
1 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Strange way to say it's just not good enough to get awards. I'm not "ghosted" by the Michelin guides every year, my cooking just isn't that good.

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Very boring answer but JK Rowling.

Her books already had some questionable shit in them but witnessing that shockingly venomous transphobia really recontextualizes everything. I used to re read the Harry Potter saga every few years, but never again now, this whole, very nostalgic for me franchise is forever ruined now.

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Refering to women as "females" is always a massive red flag for me, it really gets under my skin.

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They're definitely gonna go after the wayback machine next, because what use is there in controlling social media and deleting what bothers them, if there's freely accessible records of it somewhere else?

The archive needs to be protected at all costs.

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I've noticed that too, I just switch to Freetube when it happens.
Simply disgusting, but it's business as usual for Google.

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I feel like the solution is pretty simple: if you want to AI copy someone's voice and put it in your project, you have to hire them and pay them as normal, and they have to give consent to let the AI use their likeness.

Otherwise it's theft.

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Many people in here arguing things "have never been better". It's true to an extent; things are pretty good in terms of poverty, liberties or world peace (for now). It's not great, it's never been great, but it's a decent bit better than it's been in the past. Overall.

We are, however, in an era of unstability and unrest, where it feels like things are constantly on the cusp of changing for the worse (and in some cases, are indeed already changing for the worse, like abortion or LGBT rights in the US, for example). Violence and discrimination are on the rise, global peace is being threatened, democracy is in jeopardy (not just in the US mind you), the 1% are getting WAY richer way faster than ever... To top it all off, climate change is objectively, unarguably as bad as it's ever been, and it's getting much much worse, much faster than even experts can keep up with. Like, we're headed straight for extinction and we keep accelerating toward it.

You have every right to be worried. Yes, it's easy to forget and take for granted the things we have now that we didn't even a mere 60 years ago, but many of them are very much under attack at the moment. Just because shit maybe hasn't quite yet hit the fan doesn't mean everything is fine.

And to answer your question, I've found some refuge in art, both experiencing and creating it. Reading books, watching movies, playing games, etc, especially those that echo that sentiment of fear and uncertainty for the future (or present). Trying to use all that as inspiration for my own work, I think it'd help to express my feelings this way. I am indeed doing very poorly still though, it's a lot to deal with, on top of my own personal problems.

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You'll get called dramatic for saying that but Republicans are absolutely eyeing a form of trans genocide; removing access to treatment and creating as hostile and dangerous an environment possible for trans people. They want us to disappear.

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Reddit is overall quite left leaning, with a lot of its communities being some of the biggest hubs for lefties on the internet (antiwork comes to mind, all the LGBT subs, majority of the big politics subs also heavily lean left).

I don't think it's that crazy a "conspiracy theory" to say that this could be intentional sabotage. IMO it's what's happening with Twitter also, I think the alt right is paying big to take down left leaning social media so they can control the flow on information. I know Musk and Spez are profoundly stupid but I don't think they're stupid enough to genuinely believe in their recent business decisions. I think these decisions make a lot more sense when viewed through that lens.

They got officially fact checked a few times and that put the fear of god in them, since their whole schtick relies on ignorance.

Why would anyone play your games on hardware that's ten years behind? The few Nintendo games I still buy (like Tears of the Kingdom actually) I still play on emulator, because it's objectively better in every way. Fuck off.

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I've seen people who claimed to have deleted every single comment manually, and they still got restored.

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US weapons Trump would provide, most likely.

The USA is very interested in aliens*

Billionaires really need to stop stealing their ideas from viral joke tweets.

I haven't seen anything of Twitter in a while

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Still working for me. The second it stops I'm out of there.

I've given up personally. I don't know if it's life circumstances or me not being as good at heart as I'd hope, but I've resigned myself and I'm just trying to learn to cope with the loneliness. At some point it's fair to call it quits and start being realistic.

That's just me ranting though, this isn't directed at you, and I wish you the best of luck.

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"Half" is being very optimistic.

I'm really worried he'd straight up help Russia tbh. Why wouldn't he?

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One of the downsides is that you'll be playing the Nintendo Switch.

Switch emulators are so good by now, the experience is nearly always better on PC. My Switch is one of the first models too but now that I don't play online Smash anymore, I really don't see what use I could have of a homebrewed console.

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I mean isn't that what OP is trying to figure out? A way for people to hear how you sound inside your skull.

Thumbnail made him look like Binging with Babish

Fucking traitor.

I wonder where Meta found all those former Twitter employees, mmmmmmh 🤔🤔🤔

I think it's mostly Reddit addicts being mad they can't see their memes anymore. The support I think is still there and you can see it in the polls, but the ones mad about it are naturally a lot more vocal.

He looks like his diaper needs changing.

For starters even if we could do that, I doubt the water would go to places that actually need it. Heck it's not like we don't have enough on Earth already, we already very much COULD supply poor African countries with the water and food they need, we just don't.

If we could drag resources from outer space, only the countries that are already rich would benefit.

I can't see the problem.

I still use Reddit a bit (on desktop only), mostly to check on some niche communities that aren't really on the Fediverse yet, but Kbin has been very nice also. It's nice and chill, and overall a lot less fascist/bigot friendly, which is refreshing.

Nice Kingdom Come Deliverance profile pic btw

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All crypto is essentially designed around competition for who gets to be the one mining it. Things escalate, and that's how you end up with these ridiculous crypto farms that use as much power as entire cities. No crypto currency is "green". And UNLIKE cars, lights or banking, crypto serves no purpose, it's currency that doesn't get spent, it's basically just there to fuel speculation for tech bros.

Crypto is a complete waste of energy, it's not 'big money spinning Bitcoin as negative', it's just objectively idiotic, don't listen to that comment.

If you haven't, I recommend watching Dan Olson's documentary "Line Goes Up" on Youtube.

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You can acknowledge that he was racist and still appreciate his work/reference him.

Separating the art from the artist doesn't make you complicit in their shitty opinions; there's still a lot to get out of Lovecraft's stories, he's one of the core pillars of modern horror after all, his influence is inescapable. You could argue it's a different story when it comes to living artists/celebrities, since you are in some way contributing to their success, but Lovecraft is long dead, his work is literally so old it's public domain lol, you're good.

I've personally been reading many of his stories lately for inspiration, and it's been very enriching. You have to keep an eye on the racist overtones of some of them, but as long as you do I don't see the issue.

I first saw the name in Pokémon, and immediately felt drawn to it, kinda like the people to their holes in Junji Ito's Enigma of Amigara Fault lol. I can't really explain it.

When I later realized I was trans, it was a no brainer which name I'd go with.

I wouldn't use Twitter even if it was the one paying ME

Even free I'm not installing that shit.

They could've just said "stop playing our games", it would've been shorter.

Guess I'm getting banned then, I will never disable my adblockers, the internet (and Youtube especially) is goddamn unusable without them.

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Oh I know all about that podcast trust me, it doesn't change my opinion about Rowling in the slightest, and it's far from being a good way to "understand this affair".

If you're genuinely curious, I highly recommend ContraPoint's video about that very podcast, as well as her other video about Rowling.

Isn't that just a fancy way of saying "I want more lies, ignorance and hate sprinkled in"?

"More politically balanced" lol

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You know, I was actually wondering about that recently. I watched The Thing in 4K and I sort of regreted it; I loved the movie, but I can only imagine how much better of an experience it would've been to watch it on VHS back in the day.

Tried looking for some kind of video player or something that could emulate the look of VHS (not unlike shaders like CRT Royale do for retro games), but couldn't find anything.

If anyone knows about something like this, let me know.

I didn't know about her either, but from what I'm reading she's literally just a trans girl who got popular on TikTok and... that's it? It's pathetic that the mere EXISTENCE of trans people, and in this case just the fact that other people are okay with them existing, is enough to make conservatives shake in their boots. It's downright ridiculous.