18 Post – 392 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

With everything that’s going on in the world, I feel like “freedom of speech” doesn’t exist. It’s just a “buzz”.

Just to name a few things;

  • You want to criticize Israel? Antisemitism!
  • You want to criticize US-related Israel things? Antisemitism!
  • You want to provide evidence of crimes? That’s a ‘crime’!
  • You are against killing innocent people? Antisemitism!
  • You want to protest? You disrupt the order and therefore a crime!

Perhaps it is just me being pessimistic.

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At the end of this week, I will be getting a new game PC. So, I will play:

  1. The last of us part 1 remake
  2. High On Life
  3. Cyberpunk 2077
  4. Alan Wake 2 (half replaying it, already played 4 hours on the PS5)

The Israeli official made further comments blaming Hamas for the impasses, echoing the language of Israeli and US officials that “the ball is Hamas’s court” and that stopping the war is in their hands.

Did Hamas not accept a deal before while Israel (I assume their PM) rejected it? Found the article: Hamas accepts UN ceasefire resolution, ready to negotiate over details, official says

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stating clearly that Israel does not support a permanent ceasefire.

Israel blaming Hamas for not having a ceasefire or any deal and then this written in the article.

Israel’s demand appears to be for Hamas to release all the hostages right now in exchange for a temporary ceasefire

I mean any sane person would understand Hamas won’t accept this. This means they lose all negotiation ‘material’ (could not find a better word, apologies). The deal should be something along lines of; release of all hostages and a permanent ceasefire.

Hamas has said it will only support a deal that includes a permanent ceasefire

Exactly this. They are willing to accept a deal, it is Israel who does not want to accept anything.

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Israel did not start this bullshit no top finish the removal. Get real, that's what we are getting.

I don’t really understand what you’re saying/ writing honestly. If you mean that Israel didn’t start this entire thing, I’d say, I disagree. Due to the history of how Israel become an actual state (1948, 750 000 displaced, lots of Palestinian murdered and many other atrocities). Not to mention the ongoing apartheid system, illegal settlers and such. 

Real question is where are these people going or we just gonna let Israel massacre them at the Egyptian border?

That’s one of the main problems. If other countries let the Palestinian people in their country it’s a free-ticket for far-right extremist Israel to steal everything from the Palestinian land. Which is a no-no. 

But if nothing is done, Israel will just keep bombing Gaza which results in innocent Palestinians being murdered by Israel. 

So here we are; majority of the countries doing nothing, Palestinians being murdered and lots of protests around the world.

I hate to nitpick, but saying you’re ready to hammer out the details, does not mean you accept the deal

No, yeah. You are right however (The article below is from 6 May). Now I cannot remember whether it was accepted by both parties. But it shows that Hamas definitely are willing to accept deals whereas Israel is continuously deliberately trying to avoid any deals.

Israel Gaza: Hamas says it accepts ceasefire proposal

From the article:

Hamas says it has informed Qatari and Egyptian mediators that it has accepted their proposal for a new Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal with Israel.

Your comment below (done this to avoid confusion between your comment and the text from the article);

I don’t believe Israel would have accepted any ceasefire at all, at most they’re open to a “pause”.

I agree somewhat. I, personally, believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not want a ceasefire. However, I think that normal civilians of Israel do want a ceasefire (especially the families of the hostages).

EDIT: Added a few sentences and corrected some words

And certain countries and people will still shout the utter nonsense “right to defend themselves”.

Majority of the countries have failed humanity. They’re doing nothing after so many atrocities and the UN only have words but zero actual actions.

This pretty much shows and proves that one small state is the ‘leader’ of every country, even the US.

I’m honestly surprised and shocked that Nazism is rising up again. It is a scary idea that, that ideology is growing bit by bit.

Have people not learnt about and from the past?

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Switched yesterday and so far, really liking it. Might even say, it’s better than Reddit at the moment already.

No heavy echo-chamber/ toxicity (yet). Just waiting that it becomes more active with more communities.

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Netanyahu never intended to stop the genocide/ war on Gaza, he made that clear:

  1. Netanyahu tells Blinken he will not end war on Hamas in Gaza as part of hostage deal.
  2. Netanyahu vows to invade Rafah ‘with or without a deal’ as cease-fire talks with Hamas continue.

Why would Hamas even accept the ''deal'' if Israel anyway will invade Rafah that has all the innocent Palestinian civillians?

They also shut down AlJezeera news and Israel claims they are the ''only democracy in the Middle East'': Israel orders Al Jazeera to shut down as Netanyahu rejects peace talks.

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The IDF, US and other Zionists will claim it was out of self-defense.

When are other countries going to step up and do something about this horrifying genocide.

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Honestly don’t think you can find any neutral news about it. I recommend use multiple news places to get the overall view (that’s what I do).

I feel like every news-publisher is leaning to one or the other.

Was no surprise that other platforms would follow Netflix with not allowing sharing passwords.

What does surprise me is that people actually pay their own subscription for these platforms. Netflix had a win in profit/revenue. I’m surprised that these people did not go for the Piracy method even though, they complain about:

  • Price increases
  • Not allowed to share password/ account
  • Content not available on said platform and having to go to others platforms
  • Cancellation of shows after one or two seasons
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It truly amazes me that US still refuses to ceasefire after more than 20 000 normal civilians of the Palestinian people have been murdered by the Israeli government.

This has nothing to do with either “self defense” or “defeating” Hamas anymore.

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That picture, what the hell.

“Enemy” - you mean normal civilians.

EDIT: Since I’m getting downvoted for no reason (not that it matters on here though):

I mean that they protest/ refuse to give aid towards normal civilians. Normal civilians are not their enemies. They had nothing to do with it, these normal people want to live. Just like everyone else.

I always find it odd how people blame “extremists” and the Palestinians for this.

Israel starts to steal homes, land and killing men, children and women. No one bat an eye to that.

Then extremists and hate towards Israel came and bam, they are the bad ones suddenly.

Certainly what Hamas does is entirely wrong however - People cannot expect them be silent and get killed by Israeli forces.

This is what happens from decades upon decades of oppression.

This entire conflict was created by Israel stealing land and starting an genocide mission on Palestinians.

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You made your account a day ago and starts making comments like this. An ignorant comment that refuses to acknowledge 75 years of horrible history.

Can’t help but think you are either a troll or a random Israeli supporter. Well, I suppose, I’ll just block you immediately.

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r/piracy is mainly active with 3 things

  1. Memes
  2. Random questions
  3. Drama

I, personally, never ask questions on that subreddit. Only viewing for random entertainment or boredness.

Both Piracy and PiratedGames subreddit are the 3 above. If you ask a particular question, you’ll often get randomly ridiculed (for nothing).

I’d just say - post it here and if that really doesn’t work out then try it there. Though out of personal experience this community on here is much (much) more friendly, willing to help and actually get to the point.

This community also had actual discussions and not random shit throwing in the community.

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Yes but no, I rather thank the people that made the platform of Lemmy, the apps and community of Lemmy/Kbin and such.

They are the ones making this possible.

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“The soldiers stood watching, and after the settler attack ended, the soldiers began to search houses across the village, raiding several houses and taking shifts throughout the night and then left at 3:00 in the morning", they added”

What did their prime minster say - The most moral military in the world.

Yeah right… and the World “leaders” are just standing there staring at the shit that’s been happening.

“Ukraine condemns Iran’s attack on Israel using 'Shahed' drones and missiles,” Zelenskyy wrote on X, drawing a parallel between Tehran’s tactics and those employed by Moscow against Ukraine.

Did he also condemn when Israel attacked Iran’s embassy? (Genuine question). Because if not that’s kind of… hypocrite.

But I get it where he’s coming from. Anything to get on the good side of US to get enough support, to be able to keep fighting against Russia.

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Delusional. I feel like he doesn’t necessarily care about his own people either, just want to commit genocide and take over land at any cost.

The fact that people still defend this guy makes me perplexed.

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I don’t live in US but I’m immensely surprised he can still run for President with all the things going on with him.

Thought by now he would’ve been sent to jail/prison.

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She was accused of incitement on social media, a charge that has frequently been filed against Palestinians since war broke out in Gaza on 7 October.

As English isn't my native language, I'm not sure what this means. I don't understand what Israel accuses her off, seems like nothing. And they are helding her basically hostage for nothing, as if they're trying to kill her newborn baby.

Since they know this:

prematurely born baby is solely reliant on her mother’s breast milk for nutrition

You do think, even if she had done something, they would at least give her the ability to feed her newborn child.

Israel government and their so called ''most moral military in the world''. Yeah, right. They have proven the entire world that they're exactly like Nazi-Germany. The have become the exact ideology and state they feared and hated.

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So basically he wants WW3 to happen?

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Last part as in ''Israel claims they are the ‘‘only democracy in the Middle East''?

I refer to this not only because they shutdown Al Jazeera but also their entire regime. They call themselves an democratic country in the Middle East but we all know:

  • They have an Apartheid regime (Two different laws. One for Israeli and one for Palestinian).
  • They sent Palestinian people unfair to prison.
  • Palestinian people have unfair judgement.
  • They shutdown Al Jazeera (I'm not even sure if they gave an actual reason but if they did; can we trust it? They have been known for lying to the world).
  • Netanyahu has been Prime Minister for so long while majority do not even want him as a Prime Minister.
  • People who humiliate Palestinian often do not get punished by law.

How can you call such an state ''democratic''?

EDIT 1: If you want, I can get news-sources for each claim.

EDIT 2: Checking upon your comment history, you’ve been spamming that particular sentence. So I’m curious why you are defending an state that is on paper “democratic” but in reality is not.

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I don’t think they’re sorry for cheating on it but rather they’re sorry for getting caught.

I don’t care about his “rules” or his attention seeking addiction. All I care about are the games that he cracks.

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Israel government is the new Nazi government. It is immensely insane that they’re doing nearly exact the same thing as what Nazi-Germany did to the Jewish people in WW2. Stripping away humanity.

But the presidents of all countries are turning a blind eye. There are just no words for this. This is horrifying, should not be happening.

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Saying an phrase is suddenly genocidal but literally killing men, women and children & removing them from their homeland is not?

Delusional. Cannot believe that Presidents take this guy seriously and won’t interfere at all.

Yeah, they blocked us. Saw a post about it a little while ago.

I recommend either moving to another instance with your account or make a second account to be able to see blocked communities.

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You seem to be an Israel-supporter that is okay with the genocide.

Wanting to stop the genocide and want Israel to stop killing innocent civilians (men, women and children) is not supporting Hamas in anyway.

It is however, standing for human rights. Rights to live, rights to have a normal human condition (a home, a land, a place to be, having education and everything that’s available for humanity). 

If you really want to go that way;

Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the horrifying things Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.

So the only one to blame for Hamas existing is Israel themselves.

EDIT: Checking upon your comment history, yeah. You’re definitely a Israel-supporter and probably a Zionist. I recommend anyone to check his comment history.

Here’s the comment, I meant; Him saying that Palestinians devalue their own lives.

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Sail the high seas for this one

You cannot blame the normal civilians for these particular actions. I don’t even think, some of them were even born yet.

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Biden does not care at all for the people of Gaza, that’s very clear with the money/ weapons he sends to Israel.

EDIT: you can keep downvoting since it doesn’t mean much on Lemmy. However, it is true. If he actually cared about the lives of the Palestinian people, he wouldn’t send so much to Israel due to the very fact, he knows that it will be used for the genocide on Palestinian people.

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It seems someone has not educated themselves on history of what Israel has been doing (1948-2022).

Just because you do not read about it in the main news, it doesn’t mean that nothing has happened. That’s all I have to say.

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You got me in the first half

Ahh look at that, a person on the internet having a big mouth without actually having knowledge into the matter. Nothing new.

They are not cowards at all.

Never take on a corporate company that has billions to spend for the suing. They took the smartest and best route for themselves and that’s what matters - what’s best for them.

If you want someone to “fight” against Nintendo, be the change! Do it yourself.

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I said this in another thread and I will say it again here:

I always find it odd how people blame “extremists” and the Palestinians for this.

Israel starts to steal homes, land and killing men, children and women. No one bat an eye to that.

Then extremists and hate towards Israel came and bam, they are the bad ones suddenly.

Certainly what Hamas does is entirely wrong however - People cannot expect them be silent and get killed by Israeli forces.

This is what happens from decades upon decades of oppression.

This entire conflict was created by Israel stealing land and starting a genocide mission on Palestinians.

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I have realized a while ago that there’s no point in arguing or discussing with genocide-deniers, pro-Israel and pro-zionists.

They will write the most delusional things, deny every evidence there’s and come up with the most delusional things to defend the Israeli-Government.

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Yeah, they’re trying to spin this on Hamas while Israel is the very one not allowing food trucks and human aid for the Palestinians.

It is also not Hamas who’s killing thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians.

It seems they’re now trying to spin everything on Hamas while when looking back on history - it is clear as day.

EDIT: for the people that are downvoting me; you can keep downvoting but history does not lie and you cannot bend it to your liking. Israel literally has been murdering Palestinian civilians since 1948 up until today. They never have been ‘easy’ for allowing human aid, food trucks for Palestinians.

History does not lie. It never will.

Note: used the word “easy” due to the lack of a better word (or perhaps there’s but I don’t know it).