldr: If I could pay somebody 100$ to set up nixos just the way I want it, I'd use it. But since I have to do it in my own free time, I won't.

please was basically a more complicated alias for sudo :D it originated as a meme on twitter I believe

The software borgbackup does some insane compression.

It is more effective if you backup multiple machines tbh (my 3 linux computers with ~600gb used each get compressed down to a single ~350gb backup, because most of the files are the same programs and data over and over again)

But it might do a decent enough job in your case.

So one of the solutions might be getting a NAS and setting up borgbackup.

You could also get a second one and put it in your parents or best friends home for an offsite backup.

That way you don't have to buy as large of a drive capacity, but will only have fixed costst (+electricity) instead of ongoing costs for some rented server storage.

I guess that would be about 400$ per such a device, if you get a used office pc and buy new drives for it.

Tape seems to be about half the price per TB, but then you need special reader/writer for it, which are usually connected via SAS and are FUCKING EXPENSIVE (over 4000$ as far as I can see).

It only outscales HDDs in price after like ~600TB

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Use your browser search on that page and type "vulkan" and you will find the reason. I couldn't link to it any better, sorry, am on mobile rn.

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I don't understand. Are there places where using chatGPT for papers is illegal?

The state where I live explicitly allows it. Only plagiarism is prohibited. But making chatGPT formulate the result of your scientific work, or correct the grammar or improve the style, etc. doesn't bother anybody.

If you use chatGPT you should still read over it, because it can say something wrong about your results and run a plagiarism tool on it because it could unintentionally do that. So whats the big deal?

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Well, I hate human faces on youtube video thumbnails.

I want to see a preview of the content instead of being biologically exploited into clicking on it.

For anyone who feels the same way:

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this resrource was a blessing for me. You can search for laptop models and see exactly what works/doesn't work under which distro.

Situations in which I quickly need a reliable source of POI are not compatible with me taking the time to search for them in person and then add them to the maps systen I am trying to use right now.

So usually when I need something quick right now, I can not trust OSM.

When I am on a relaxed walk in the neighbourhood, I do add stuff and that makes it a bit better for everybody. But then, I obviously don't ever need to search for those.

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I would also like more interesting postst instead of reading peoples complaints about the content all day.

Please open a new sublemmy linux_lemmy_content_complaints and move your post there.

timeshift is pretty good, but bootable btrfs snapshots are even better

My stats (fullstack dev) :

1 job application -> rejected after first interview

no other job applications written, just has a face to face chat with the leadership and their friends at different events. At the interviews, I showed some of my opensauce projects that I did for fun -> 2 consecutive jobs in a decent environment with decent pay.

Had to write a cv after I got one of the jobs, just so their paperwork is complete lol

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