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With zero moderation and one candidate spewing nothing but lies, they can expect lower future viewership too.

What was even the point, CNN?

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Judge Greasepalm

Enjoy your Delirium Tremens you human pustule.

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Thank you, you are my muse.

“What does the word “delay” even mean…? Amirite?”, asked Judge Qanon.

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Quit jerking me around

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Trump claims— I’m just gonna stop you right there.

NOW is the proper time for Alito to hang his fucking flag upside down.


Not only is he not facing charges, he is currently being paid by U.S. taxpayers.

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“Certain communities are coming on my father’s man breasts”


They were pumping the stock and trying to kill Slack (WORK) at the time before Slack merged with Salesforce (CRM)

Pulled off another trick

Nevertheless, he added, “the judge gave him a max sentence, claiming it was ‘a moral imperative’ to punish him as harshly as possible.”

This guy gets fried on ‘mOrAL iMpeRaTivE’ — but Trump and Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh continue to party on— while making a complete mockery of the ever apparent 2-tiered US justice system.

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Why is Trump so afraid of debating Nikki Haley first?

What a pussy he is.

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Can’t Biden just kill him? He has Presidential immunity. The Supreme Court doesn’t give a fig and Biden can do whatever he wants since they take 4+ years to eventually kick the can and further delay their decisions. By that time, Biden may well be 106 years old.

Also, Trump has stated the Vice President has the power to certify the election results or not. So now Kamala can just usher Biden into a second term, “if she has the courage”.

Like Mike Pompeo said, “There will be a very smooth transition to a second Biden Presidency…”

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1.Just give Texas back to Mexico.

2.Reverse UNO

3.White Republicans are now the immigrants on the wrong side of the border

4.Enjoy some queso

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I can fix her

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Misleading clickbaitish title

TLDR: If he wants to appeal, he still has to pay $83,300,000 (+ 120% = $99,960,000) cash to an escrow account.

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He can’t appeal until he deposits the $83,300,000 to an escrow account.


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Oh my God.

Watched his interview— he is an absolute moron.

I would love to see a 1 hour round table discussion on this issue with Tuberville, Ron Johnson, Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene— and no moderator 😂

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If anything, RFK will split the Republican (Russian) vote

This author is a dipshit

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Pro tip: if you don’t like melting down and storming out of courtrooms— then don’t rape people.

The more you know 💫

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Nobody’s doing shit with this stock.

It’s all a manufactured cover story for hedge fund/institutional manipulation to blame retail for volatility and attempted fleecing.

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Boebert is ‘exhibit A’ that members of Congress should be required to pass a minimum standardized test of basic civics knowledge prior to candidacy.

Such a test would have undoubtedly prevented Boebert, Greene, Tuberville, and other flotsam/ jetsam non-serious “legislators” from their embarrassing placement.

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There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.

Greg Abbot is a little piss baby.

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Nobody has to honor a subpoena from the House Republicans because Jim ignores subpoenas and has shown there are zero consequences for doing so

Mr. Gaetz has claimed that the inquiry is in retaliation for him raping and trafficking underage girls

IPO = exit liquidity

US worker: pays into Social Security with every hour of labor

CNBC: how do we rich people claw back these “entitlements”?

Top 5 Rudy moments

#5: Sharting on Jenna Ellis on a hot mic

#4: Holding a press conference at Four Seasons Landscaping

#3: Leaking squid 🦑 ink down his sweaty head

#2: Actually trying to bang Borat’s 15 year old daughter in a hotel room and caught on film— indelible

#1: Owing $4 Billion 👉$4,000,000,000!

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It definitely had nothing to do with Elon Musk or Ken Griffin. Definitely not.

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Brett Harrison should be in prison. He lied and stated tokenized stocks were backed by an actual share 1:1.

He departed FTX conveniently just before their demise.

SBF is right where he belongs— but Brett Harrison and Caroline Ellison should be his cell mates too in my opinion.

Probably my favorite Trump moment.

On his famous visit to N. Korea, dipshit Don salutes a N. Korean General as Kim Jong Un watches with bewildered side eye. Indelibly hilarious, and captured in a famous photograph.

Trump is so god damn dumb he almost makes George W. Bush appear like he was a seasoned diplomat.

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We’re deep in the ‘Fat Elvis’ stage

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I hope this inspires other gerrymandered states

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He’s a Russian now 🇷🇺

This dumb fuck visited the Kremlin to kiss pooty’s booty on the 4th of July

There once was a “man” from Wisconsin

A dim traitor oft known as Ron Johnson

Incredibly stupid, beholden to Putin

The fall of democracy, his swan song

Hence it is not a ‘crisis’

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☠️Reddit has NEVER been profitable ☠️

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