
1 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Honestly, I'd much rather tax money go to that than to hand outs for corporations

My fuck, if only the Democrats had the balls to use the Republican's own tactics against them

"Oh so since a president is, according to you, immune to all laws even after no longer being president, then Biden can just order a hit on Trump and all of you? Because as long as Trump isn't arrested and left unable to run, that seems to be what you are saying. You have til the end of May :)"

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May Trump and his VP pick both have fatal heart attacks late September/early October

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Already exists, actually. Just not widespread yet

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"I feel like a lot of the anti-AI people just... want there to be less beautiful art in the world," one Redditor replied in the same thread.

The beauty of, what, mutations caused by a nuclear accident?

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One of the things Trump got charges for IS overinflating value of what he owns

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Apparently it's not even Nintendo, but trolls. Just that this is such a Nintendo thing to do that GMod doesn't want to even risk it

EDIT: So the domain is owned by MarkMonitor, a service that monitors for copyright infringement and sends DMCAs. Nintendo HAS used them before. So that clears up any confusion there

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Basically, Google trying to kill adblockers internet wide via containing addons in restrictive containers. Firefox and anything branched off of it are the only browsers not jumping on. Google apparently starting it up now with V3

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More people should say that in casual conversation

Yes, let's further acidify the oceans. No way that could go wrong

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Went with the Yahoo! link as they are guaranteed to not have some sort of paywall that pops out of nowhere. Also because the Insider used a video, so this is an actual word transcription

Also wut

Wasn't there a movie about this? Called Gattaca?

Japan is very nuts with these sorts of laws. Can't even legally physically mod your console

Which shows that higher ups there don't understand how LLMs work. For one, negatives don't register well for them. And contradictory reponses just wash out as they work through repetition

lol it has almost nothing on me. Even has my relationship status wrong

ADHD - The ultimate Info Tracking killer

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The Silmarillion, but carved into stone and sent to the earliest Northern Europeans

See what happens to world mythology

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I'm pretty surprised too. Of all the countries, Germany is the only one that could get away with waffling on this due to the whole World War II thing. Like, it makes perfect sense that Germany wouldn't want to be critical of Israel

Man though, if even Germany is saying they'll execute this warrant, then no country can even pretend to have an excuse because the only country with any excuse is making a statement now

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This is probably WHY the more sane GoP is putting up with his shit - They hope he'll become a barely functioning puppet for them

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Because I prefer having my comments written over multiple times (to prevent rolling back) advertising Lemmy, Fedia, Kbin, etc.

Why delete my account when I can have it be a billboard for here?

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No it isn't, that's like saying, "Don't feel sad" is a double negative

A double negative is something like, "Don't not do that"

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Don't worry, somebody will off themselves with multiple bullet wounds to the back of the head for this

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I wonder if enough people doing this would poison the AI into offering this now and then with no prompt?

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Whatever you commit against OP can not be a crime, merely justice

I for one think the lawyers and their billable hours will be VERY happy with this development!

Which is why it pisses me off when people go, "Third Party/Not Voting". Other elections, fine. This election? Dems need to win. Period. They need all three branches of government and enough of a margin to prevent getting Manchin'd. Anything less means there will not be a second chance

Destroy the GoP first, THEN focus on smacking around the Dems

Also wouldn't blink if it was actual blood given by a Trumper as an offering

I am so upset now. Poor Wally, and his poor owner too!

And then piracy will be the only way to play as people do NOT like to deal with Denuvo (and for good reason)

That's one way to mind break somebody into becoming a slave with no willpower to fight back

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Trump wants the complete eradication of all Palestinians. He'd probably deport any with Palestinian background to get slaughtered

Trump. Is. Way. Worse

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The rent they pay is eating the various creepy crawlies that would otherwise draw in and be food for fuck massive house centipedes

Holy fuck, with any luck he ends up brain dead by the time debates roll around and the GOP eat themselves alive infighting to replace him last minute

Because that honestly looks like a real possibility

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Does it involve copious amounts of fire, by any chance?

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Depends on what happened to the world, what resources I have, time of year, etc.

Assuming decent conditions and luck (nothing saving you from a severe infection gotten because wrong place wrong time), likely a fair few decades. I have a lot of survival knowledge, both theory and practical - and I refresh myself on a regular basis

But will it randomly get zoomies in the middle of the night and also claw at my door in the morning while meowing incessantly?

This really is going to come down to who can lose the most voters, isn't it?

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Oh man please let this lead to massive rifts and in fighting that destroys the GoP before the election

A shadowy detention facility

Like... A camp

Fucking-Netanyahu, can you stop getting inspiration from the very event that nearly wiped your people out in the 1940's!?

Wait, an increase in detention beds?

What, do detention beds zap people? I am confused, there has to be something horribly wrong with the beds for GoP to want them

"Oh they will self regulate, we don't need government regulations!"