Biden Is Building a 'Superstructure' to Stop Trump From Stealing the Election to politics – 399 points –
Biden Is Building a 'Superstructure' to Stop Trump From Stealing the Election

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Can’t Biden just kill him? He has Presidential immunity. The Supreme Court doesn’t give a fig and Biden can do whatever he wants since they take 4+ years to eventually kick the can and further delay their decisions. By that time, Biden may well be 106 years old.

Also, Trump has stated the Vice President has the power to certify the election results or not. So now Kamala can just usher Biden into a second term, “if she has the courage”.

Like Mike Pompeo said, “There will be a very smooth transition to a second Biden Presidency…”

My fuck, if only the Democrats had the balls to use the Republican's own tactics against them

"Oh so since a president is, according to you, immune to all laws even after no longer being president, then Biden can just order a hit on Trump and all of you? Because as long as Trump isn't arrested and left unable to run, that seems to be what you are saying. You have til the end of May :)"

That's a big mistake. Dekocrats don't lack balls to do what the republicans do, the just have a little bit of morals that the republicans completely lack.

That plus stopping the genocide would get my vote.

Why bother giving the ultimatum if you wouldn't benefit by them responding though?

Which genocide? Rohingya? South Sudan? Ethiopia? Uyghurs in China? There is a lot of shit going down around the world.

Dude’s a concern troll. Don’t feed him.

I detest what’s happening to the Palestinians too, and what’s been happening to them for ages. But pretending that it’s the only thing going on in the world right now that needs to be addressed urgently honestly just belies an enormous lack of awareness of current global events.

And pretending that it needs to be a litmus test issue for whether people should vote for Biden is frankly idiotic, because I would bet my aggregate professional salary that Trump would have enthusiastically sortied several squadrons of B-52s to carpet bomb Gaza all Vietnam War style, and if you think that’s an improvement, you need your head examined.

The one Biden is can stop at any moment by not giving them the equipment they're using to carry it out.

Also the Uighur claim is laughable. Xinjiang doesn't even have travel restrictions, journalists can just go there.

Yes yes, let's not vote Biden, Trump would be a much better option to stop all of those genocides. ~ Says fucking no one...

Trump is friends with all of the dictators. If you want to actually make a fucking difference then protest and write to your local politicians to put pressure on Washington. You trying to push this pathetic "don't vote for genocide" bullshit is going to do nothing but it worse. Moral superiority doesn't mean shit if you fucking burn everything down because you can't make a big boy decision. An American Dictatorship will do nothing but make the world a darker place, and it seems you and the rest of the rest of these "don't vote Biden" chucklefucks are doing your damnedest to bring thst about....which in turn only makes me think that you aren't American.

If you want to actually make a fucking difference then protest

I've been doing that.

Why are you wasting your time trying to shame powerless voters for not pledging to vote for Biden unconditionally instead of trying to get the people with power to see that if they don't stop the genocide, they will lose reelection?

And what happens if they lose the reelection? What do you think happens? Wonderful, you get to pat yourself on the back for being so morally righteous that you helped usher in Project 2025 and the end of American Democracy. You get to tell everyone that maybe if they just listened to you then this would have never happened. Sound like success, don't it? I can't imagine how terrifying a Dictator controlling the world's strongest military would be, especially if they push through Christian Rule, like they've always wanted to do.

Instead of trying to get your Senators and Representatives to put pressure on Washington, you'd rather just threaten to destroy the whole system if you don't get your way. I "waste my time" so that other people might see how asinine this whole temper tantrum people like you are throwing. I fucking hate that the Gazan people are being murdered, raped, tortured, bombed, starved, and humiliated by the hands of the IDF, but I'm not going to burn my house down to protest it. There's other ways to try and get Washington to help stop this, and destroying our way of life is not it.

There’s other ways to try and get Washington to help stop this

Unless you're talking about direct action to stop arms manufacture/transport or do economic damage to israel, there's literally not, that's how representative democracy works, if you cannot make a credibly tell a politician they won't get elected unless they do what you're telling them, you are not represented.

That's literally the only pressure we have on politicians.

This is true. Sadly, our system of representation is limited to two viable parties, one that's Not Great, and one that's Demonstrably Evil. If you send the message that you dont support the Not Great party by not re-electing them, the only thing that benefits is the Demonstrably Evil party.

Both parties have proven historically that they dont care about people who won't vote for them by simply not engaging with groups they consider a lost cause. This frees up their time and money so they can gin up the groups that do (or might) support them.

The ONLY way to make sure you have the representatives you need is to start now and hope future generations will benefit. Establish a viable independent party starting in local elections - school boards, city councils. These people make decisions about local education and infrastructure that will directly benefit people in your community and prove that this new party truly has their backs. From there, this party and their reps will move higher up into state and federal governments with recognition and an established voting record.

True representation takes a lot of time and effort, and if we start now, maybe our grandchildren will have a better life. It's a long game, like it or not.

if you cannot make a credibly tell a politician

I thought Beijing had better English schools for its agents.

I edited "make a credible threat" to "tell" and fucked it up.

I wish I spoke mandarin.

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Instead of threatening to kill Trump, should the SCOTUS rule in favor of immunity, Biden should threaten to kill SCOTUS. Then they’ll sit up and pay attention.

He'd be able to jail governors until they agree to amend the constitution to make the president subject to laws henceforth.

What a fucking joke.

Throw trump in Guantánamo. If anyone in Congress says anything against it or tries to impeach, send them as well. When the SC even decides to hear a case against Biden, throw them in Guantánamo as well. And then, hopefully bring back some sane laws. SC has already decided they don't really care what The Constitution says.

Honestly, if the Tribunal of Six decides that Trump has total, unequivocal, blanket immunity at any point before Jan 6, 2025, Biden should just sic Seal Team Six on him. It would be 100% legal.

They won't, because that's insane. What they've done is make sure to the Supreme Court case will keep other federal trials on hold, and thus Trump won't have a guilty verdict before election day. Trump can keep running and perhaps win, and at the same time the obvious and sane answer to the case will still come down.

That's why they're delaying all his cases. If they rule in favor of Trump, Biden will have the same immunity. If they rule against Trump, he probably loses the election. The only way for the fascists to win is to delay until past the election, preferably past the point when Trump is sworn in. And then on his 2nd day in office release their ruling that the President has complete and total power to do whatever he wants whenever he wants. All hail King Trump.

I really hope it doesn’t turn out that way, and at this point I think it probably won’t get to that point. But if it does, I genuinely don’t think there’s a way out of the situation without a civil war, and I say that because I am fully aware of how much of a psychotic toddler Trump is.

He used the government as a punitive instrument pretty much the entire time he was in office. Anything genuinely good and humane that occurred was done by accident. I will not be surprised if he tries to nationalize the state ANGs in blue states and straight up depose the state governments, and THAT would absolutely trigger serious, violent, and organized backlash.

I will not be surprised if he tries to nationalize the state ANGs in blue states and straight up depose the state governments


and THAT would absolutely trigger serious, violent, and organized backlash

Disagree. Democrats are toothless. I bed Biden's "robust" response to another attempted coup will be a strongly-worded letter. He shouldn't be talking with lawyers, he should be talking with generals.

Immunity doesn't make something legal, it just protects you from prosecution unless it's revoked

The “immunity” that Trump wants the USSC to give him is effectively intrinsic, monarch-caliber “I am the law” immunity - effectively, he is working to get the court to declare that he is somehow just above the law in a categorical sense. We are not talking about immunity in the context of its understood and agreed upon legal definition in the United States.

Oh lol, I mean I think his legal team is just throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks

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