Rudy Giuliani's creditors are asking for details on his cable TV earnings, the origin of his legal defense fund, the nature of his work for Trump, and saying he owes up to four billion dollars. to politics – 363 points –

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Top 5 Rudy moments

#5: Sharting on Jenna Ellis on a hot mic

#4: Holding a press conference at Four Seasons Landscaping

#3: Leaking squid 🦑 ink down his sweaty head

#2: Actually trying to bang Borat’s 15 year old daughter in a hotel room and caught on film— indelible

#1: Owing $4 Billion 👉$4,000,000,000!

Also when he blew his nose and then wiped the snot all over his face using the handkerchief

In total fairness, there was no indication that the character the legal-age actress was portraying was 15, that was just simply shouted at Rudy by SBC when his hand is down his pants. It's not much of a gotcha when it was all staged. All of those other things, totally valid!

I mean… okay— but what did he think he was going to do with that girl? And how old did he think she was?

That creep is 79! He was in his mid 70’s when that occurred **. 🤮