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Joined 1 years ago

What's funny to me is that you could say Apple is the reason for this.

Apple's had longer OS support for their phones than any Android manufacturer for a while, but then Google started catching up when they got their own chips and now Samsung and the others are pushing Qualcomm to quit their bullshit.

I do use an iPhone myself currently, but if Qualcomm opens their shit up enough that OEMs can provide at LEAST 5 years of software updates to their flagships, I might go back to Androidland (though I'm not sure what to even consider, I dislike Samsung and OnePlus disappointed me so hard with the OxygenOS->ColorOS switch that it's literally the reason I went to iOS.

I suppose any Android phone would be good if I ran a custom ROM like I used to, but a couple of years ago bank apps in my country started checking the integrity of the bootloader and whatever. I couldn't find any way around it back then, but maybe there's something now?

I've actually done that

KDE Neon?

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Securom has been cracked long ago yeah. I believe it was SafeDisc or StarForce that made things hella weird in a cracked game, but that was bypassed by mounting the CD back then and now I think the cracks work too

I don't think Windows uses a microkernel. Hybrid kernel is the term I've heard used.

They are, but now some modern cases don't have bays so personally I'm still restricted to external if I want one.

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Hosting services behind a VPN I suppose

I'd expect that to be damn near all of them because most stores don't run their own production companies

I hope you get better soon. Is there any sort of cheap yet good insurance you would qualify for, based on e.g your location, disabilities, income, or anything?

I must admit I don't know a whole lot about the whole system (though a fair bit more than your average European), but I do know there are cases where you can get good health insurance for cheap. Though I'm sure you've already looked into what your options are.

And if the business needs aren't met, said businesses will go to another SaaS company that promises them a better, brighter future.

The user might not be the subscriber, but the user being less productive because the software is getting in their way, will irritate the subscriber.

I know a SaaS company that put thousands upon thousands of engineering hours into making small (and sometimes large) optimizations over their overall crappy architecture so their enterprise customers (and I'm talking ~6 out of the top 10 largest companies in one industry in the US) wouldn't leave them for a solution that doesn't freeze up for all users in a company when one user runs a report. Each company ran in a silo of their own, but for the bigger ones... I'm not going to give exact numbers, but if you give every user a total of half an hour of unnecessary delays per day, that's like 500 hours of wasted time per day per 1000 employees. Said employees were performing extremely overpriced services, so 500 hours of wasted time per day might be something like 100k income lost per day. Not an insignificant number even for billion dollar companies.

I've since left the company for greener pastures and I hear the new management sucks, but the old one for sure knew that they were going to lose their huge ass clients over performance issues and bugs.

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Just across (south) of the bay from you judging by your name: I was at a funeral recently, not many people wore suits. Of course, nobody wore shorts or anything, but not too many formal suits.

Wouldn't that be UPS?

And that's where this article comes in.

Turns as in intersections where you need to turn I guess.

It still worked - you could use the software with occasional hiccups, it's not like there was data loss or anything. It just didn't work WELL.

So far Spez's legacy includes, in no particular order:

  • Changing other peoples' comments
  • Starting a war with the 3rd party app devs who made reddit the easily accessible platform it is (browsing reddit on the toilet wasn't nearly as common before the first apps came out, and all of the first ones were 3rd party)
  • Being a moderator on the jailbait subreddit, a community for sharing sexually suggestive pictures of underage teenage girls
  • Forcing new moderation teams on communities whose moderation he didn't agree with
  • Straight up lying about the 3rd party apps and their developers every step of the way

Way to go, Steve Huffman! You had a community of volunteers build your platform for you and now you're taking it all away from them. I'm sure this won't backfire.

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Jokes involving racial stereotypes can be funny and inoffensive if what you're making fun of IS the stereotypes, not the race. The writers of Airplane! being Jewish themselves, I reckon they knew exactly what they were doing. At least the bearded plane is clearly an example of making fun of the stereotype, not the people.

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The more freedom and content you have in a game, the more surface for bugs.

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Caveat: For cars not equipped with automatic start/stop, the starter and possibly the battery might not be specced for it so it could cause additional wear. Cars with start/stop systems often assist the process with precise camshaft position measurements and the ability to squirt fuel pretty much right away so the starter doesn't need to do as much work.

Also don't do it with a cold engine - it's better to get the oil up to temp faster, it'll also reduce fuel consumption as the engine heats up.

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I have no questions, but I want to let people here know that there are two excellent websites related to this: and, for looking up HTTP status codes.

For an example, if doesn't brighten your day, I don't think there's much that can.

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Worked at a company where the previous devs had implemented their own frameworks for front and backend. Obviously 200 was the only possible code.

Yes. I believe it was people on the donald subreddit, which could be seen as funny, because most sane people (myself included) don't agree with them politically, but it's still a huge misuse of admin powers and proof that he has no integrity. Can't let other peoples' rights be violated if we want to keep our own.

For context: I'm Estonian. Our nation has a great deal of history with Russian imperialism, under both tsarist and soviet rules. Even Putin has threatened us before. So clearly I'm not a supporter of the Russian regime or their imperialistic ambitions. However, I'm going to present an unpopular opinion.

The balkanization of Russia, if it were to happen, would not be beneficial in the long run. At least not for the people at large.

Yes, the big western cities would be a lot more liberal and open to democracy than the vast countryside. However, we need to consider the fact that different Russian oblasts have VAST differences in economic power. The big cities will thrive on their own, sure, but their tax money would then no longer be used to help people in the more remote regions. Not that these regions are getting a lot of attention now, but at least under a different regime for the current Russian nation as it is, it'd be possible to improve infrastructure, education, industry, etc. for towns in remote oblasts.

And leaving those people farther and farther behind, will cause new unrests. And definitely there would be military dictatorships who promise better lives, etc.

Therefore, a division of Russia into small states might actually cause more issues in the long run. Not that I'm a fan of it staying intact either.

It's a choice between two evils of unknown magnitude, the only good thing is that none of us are the ones making that choice so we don't have to live with it on our consciences.

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Religion, capitalism. Powerful groups want more people to have more children.

Luckily I'm in a progressive enough country that even in school we were taught that masturbation is a thing and not necessarily bad.

As for negative effects - if you do it TOO much, particularly with a very strong grip, then don't be surprised if, when having actual intercourse, you're just not feeling much and might be unable to reach orgasm. You might even be uninterested in your partner sexually. A few days without masturbation will fix it though, doesn't seem to be permanent. Day 2 without doing it and I couldn't keep my eyes (or hands) off my wife's body.

Sex was very infrequent for me and my wife in the last few months of her pregnancy, so that's how I know. Soon as we started doing it on a somewhat regular basis again, I opted to quit jerking it because I wanted to enjoy the real thing more, even if it's not every single day. No long-term negative effects that I've noticed.

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Saw an article that said that some execs demanded for search to have better user retention. I.e make the user search multiple times to find what they're looking for, so they can be shown more ads.

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Yeah, I'd gladly pay the sub for Apollo if reddit had decided to charge a modest price for the API and Christian could make a buck off it and reddit could also make a few bucks off me.

Reddit could've probably 5x'd or 10x'd the money they make off me that way, but now they 0x'd it.

Once met a man who said he loved assembly language because it was so much nicer than punch cards and FORTRAN, but C was OK too.

This was last year. In his defense though, he's been retired for years, used to work as a professor.

While you're correct, that's funny because as a developer using a framework like dotNET, MIT gives YOU more freedom. At least for anything statically linked where the GPL code would end up as part of your binary and force you to GPL your own code I believe.

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ARM and RISC-V are entirely different in that neither one is based on the other, but what they have in common is that they're both RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) architectures. RISC is what makes ARM CPUs (in your phone, etc) so efficient and hopefully RISC-V will get there too.

x86 by comparison is Complex Instruction Set Computing, which allows for more performance in some cases, but isn't as efficient.

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Not sure why everyone's cheering, more competition is never bad and there are already plenty of manufacturers adding subscriptions and such, I doubt Apple would even have been the worst.

At the very least, they probably would've had a slick UI in a world of crap infotainment UIs.

However they announced Carplay 2 a few years ago and I'm hoping manufacturers will go ahead with adding that as an option so you could just opt in to Apple UI all over the car and revert back at any time. This is probably the best of both worlds. There are plenty of companies that know quite well how to build a car, they just mostly still all suck at UI.

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Oh lucky you

Pros and cons.

The experience is way more consistent in a centralized service. In Skype, sometimes your messages took ages to send and the call quality was horrible.

In turn, on a centralized service, they have limits, monetization, and they can sell your data.

Chromebooks are unfortunately meant to be disposable like phones. Nobody should buy one, but unfortunately schools get them because they're cheap.

On an individual basis you can install Linux, but for millions of devices thrown out by schools around the world, there's no solution because the residual value is so tiny, you'd have to pay the techs minimum wage and hold a gun to their heads to get enough devices per hour to justify it.

I used to work at a refurb place and when we saw a chromebook that wasn't immediately OK (it could've had a bad display or keyboard, or locked to an account), we just removed the eMMC, smashed the chip and threw the device on our scrap pallet.

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Reddit, Twitter, etc, have been running at a loss for ages, burning through vulture capitalist money to build up a solid userbase. Now they need to start turning a reliable profit, which means enshittification of the user experience to make more money per user.

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The sad fact is that they get away with it because they have the best laptops out there in terms of build quality and user comfort (try using a Macbook touchpad and then any other one after it).

They also have the best software integration because they have to support a limited number of hardware configurations

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According to the guide, if a man shows hatred for "Barbie" and slams female directors after they leave the theatre, then this man is "stingy" and a "toxic chauvinist," according to Insider's translation of the post

Nothing against female directors, but the movie went from pretty damn good to pretty damn boring after a while.

You've got a fun and quirky beginning that makes light fun of barbie, mattel and patriarchal society. Then you've got the bits where ::: spoiler spoiler Barbie and Ken get to the real world, get arrested twice for doing stupid shit. ::: This part was funny and for a bit there I felt like it was mainly not about driving a message home, but still had SOME things to say. Great! Then you've got the parts where ::: spoiler spoiler Ken went on his own journey to discover patriarchy (which he thought had something to do with horses and was disappointed to find out it didn't), Barbie meets her owner's daughter, goes to Mattel HQ, then gets chased out and rescued by her owner. ::: Many hilarious moments here, poking lots of fun at patriarchy again, but it never felt like it was too on the nose. I mean I kinda expected that from the trailers and everything.

Where the movie started changing for me was when ::: spoiler spoiler Barbie, her owner, and the latter's daughter went back to the Barbie world to help fix the balance, only to find out that the Kens had completely taken over. ::: While the twist was predictable, it was still interesting because I wanted to know how they would resolve it. But it just kinda... fell off after that? At this point you have the expected low point in the protagonist's life, and then they figure out how to fix everything, but it was just so... boring and uninspired somehow. By this point, the movie's quirky and fun nature has worn down its' course and the

::: spoiler spoiler battle of the Kens ::: just did nothing for me anymore.

What's worse, I was expecting ::: spoiler spoiler the Mattel board of directors, particularly Will Ferrell's characters to be villains and instead they just... arrived by the end of the movie and had a change of heart. ::: That subverted my expectations for sure, but not in a good way whatsoever. Slightly reminiscent of the last seasons of Game of Thrones.

And lastly, I really expected the resolution of the plot to have something to do with horses and I was sorely disappointed about that too.

TL;DR: Movie starts out great, but foreshadows things it doesn't follow through on very well, ending is boring and sappy.

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Looooooooots of people don’t have ID.

In the civilized world, this is pretty endemic to your country and is actually a problem there as I understand.

Personally, where I live, I couldn't even vote or reliably buy alcohol if I didn't have some form of ID to prove my identity or age (okay, I haven't been carded in years, but it COULD happen). This is OK because everyone is mandated to have ID anyway (and it's not in any way difficult to get one), so requiring ID for voting, for an example, doesn't discriminate against poor people like in the US.

That said, X still wouldn't get my ID. I haven't even given it to Google, despite them asking me for it so I could watch music videos with a lil bit of swearing or something (Funny thing being, my YouTube account is about old enough that in a year or 2 it can go buy beer here in the EU)

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Capitalism IS to blame for everything and we individuals CANNOT do sh1t.

Firstly, capitalists have convinced everyone they need to buy a lot of stuff.

Secondly, humans are selfish and in a capitalistic system it's difficult to achieve your goals without money. Imagine you're a young person, say late 20s or early 30s, who makes some money, but isn't rich by any means. Are YOU going to pay twice or thrice as much for everything you consume just so it'd be carbon neutral? No, because you're probably saving up for something, whether it's a home (because, y'know, capitalism - you need to pay out the ass for a place to live), retirement (because with the aging population in most western countries, the national pension schemes can't be trusted long term), or that foreign vacation you feel you deserve after 10 years of hard work.

Say you DO cut your carbon footprint by 90% or even 100%. I have bad news for you. 98-99% of the rest of people didn't, because they want to go on with their lives instead of worrying about the future, so your changes are meaningless. What's more, BP execs will smile at you for believing the whole carbon footprint thing they spread. Now you're living like you're in a 3rd world country, but everyone else around you keeps up their expensive polluting lifestyles, making your sacrifice meaningless. You can't have a negative amount of cars, but someone else CAN have 5.

The only thing that can change anything is political change - tax the companies to oblivion for CO2 production. Watch them scramble to reduce their CO2 footprint in any goods and services where it's possible, and stop offering goods and services that can't be optimized. The individual carbon footprint was invented precisely to prevent this - make climate activists blame other civilians (who for the most part won't stop consuming, thus having no negative effect on oil company profits) instead of politicians (who could actually effect some change). Yes, a carbon tax would affect end users and particularly poor people. But that's the only way forward, and government programs can help those who are affected the worst.

Individuals can NOT bear the full responsibility for something that affects all of us. It simply doesn't work, because humans don't work that way. There has to be government level effort. It's also why libertarianism doesn't work. "The free market will regulate itself, you can vote with your wallet". Well, if 99% of people don't care about being poisoned by their food, or their video games being overmonetized, or the planet dying... Guess what, the free market doesn't regulate itself, and no amount of awareness is going to make a dent in it.

So sure, make changes to your lifestyle. Tell your friends and family about the low-hanging fruit in their lives to reduce consumption, educate them. Spend tens of thousands on solar panels if you can afford it. These are all good things to do! But don't blame the individual for the failings of society. We're all playing the hand we're dealt, and unless you're born a millionaire, that hand is "shit is expensive, shit that pollutes less is even more expensive, I'mma do what I have to".

PS: Ya know what is the worst part? Capitalists want worker drones back in offices so that people would consume more and office space values wouldn't drop. 2020 was the ONE time in history we managed to curb our emissions, but that doesn't jive well with capitalism, so working from home is now considered "immoral" by billionaires.

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I'm a very late millennial, borderline Gen Z, and even I feel like all my slang knowledge is outdated.