Donald Trump says he would encourage Russia to attack Nato countries who don’t pay ‘bills’ to World – 552 points –
Donald Trump says he would encourage Russia to attack Nato countries who don’t pay ‘bills’

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So basically he wants WW3 to happen?

He probably thinks that will keep him out of jail

The last guy to be president during a world war was elected four times, therefore....

Yeah but he was also a decidedly competent leader for most of that time. Trump wouldn’t be. He’d just try to cement himself as a dictator.

Actually, that guy died DURING the world war. The last guy to be president during a world war was only elected once..

Dying while in office would be the best case for him, since he'd have immunity while in office. Otherwise he'll die in prison.

Him dying in prison penniless without ever taking office again would of course be ideal for the rest of the world though, or at least the parts that are worth anything..