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They don't care after they are born. Bootstraps and all I guess.

Lowering hormones medically? Sounds like something Trans, and that's illegal in the south.

Here's the annoying thing about our system: so what? If you stop supporting Biden, and trump gets re-elected, congrats, you now have an extreme Isreal supporter in office who would give nukes to Isreal. By being fed up with the current administration, you would have shot your own cause by withdrawing.

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Didn't happen with Apple, or IBM, or Google, or Facebook, or....

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It's literally a choice between status quo, or the last election in America. If it's sunk, that is more a result of you then anything the entire Democrat party can do.

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Simple, hold all federal spending for the state. Start moving all federal jobs out of the state, start a BRAC to close all military bases in the state.

No, just republicans erase books currently

It astonishs me that someone can have so many experts on their show, and remain so stupid.

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There are 12 teams, so 12*1.4 million...Steph Curry makes more then the entire WNBA pays it's players.

I think the main thrust is that the ANC made great progress in 10 years, then stagnated for 10 years, and is now getting progressively worse for the last 10 years. Voters therefore are not optimistic for the next 10 with ANC in power. Corruption destroys unity and respect for governing authority, just look at the USA a few years ago.

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Just call then what they are people, bribes.

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Or, charge several of them with taking bribes. As there is plenty of evidence already, they are not above the law.

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Winning and losing is nebulous concept since ww2. The initial goal in Afghanistan was destroying al qaeda's base of operations and killing bin laden. All accomplished, so 'win'? The whole nation building was a nice idea, but who really cares about the goat farmers as long as they don't harbor terrorists.

As for Ukraine, please tell me how Russia thinks it's (still) winning, support does seem to be waning for Ukraine support. But Russia has lost almost double the amount of tanks the US has in service alone.

Even if they win, it will absolutely have been a pyrrhic victory that gutted their armed forces, ruined their economy, and made them dependent on China, Iran, and NK.

BTW, a US destroyer (with some airborne radar support) can defend a thousand km in each direction and low earth orbit.

I haven't supported Sony in anything since 2005

Agreed, and the unfortunate result is going to be a complete lack of confidence in any federal government regardless of branch or politics. Which leads to the end of America.

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Nope, I think this falls under the 'war' flavor, not terrorism.

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Then the Texas police will provide an abortion for you vida beatings.

So then a egotistical fanatical maniac will be elected, who want to genocide Americans, slow clap

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So he's pulling support from the school, effectively he supports the protesters and staff who walked and not the school who is trying to make them go away. I don't care about his mouth words, his actions matter more.

Nuclear, preferably fusion works out and energy becomes a non-issue. But nothing else we have can beat the reliability, energy density and power-to-emissions ratio of nuclear.

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If only we knew higher efficiency improvement standards have been enacted almost consistently since 1975!

Half the article was about domestic...

But arguably, women are not subject to being called up due to not in the selective service. So take the guns away from females. /s

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And? I can not do shocked pickachu when they have done it for 234 years. At least this time we're not the ones doing the war crimes.

We don't get good support from this one guy, so we want to make it so the guy who promises to fuck you over gets elected.

At least for #2, you might want to do more research into why hamas doesn't have prisons in Gaza..

Trump will do it so much better then, he'll tell the Israelis to finish what they started and give them more kaboom.

Anyone who doesn't believe and follow science, will die of reality.

But thats the issue, there is no issue to fix the unjustness.

Yes, history teaches us things always go in cycles, the type and length varies, but cycles. Those people who said never are dead, their children never had to live through it, so why would they say never?

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Go for it! Just remember, Republicans won't do that, and you have to do it for a majority of the electoral college, otherwise you just split the vote and you lose. But also writing in a name does not mean that vote will count. Many states require that write-in candidates file paperwork before the election. Otherwise, the state will not count the person's votes.

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They are. It they simply say they can't take action against a manafacture's supplier if their supplier's product never came to the US. They are already taking action against the manafacture themselves. It's like a farmer making tainted wheat in Kansas, selling it to wonderbread to be made into bread in Indiana, then wonderbread selling it in Canada. Does Canada take action againt that farmer in another country for a transaction not under their purview that they have no control over.

That's what the Arab league has been saying for 70 years, people are finally listening to muslims now it seams

Why does trump's rabidly supportive base hate vaccines, and not take the trump vaccine?

Agreed, it's more like 9/11 for Israel.

Supposably for beam forming 🤷🏼‍♂️

Cruise ships already drop about that much in raw sewage, 352 quintillion gallons makes it literally less than a drop in the bucket.

At almost 1/3 of a trillion dollars last year, arms exporters and manufacturers win.