Donald Trump says he would encourage Russia to attack Nato countries who don’t pay ‘bills’ to World – 552 points –
Donald Trump says he would encourage Russia to attack Nato countries who don’t pay ‘bills’

So he would trigger an article 5 incident to apease his ego? I hope one of is multiple cases gets him locked up. And I don't care where, as long as it means he isn't in office.

He just wants a little bit of war. Nothing crazy.

Nothing crazy.

Whatever marbles he had left, he lost them all...

It’s worse and more specific than that. He’s basically saying “Russia is welcome to trigger an Article 5 incident, because I won’t respond to it”.

Why do I have a feeling that Putin told him to say that. It's just too convenient for Trump to say that after that Tucker interview.

Like, am I imagining things? It's pretty clear they have communication, right?

Oh no, they've been communicating since before 2016. Just look at the changes to party platform for the GOP that year regarding funding to Ukraine. The new policies, which came directly from Trumps people, reversed course on Ukraine and basically adopted pro-Kremlin positions. And it was out of left field...on alot of policy positions, they didn't comment on shit or even have fully developed positions....but on Ukraine they have a very strong and very pro-Kremlin stance.

Absolutely. For anyone who's not familiar with Seth Abramson, he's written three enormous books sourced from major news media piecing all of it together in excruciating detail. Here's an interview about one of them for some flava.

TL;DR Donald Trump is 100% colluding with russia and has been for well over a decade. There's not a question about it. It's a tower of concrete facts.

Trust him, he's an expert on not paying bills.

And that is why he was ok with Russia blackmailing him with the pee pee tape.

That's funny coming from a guy who is infamous for not paying his bills.

Well. At this point it feels like I'm just watching it happen. I can vote against fascism, but what the fuck else can I do?

We have to learn from Germany's mistakes: armed resistance is legitimate in the face of fascism.

Libs will concede this fact when it's too late.

All those damn libs voting for Trump, when will they learn

If you see fascism as a party line divide, you may wish to look closer.

There are soo many rabidly anti 2a liberals who don’t understand this. The cognitive dissonance when you point out that they are setting aside a key right and putting their faith in police and other authorities to fight fascism when they currently can’t be relied upon to NOT routinely discriminate and persecute leftists and minorities in a normal political climate.

Dad-blammed libruls!!! Thay as bad as'uh gummit!!

Feel free to put your trust and safety in State and Federal police agencies if Trump is elected. I’m sure it will work out well.

"If I were president I'd encourage Russia to start a world war by telling them to attack a country in a very large military alliance that we're part of"

Just when you think the MAGAzis and their sprayed clown couldn't get any dumber, here comes a public statement.

He is desperate to stay in the headlines recently, wonder what (specifically )he's trying to hide this time?

So basically he wants WW3 to happen?

He probably thinks that will keep him out of jail

The last guy to be president during a world war was elected four times, therefore....

Yeah but he was also a decidedly competent leader for most of that time. Trump wouldn’t be. He’d just try to cement himself as a dictator.

Actually, that guy died DURING the world war. The last guy to be president during a world war was only elected once..

Dying while in office would be the best case for him, since he'd have immunity while in office. Otherwise he'll die in prison.

Him dying in prison penniless without ever taking office again would of course be ideal for the rest of the world though, or at least the parts that are worth anything..

Every now and then trump says something where I think surely that had to have been taken at least slightly out of context, but nope, it's practically verbatim. Every single time.

Again, The Guardian is to blame for some of this but seriously, how many more years does anyone need?

quick reminder that only a single NATO member has called for help of their allies with article 5 so far

Which one was it and why? Im not in a NATO country and dont understand this article lore thing

The one whose ex-president this article is about, which is what makes the whole thing funny.

The US called for help after 9/11.

"No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”

This is a level of hypocrisy... I just cannot

for fucks sake even the dumbest plot in any call of duty was more intelligent than everything this stupid republican wants to happen...

Americans really need to bash their elected representatives to invest in public schools and free/affordable higher education. This muppet already happened, but maybe it's not too late to save the upcoming generations from another one.

Hitler only succeeded on the second attempt.

I have little to no doubt that Trump will win the second term. And as a Ukrainian am horrified by the prospect.

I recently learned that succeeded is a bit of a stretch. He gained control through essentially an armed insurrection.

“No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”

Not exactly the Christian way. Yet, evangelicals apparently just love a president who will throw their friends under the bus.

As someone currently on trial for fraud you'd think he'd not be framing himself as the person in the wrong.

He's really gunning for that Hero of Russia medal

He just does what Putin made him do. Blackmail is a wonderful thing...

"Made" him? Haha. Dipshit Don thinks he's impressing him.

And the stupidest thing is, he could have extorted billions from Putin on Inauguration Day.

"Drop any pictures you want, Vlad. I got the CIA in my pocket, and they'll prove it's fake news. Now wire the money, or Ukraine is getting a dozen nuclear submarines tomorrow."

The republicans I have talked with would fully be in board with this. They think NATO is an archaic organization that only existed because of the Cold War and should be disbanded…

Cool, let's see what states in the US are paying their fair share into the federal government, if you take more than you contribute then you loose your electoral votes.

He's like a walking hypocrisy. The biggest deadbeat in the history of deadbeats thinks our allies should pay up or be executed by Russia.

Riiiight, Diaper Donnie. Why don't we get you back to the old-age home. I hear it's almost time for pudding.

Wouldn’t that (by his reasoning) make the other NATO countries smart?

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Seeking a second presidency as the Republicans’ presumptive 2024 White House nominee, Donald Trump has said he would “encourage” Russia to attack any of the US’s Nato allies whom he considers to have not met their financial obligations.

Trump made the remarks on Saturday during a campaign rally in Conway, South Carolina, ahead of the state’s Republican presidential preference primary on 24 February.

On Saturday, Trump claimed that during an unspecified Nato meeting he told a fellow head of state that the US under his leadership would not defend any countries who were “delinquent”.

“Sounds as if Trump is kind of encouraging Russia to attack our Nato allies,” David Corn – an MSNBC analyst and the Washington DC bureau chief of Mother Jones – said on X.

The legislation was supported by Democratic incumbent Joe Biden, and Trump vowed that – if elected again – he would carry out “a massive deporation operation” on his first day back in the Oval Office.

The charges contained in four separate indictments across various jurisdictions allege that he tried to subvert the result of the election he lost, illegally retained government secrets after his presidency, and made illicit hush-money payments to a porn actor who claims to have had a sexual encounter with Trump.

The original article contains 422 words, the summary contains 211 words. Saved 50%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

So... Trump is a puppet of Vladdy Daddy? A "Trump-et" perhaps?

That was the worst pun I have ever made.

Can we stop putting him on the front page because he says shut like this? We can't ignore him, but we are playing into his hands. Headline it something like, More Proof Trump is unelectable, or something that isn't click bait

It's a fair point, but don't think about it as someone-posted-it-to-lemmy think about it as The Guardian thought it was amazing this donald trump character would say something outrageous.

As if they just woke up in the world this morning and were completely perplexed as to how a demented sociopathic rapist fraud could have said such a thing.

This is what we're talking about with regard to corporate news media constantly supporting Trump and his campaign. If the reporter was actually allowed to phrase the title, it would be something like "Fuck me, another verbal turd from spray-tan bozo" or . . y'know, something. Instead, it's this sanitized, starched white "How interesting that such a provocative comment was made" headline which is pure and utter bullshit and everyone is completely aware of it. That's the 1984 happening.

Except it's not proof he's unelectable, only that sane people won't vote for him.

People won’t read past the headline and accept or reject the notion based on their beliefs

A better headline in this case would be “Trump claims with him in charge US no match for Russian army”

It would be illegal for any of us poor people to encourage others to attack Donald Trump for not paying his bills in the same way, so I'm not going to do that.

Lol, I have to hand it to him, Trump is pretty funny when he comes up with shit like this. Really riles up his opposition.

These are peoples lives we're talking about.

Yeah don't worry guys this one is definitely a joke right? Lol WW3 with nuclear powers is so fucking hilarious.

Haha, encouraging a country to attack other countries that’s fucking hilarious.

It’d be funnier if Russia came after him for not paying his bills, could you imagine them enforcing the E. Jean Carroll sexual assault settlement?

if Russia came after him


"No no they're just coming after Trump"

"Oh...Wolverines if they do anything else!!!"

Lol at assuming he's even got the mental capacity to rile up his opposition.

Wasn't the conservative mob seriously scared that "Hillary will nuke Russia" during the first candidacy of that treasonous fool?